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anonymous edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 4 revisions

LUI User Configuration File

LUI checks for a file named .luirc in your home directory on startup. If such a file exists, LUI reads one parameter per line from it. The syntax for the parameters is parameter param-name param-value. Blank lines are ignored, as are comments, i.e. lines starting with #, ;, /, or %.

Parameter values have one of several types, including symbol, string, integer, font, and color. Symbols are sequences of alphanumeric characters, and strings are the same bracketed by double quotes ("). A color is either the English name of a common color (e.g. red, blue, green) or a description of the form #C[red green blue], where red, green, and blue are each integers from 0 to 65535. A font is a tuple of the form #F[family size style color], where style is one of roman, italics, bold, or bold-italics.

Some parameters take lists as their values. The syntax is a space-delimited sequence of values, bracketed by [ and ], for example [one two three].

Parameter Reference

Parameter Name Type Description
LIST-TYPE Symbol Which AVM type is displayed as length-unspecified lists (e.g. *LIST*).
EMPTY-LIST-TYPE Symbol Which AVM type is displayed as the empty list (e.g. *NULL*).
NON-EMPTY-LIST-TYPE Symbol Which AVM type is displayed as a non-empty list (e.g. *CONS*).
LIST-HEAD Symbol Feature name for the first element of a list (e.g. CAR or FIRST).
LIST-TAIL Symbol Feature name for the rest of a list (e.g. CDR or REST).
AVM-HIDDEN-FEATURES List of symbols Features whose display is normally supressed.
AVM-COLLAPSED-FEATURES List of symbols Features whose values should be initially collapsed.
AVM-HIDDEN-TYPES List of symbols Types of sub-AVMs to not display.
AVM-COLLAPSED-TYPES List of symbols Types of sub-AVMs to initially collapse.
AVM-CENTER-FEATURES 1 or 0 Whether to vertically center feature names on their values.
AVM-MARGINS Integer How many pixels of margin to leave in the AVM browser.
AVM-STRUCTURE-BRACKET-COLOR Color What color to use for the [ and ] in AVM rendering.
AVM-LIST-BRACKET-COLOR Color What color to use for the < and > in AVM list rendering.
AVM-TAG-BOX-COLOR Color What color to use for the box around coreference tags in AVM rendering.
AVM-TYPE-FONT Font Used to display type names in AVMs.
AVM-FEATURE-FONT Font Used to display feature names in AVMs.
AVM-TAG-FONT Font Used to display coreference tags in AVMs.
AVM-PATH-FONT Font Used to display the moused-over feature path in the AVM browser.
CHART-EDGE-FONT Font Used to display edge identifiers in the chart browser.
CHART-WORD-FONT Font Used to display the orthographies at the bottom of the chart browser.
CHART-BAR-FONT Font Used to display information about the moused-over edge in the chart browser.
TEXT-LEADING Integer How many pixels of leading (extra vertical space) to add in the text browser.
TEXT-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR Color What color to highlight moused-over active elements in the text browser.
TEXT-PLAIN-FONT Font Used as the default font for passive elements in the text browser.
TEXT-ACTIVE-FONT Font Used as the default font for clickable elements in text browser.
TREE-SUMMARY-NODE-FONT Font Used to display tree nodes in the tree summary browser.
TREE-DETAIL-NODE-FONT Font Same, for the tree detail browser.
TREE-SUMMARY-SURFACE-FONT Font Used to display orthographies in the tree summary browser.
TREE-DETAIL-SURFACE-FONT Font Same, for the tree detail browser.
TREE-SUMMARY-BAR-FONT Font Used to display information about the moused-over node in the tree summary browser.
TREE-DETAIL-BAR-FONT Font Same, for the tree detail browser.

Sample .luirc File

# sample user-specific LUI configuration file (install as `~/.luirc').

# the feature structure browser
parameter avm-center-features 1
parameter avm-margins 2
parameter avm-hidden-features [INSTLOC WLINK CFROM CTO]
parameter avm-collapsed-features [ARGS]
parameter avm-hidden-types []
parameter avm-collapsed-types [non_local]
parameter avm-bar-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman black]
parameter avm-type-font #F[Helvetica 12 bold blue]
parameter avm-feature-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman black]
parameter avm-tag-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman green]
parameter avm-structure-bracket-color #C[8448 9448 33792]
parameter avm-list-bracket-color #C[8448 9448 33792]
parameter avm-tag-box-color green

# the summary browser for trees, showing all trees in a single window
parameter tree-summary-bar-font #F[Helvetica 10 roman black]
parameter tree-summary-node-font #F[Helvetica 10 roman black]
parameter tree-summary-surface-font #F[Helvetica 10 italic black]

# the detailed tree browser, showing one single tree at a time
parameter tree-detail-bar-font #F[Helvetica 14 roman black]
parameter tree-detail-node-font #F[Helvetica 14 roman black]
parameter tree-detail-surface-font #F[Helvetica 14 italic black]

# the chart browser
parameter chart-bar-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman black]
parameter chart-word-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman black]
parameter chart-edge-font #F[Helvetica 12 roman black]

# the text browser
parameter text-plain-font #F[Helvetica 14 roman black]
parameter text-active-font #F[Helvetica 14 roman black]
parameter text-leading 4
parameter text-highlight-color green

Sample .luirc for displaying Japanese

This is a minimal set of changes that allows lui to display Japanese characters. It assumes that x has the sazanami fonts available If you don't then either (i) install them or (ii) find another font and use that instead. You can check what fonts you have with xlsfonts. To find those that can display Japanese you can do xlsfonts *jis*, although lui actually uses the iso10646-1 encoding.

Note that the multi-byte display still isn't super beautiful, blame it on X.

# LUI configuration file (install as `~/.luirc').
# example for showing Japanese (assuming you have the sazanami fonts)

# the feature structure browser
# this makes the avm hard to read but shows the ORTH
# parameter avm-feature-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]

# the summary browser for trees, showing all trees in a single window
parameter tree-summary-surface-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]

# the detailed tree browser, showing one single tree at a time
parameter tree-detail-surface-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]

# the chart browser
parameter chart-bar-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]
parameter chart-word-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]
# the text browser
parameter text-plain-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]
parameter text-active-font #F[sazanami 12 roman black]
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