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LarsJørgenSolberg edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 20 revisions


The Wikipedia Corpus Builder (WCB) is a toolkit for extracting relevant linguistic content from Wikipedia. It was used in the creation of the 2012 versions of WeScience and WikiWoods, through the MSc thesis of Lars Jørgen Solberg at the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo.


Make sure that the following prerequisites are installed:

The environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING should be set to utf-8 (for instance by running export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8)

If the command python -c 'from mwlib.cdb import cdbwiki' does not give any error message and your shell is able to find tokenizer and ngram you should be in good shape.

WCB itself can be downloaded from

Running on the English Wikipedia

The setup used in the creation of WikiWoods 2.0 is included in the wcb/enwiki-20080727 directory. It should be usable on newer snapshots as well.

First prepare a database snapshot:

  1. Download a snapshot from either from the WikiWoods page or from

  2. Decompress the the snapshot: bunzip enwiki-20080727-pages-articles.xml.bz2

  3. Create a Constant Database: mw-buildcdb --input enwiki-20080727-pages-articles.xml --output OUTDIR

  4. Change the wikiconf entry in wcb/enwiki-20080727/paths.txt so it points to the file wikiconf.txt created in the previous step.

Most of the modules in WCB need access to a paths.txt-file and determines its location by examining the environment variable PATHSFILE. This variable can be set by doing something like export PATHSFILE=./wcb/enwiki-20080727/paths.txt.

As a test run ./wcb/scripts/ --senseg 'Context-free language', which should print some GML to stdout. The first invocation of this command will take some time as it will examine all templates in the snapshot.

WCB can create corpora directly from a snapshot or from files containing wiki markup by using the scripts (snapshot) or (plain files). The following example shows the creation a corpus containing all articles in a snapshot using 20 parallel processes:

mkdir out-dir
./wcb/scripts/ -p 20 out-dir

Details on the command line parameters for these scripts can be found by using the --help switch.

Adaptations to Other Languages / Wikis

In addition to the preparations described in the above section, a few extra steps necessary to run WCB on a snapshot from a non-Engish Wikipedia or from a different wiki.

Rules For Template Inclusions

Mediawiki templates are pages that are intended to be included in other pages. Many of them are used to insert boilerplate text (e.g. "[citation needed]"), while others can act as clues when performing linguistic analysis by, for instance, declaring that a span of text is in a foreign language (e.g. {{lang-no|Universitetet i Oslo}}). Due to the way templates interacts with other markup, aggressively removing all templates will insert noise into the corpus.

How certain templates should be treated are specified in a comma separated file (actually "underscore separated") where each row starts with the name of a template (or a regular expression) followed by one of the actions keep, remove or expand. Templates not listed in the rules file is expanded as normal. The template rules used in the creation of WikiWoods 2.0 can be seen here: .

Since large wikis often have a large number of templates it usually makes sense to pick those that are used most and write rules for those. The script counts of often each template is included either directly or via another template, while the script tries to find naming conventions.

The "templaterules" entry in paths.txt should point to this file.

Downloading "Siteinfo"

A "siteinfo file" contains information about the configuration (e.g. active namespaces, links to other localized versions of this wiki) of a Mediawiki instance and is bundled with mwlib for several of the translations of Wikipeida (see for a list).

If a fitting siteinfo file is not bundled, it can be downloaded directly from the wiki in question:

The "siteinfo" entry in paths.txt should point to the location of this file.

Re-training the Language Models

The classifier in WCB uses two character-level n-gram models. As these are trained on sections from the English Wikipedia they probably do not perform very well on non-English wikis. They may or may not be good enough for other English wikis.

Collecting Training and Test Sets

The classifier included in WCB is trained on article sections collected using heuristic rules from the English Wikipedia. These rules probably do not translate well to other wikis, but they can serve as a decent starting point.

The following commands will create a directory sets and fill it with training data for the "clean" and "dirty" language model.

mkdir sets
./wcb/scripts/ > sections.csv
./wcb/scripts/ sections.csv sets

The script produces a list with the frequency and average length of all section headings, which is then referenced by the script that collects the training data ( The latter is the script you would want to modify so it fits the wiki you are working on. Redefining the functions is_clean() and is_dirty() should be enough. It might be necessary to do a few iterations of manually inspecting the collected training data (use to make it human readable) and adjusting the heuristics.

Training and Tuning

The data collected by must be manually partitioned into different sets (training, test, etc.). Testing on sets created with the same heuristics as the training set does not give a good indication of classifier performance. Consider instead creating a gold standard by manually classifying a few sections (the script collects sections from randomly selected articles).

The script creates n-gram models with different orders and smoothing algorithms and training sets. It assumes that your traning sets use the following naming convention: "clean_1, dirty_1, clean_2, dirty_2, ...".

mkdir lm

You can then see how the different configurations perform on a test set by using <cleant test set> <dirty test set> <location of n-gram models>. It is also possible to use the ngram-count utility from SRILM directly.

The models included in WCB are add-one smoothed 4-gram models.

The entries "clean lm" and "dirty lm" in paths.txt should point to the n-gram models you wish to use.

Construction of WeScience 2.0

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