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Add indxg2p and expose numroc
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Extend test_gemr2d to use these to describe the resulting matrices and
their storage locations.
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bhourahine committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent 841ab9e commit d86bb1a
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Showing 4 changed files with 147 additions and 38 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/blacsfx.fpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -642,5 +642,4 @@ contains
end subroutine blacsfx_exit

end module blacsfx_module
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion lib/scalapack.fpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module scalapack_module

public :: psygst, phegst, psyev, pheev, psyevd, pheevd, psyevr, pheevr
public :: ptrsm, ppotrf, ppotri, ptrtri, pgetrf, pgesvd
public :: sl_init, numroc, infog2l, indxl2g, descinit
public :: sl_init, numroc, infog2l, indxl2g, descinit, indxg2p

!!! ppotrf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,6 +516,12 @@ module scalapack_module
integer, intent(in) :: indxglob, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs
end function indxl2g

!> Finds processor id where global index is stored.
function indxg2p(indxglob, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs)
integer :: indxg2p
integer, intent(in) :: indxglob, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs
end function indxg2p

!> Initializes a descriptor for a distributed array.
subroutine descinit(desc, mm, nn, mb, nb, irsrc, icsrc, ictxt, lld, info)
integer, intent(out) :: desc(*)
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47 changes: 42 additions & 5 deletions lib/scalapackfx.fpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ module scalapackfx_module
public :: scalafx_localindices
public :: scalafx_creatematrix
public :: scalafx_pgesvd
public :: scalafx_numroc
public :: scalafx_indxg2p

!> Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix.
interface scalafx_ppotrf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2071,17 +2073,38 @@ contains
!> Maps local row or column index onto global matrix position.
!! \param indxloc Local index on input.
!! \param mygrid BLACS descriptor.
!! \param blocksize Block size for direction (row or column)
!! \param nb Block size for the column/row
!! \param iproc Local array index
!! \param isrcproc coordinate of the process that possesses the first row/column of the
!! distributed matrix
!! \param nprocs Total number of processes over which the matrix is distributed
function scalafx_indxl2g(indxloc, crB, mycr, crsrc, ncr)
function scalafx_indxl2g(indxloc, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs)
integer :: scalafx_indxl2g
integer, intent(in) :: indxloc, crB, mycr, crsrc, ncr
integer, intent(in) :: indxloc, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs

scalafx_indxl2g = indxl2g(indxloc, crB, mycr, crsrc, ncr)
scalafx_indxl2g = indxl2g(indxloc, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs)

end function scalafx_indxl2g

!> Maps global matrix position onto processor.
!! \param indxloc Global index on input.
!! \param nb Block size for the column/row
!! \param isrcproc coordinate of the process that possesses the first row/column of thexs
!! distributed matrix
!! \param nprocs Total number of processes over which the matrix is distributed
function scalafx_indxg2p(indxglob, nb, isrcproc, nprocs)
integer :: scalafx_indxg2p
integer, intent(in) :: indxglob, nb, isrcproc, nprocs
integer :: iDummy

scalafx_indxg2p = indxg2p(indxglob, nb, iDummy, isrcproc, nprocs)

end function scalafx_indxg2p

!> Maps a global position in a distributed matrix to local one.
subroutine scalafx_localindices(mygrid, desc, grow, gcol, local, lrow, lcol)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2122,4 +2145,18 @@ contains
end subroutine scalafx_localindices

!> Number of rows or columns of distributed matrix owned by a specific process.
!! \param nn Number of columns (or rows) of global matrix.
!! \param nb Column (or row) block size.
!! \param iproc The coordinate of the process whose local array row or column is to be determined.
!! \param nproc The total number processes over which the matrix is distributed.
function scalafx_numroc(nn, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nproc)
integer :: scalafx_numroc
integer, intent(in) :: nn, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nproc

scalafx_numroc = numroc(nn, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nproc)

end function scalafx_numroc

end module scalapackfx_module
129 changes: 98 additions & 31 deletions test/test_gemr2d.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ program test_gemr2d


! number elements in global matrix
! number up the elements in the global matrix
pure function numelem(iGlob, jGlob, mm)
integer, intent(in) :: iGlob, jGlob, mm
integer :: numelem
numelem = jGlob + (iGlob-1) * mm
end function numelem

subroutine main()
type(blacsgrid) :: mygridA, mygridB
type(blacsgrid) :: myGridA, myGridB
integer, allocatable :: AA(:,:), BB(:,:)
integer :: descA(DLEN_), descB(DLEN_)
integer :: nprow, npcol, mm, nn, iproc, nproc, ii, jj, iGlob, jGlob
integer :: nprow, npcol, mm, nn, iproc, nproc, ii, jj, iGlob, jGlob, iprow, ipcol
integer, allocatable :: iErr(:)

! Block size for matrix B
Expand All @@ -42,94 +42,161 @@ subroutine main()
end if
end do
nprow = nproc / npcol
call mygridA%initgrid(nprow, npcol)
call mygridB%initgrid(1, nproc)
if (mygridA%lead) then
call myGridA%initgrid(nprow, npcol)
call myGridB%initgrid(1, nproc)
if (myGridA%lead) then
write(stdout, "(A,2(1X,I0))") "# source processor grid:", nprow, npcol
end if
if (mygridB%lead) then
if (myGridB%lead) then
write(stdout, "(A,2(1X,I0))") "# destination processor grid:", 1, nproc
end if

if (mygridA%lead) then
call blacsfx_barrier(myGridA)
call blacsfx_barrier(myGridB)

if (myGridA%lead) then
write(stdOut, *)'# Matrix size to re-distrbute?'
read(stdin, *) mm, nn
call blacsfx_gebs(mygridA, mm)
call blacsfx_gebs(mygridA, nn)
call blacsfx_gebs(myGridA, mm)
call blacsfx_gebs(myGridA, nn)
call blacsfx_gebr(mygridA, mm)
call blacsfx_gebr(mygridA, nn)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGridA, mm)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGridA, nn)
end if

! Block size for matrix B
mbB = mm
nbB = 1

if (mygridA%lead) then
if (myGridA%lead) then
write(stdout, "(A,2(1X,I0))") "# A processor grid:", nprow, npcol
write(stdout, "(A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "# A block size:", mbA, nbA
end if
if (mygridB%lead) then
if (myGridB%lead) then
write(stdout, "(A,2(1X,I0))") "# B processor grid:", nprow, npcol
write(stdout, "(A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "# B block size:", mbB, nbB
end if

call scalafx_creatematrix(mygridA, mm, nn, mbA, nbA, AA, descA)
call scalafx_creatematrix(mygridB, mm, nn, mbB, nbB, BB, descB)
call scalafx_creatematrix(myGridA, mm, nn, mbA, nbA, AA, descA)
call scalafx_creatematrix(myGridB, mm, nn, mbB, nbB, BB, descB)

if (myGridA%lead) then
do ii = 0, nproc-1
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGridA, ii, iprow, ipcol)
write(stdout, "(A,I0,A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "# A block (proc:",ii,"):",&
& max(1, scalafx_numroc(descA(M_), descA(MB_), iprow, descA(RSRC_), myGridA%nrow)),&
& scalafx_numroc(descA(N_), descA(NB_), ipcol, descA(CSRC_), myGridA%ncol)
end do

write(stdout,*)'Processor locations in the A BLACS grid'
do ii = 0, nproc - 1
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGridA, ii, iprow, ipcol)
write(stdout, "(X,A,I0,A,I0,X,I0)")'Proc ', ii, ' is at BLACS grid loc. ', iprow, ipcol
end do

write(stdout,*)'Matrix element locations in the A BLACS grid'
do ii = 1, nn
do jj = 1, mm
iprow = scalafx_indxg2p(jj, descA(MB_), descA(RSRC_), myGridA%nrow)
ipcol = scalafx_indxg2p(ii, descA(NB_), descA(CSRC_), myGridA%ncol)
write(stdout, "(I0,X,I0,A,I0,X,I0,A,I0)")jj, ii, ' is at BLACS location ', ipcol, iprow,&
& ' proc:', blacsfx_pnum(myGridA, iprow, ipcol)
end do
end do
end if

call blacsfx_barrier(myGridA)
call blacsfx_barrier(myGridB)

if (myGridB%lead) then
do ii = 0, nproc - 1
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGridB, ii, iprow, ipcol)
write(stdout, "(A,I0,A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "# B block (proc:",ii,"):",&
& max(1, scalafx_numroc(descB(M_), descB(MB_), iprow, descB(RSRC_), myGridB%nrow)),&
& scalafx_numroc(descB(N_), descB(NB_), ipcol, descB(CSRC_), myGridB%ncol)
end do

write(stdout,*)'Processor locations in the B BLACS grid'
do ii = 0, nproc - 1
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGridB, ii, iprow, ipcol)
write(stdout, "(X,A,I0,A,I0,X,I0)")'Proc ', ii, ' is at BLACS grid loc. ', iprow, ipcol
end do

write(stdout,*)'Matrix element locations in the B BLACS grid'
do ii = 1, nn
do jj = 1, mm
iprow = scalafx_indxg2p(jj, descB(MB_), descB(RSRC_), myGridB%nrow)
ipcol = scalafx_indxg2p(ii, descB(NB_), descB(CSRC_), myGridB%ncol)
write(stdout, "(I0,X,I0,A,I0,X,I0,A,I0)")jj, ii, ' is at BLACS location ', ipcol, iprow,&
& ' proc:', blacsfx_pnum(myGridB, iprow, ipcol)
end do
end do

end if

call blacsfx_barrier(myGridA)
call blacsfx_barrier(myGridB)

AA(:,:) = 0
BB(:,:) = 0

write(stdOut,"(A,I0,A,I0,',',I0,A)")'Processor ', mygridA%iproc,' holds A(', shape(AA),&
& ') elements'
write(stdOut,"(A,I0,A,I0,',',I0,A,I0,X,I0)")'Processor ', myGridA%iproc,' (grid A) holds A(',&
& shape(AA), ') elements vs ',&
& max(1, scalafx_numroc(descA(M_), descA(MB_), myGridA%myrow, descA(RSRC_), myGridA%nrow)),&
& scalafx_numroc(descA(N_), descA(NB_), myGridA%mycol, descA(CSRC_), myGridA%ncol)

write(stdOut,"(A,I0,A,I0,',',I0,A)")'Processor ', mygridB%iproc,' holds B(', shape(BB),&
& ') elements'
write(stdOut,"(A,I0,A,I0,',',I0,A,I0,X,I0)")'Processor ', myGridB%iproc,' (grid B) holds B(',&
& shape(BB), ') elements vs ',&
& max(1, scalafx_numroc(descB(M_), descB(MB_), myGridB%myrow, descB(RSRC_), myGridB%nrow)),&
& scalafx_numroc(descB(N_), descB(NB_), myGridB%mycol, descB(CSRC_), myGridB%ncol)

! number off elements in A
! number off the elements in A
do ii = 1, size(AA, dim=2)
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, descA(NB_), mygridA%mycol, descA(CSRC_), mygridA%ncol)
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, descA(NB_), myGridA%mycol, descA(CSRC_), myGridA%ncol)
do jj = 1, size(AA, dim=1)
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, descA(MB_), mygridA%myrow, descA(RSRC_), mygridA%nrow)
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, descA(MB_), myGridA%myrow, descA(RSRC_), myGridA%nrow)
AA(jj,ii) = numelem(iGlob, jGlob, mm)
end do
end do

call blacsfx_barrier(myGridA)
call blacsfx_barrier(myGridB)

! A -> B
call blacsfx_gemr2d(mm, nn, aa, 1, 1, descA, bb, 1, 1, descB, mygridA%ctxt)
call blacsfx_gemr2d(mm, nn, aa, 1, 1, descA, bb, 1, 1, descB, myGridA%ctxt)

aa(:,:) = 0

! B -> A
call blacsfx_gemr2d(mm, nn, bb, 1, 1, descB, aa, 1, 1, descA, mygridA%ctxt)
call blacsfx_gemr2d(mm, nn, bb, 1, 1, descB, aa, 1, 1, descA, myGridA%ctxt)

iErr(:) = 0
! check it's what is expected
if (all(shape(AA) > [0,0])) then
lpCol: do ii = 1, size(AA, dim=2)
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, descA(NB_), mygridA%mycol, descA(CSRC_), mygridA%ncol)
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, descA(NB_), myGridA%mycol, descA(CSRC_), myGridA%ncol)
if (iGlob > nn) then
cycle lpCol
end if
lpRow: do jj = 1, size(AA, dim=1)
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, descA(MB_), mygridA%myrow, descA(RSRC_), mygridA%nrow)
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, descA(MB_), myGridA%myrow, descA(RSRC_), myGridA%nrow)
if (jGlob > mm) then
cycle lpRow
end if
if (AA(jj,ii) /= numelem(iGlob, jGlob, mm)) then
write(stdOut,*) "Error on processor ", mygridA%iproc, " Mismatch in element ", jGlob,&
write(stdOut,*) "Error on processor ", myGridA%iproc, " Mismatch in element ", jGlob,&
& iGlob
iErr(mygridA%iproc) = numelem(iGlob, jGlob, mm)
iErr(myGridA%iproc) = numelem(iGlob, jGlob, mm)
exit lpcol
end if
end do lpRow
end do lpCol
end if

call blacsfx_gsum(mygridA, iErr)
call blacsfx_gsum(myGridA, iErr)

if (mygridB%lead) then
if (myGridB%lead) then
if (any(iErr /= 0)) then
write(stdOut,*)"Errors for matrix elements"
write(stdOut,*) iErr
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