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StephanOepen edited this page Jul 22, 2009 · 113 revisions


This page provides scheduling details for the 2009 DELPH-IN Summit, held in Barcelona. For general information about the meeting, please see the BarcelonaTop page. As in previous years, we have prepared the schedule jointly and incrementally, with EmilyBender and StephanOepen trying to coordinate. With only hours remaining until the start of the meeting, we have arrived at a stable draft schedule, only expecting to make minor revisions along the way, as the group sees fit.

By and large, there are three types of slots: 20 minutes (15+5), 30 minutes (20+10), and 40 minutes (25+15). When preparing your presentation, please be protective of the time allocated for questions and follow-up discussion.

Please send proposals, queries, and other mail relating to the Summit to

Monday, July 20 (Plenary)

Time Title Chair
10:20 10:40 [ Lisbon status update] (Antonio Branco) Dan Flickinger
10:40 11:00 Status report: GG and friends (DeEn, EnDe) (Berthold Crysmann) "
11:00 11:20 [ Developing a Russian HPSG based on the Russian National Corpus ](Tania Avgustinova, Yi Zhang) "
11:20 11:50 [ NICT site report] (Francis Bond) "
11:50 12:20 Coffee
12:20 13:00 [ HaG: Autosegmental phonology, category underspecification, type raising, with demo] (Berthold Crysmann) Francis Bond
13:00 13:30 [ Transfer Rule Acquisition for MT] (Micha Jellinghaus) "
13:30 14:30 Lunch
14:30 14:50 [ Oslo status update] (Stephan Oepen) Antonio Branco
14:50 15:10 [ DELPH-IN grammars at the 2009 CoNLL Shared Task] (Yi Zhang, Stephan Oepen) "
15:10 15:30 [ Matrix dev group/UW site report] (Laurie Poulson) "
15:30 15:50 [ Parse evaluation using dependency triples] (Rebecca Dridan) "
15:50 16:30 [wiki:BarcelonaEvaluation Discussion: Evaluation] "
16:30 17:00 Coffee
17:00 17:40 [wiki:BarcelonaPackaging Discussion: Packaging and delivery of DELPH-IN tools] Valia Kordoni
17:40 18:10 [ Deterministic incremental HPSG parsing] (Gisle Ytrestøl) "
18:10 18:40 [ Egad: A parent's guide to raising good grammars] (Michael Goodman) "
18:40 19:20 [wiki:BarcelonaCorpora Discussion: Parallel Corpora] "

Tuesday, July 21 (Plenary)

Time Title Chair
10:00 10:40 [ Spanish Resource Grammar and Tibidabo treebank] (Montserrat Marimon) Hans Uszkoreit
10:40 11:20 [ PropBank from HPSG Treebank] (Antonio Branco) "
11:20 11:50 [ Cheetah] (Bart Cramer) "
11:50 12:20 Coffee
12:20 12:40 [ Implementing Supertagging in PET] (Rebecca Dridan) Stephan Oepen
12:40 13:20 [ CRF-based supertagging, a new DELPH-IN open-source package] (Tim Baldwin) "
13:20 14:20 Lunch
14:20 14:50 [ Feature comparison of Japanese and English parse ranking] (Bill McNeill) Tim Baldwin
14:50 15:30 [ WSJ Treebanking] (Valia Kordoni and Yi Zhang) "
15:30 16:00 [wiki:BarcelonaSemantics Discussion: MRS design, focus on tense/aspect] "
16:00 16:30 [wiki:BarcelonaPostprocessing Discussion: MRS post-processing] "
16:30 17:00 Coffee
17:00 17:30 [ Word order phenomena in Grammar Engineering] (Antske Fokkens) Montserrat Marimon
17:30 17:50 [ WeScience treebank] (Gisle Ytrestøl, Dan Flickinger) "
17:50 18:30 [ Updates from the ERG and Redwoods treebanks] (Dan Flickinger) "
18:30 18:50 [ Deep parsing in the 2009 BioNLP shared task] (Tim Baldwin) "
18:50 19:20 [wiki:BarcelonaParaphrasing Discussion: Paraphrasing: internal vs. external MRS, paraphrasing models, rule acquisition] "

Wednesday, July 22 (Plenary & Excursion)

Time Title Chair
10:00 10:40 [ HyLaP - Semantic Search in Scientific Documents, including demo] (Ulrich Schaefer) Yi Zhang
10:40 11:40 [ Tutorial: Chart Mapping in PET, including unknown word handling] (Peter Adolphs) "
11:40 12:10 Coffee
12:10 12:50 [wiki:BarcelonaPreprocessing Discussion: Advanced pre-processing] Jesse Tseng
12:50 13:20 [ Sahaptin: A Grammar-Customization Case Study (Scott Drellishak)] "
13:20 13:50 [wiki:BarcelonaCooperation Discussion: Modes of cooperation] "
13:50 14:00 Business Meeting (DELPH-IN 2010 and beyond) "
14:00 15:00 Lunch
15:00 18:00 Excursion

Thursday, July 23 (Plenary & Sub-Group Activities)

Time Title
10:30 11:00 Tutorial Teasers & Agenda Setting (Dan Flickinger)
11:00 12:00 Tutorial: PyPES—Python Platform for Experimentation with Semantics (Richard Bergmair)
12:00 12:30 Coffee
12:30 13:30 Tutorial: Robustness Techniques, including unknown word handling (Yi Zhang)
13:30 14:30 Lunch
14:30 17:00 Sub-Group Activities
17:00 17:30 Coffee
17:30 19:30 Sub-Group Activities

Friday, July 24 (Sub-Group Activities)

Time Title
10:00 11:00 Tutorial: Setting up an MT system (Francis Bond)
11:00 12:00 Sub-Group Activities
12:00 12:30 Coffee
12:30 13:30 Sub-Group Activities
13:30 14:30 Lunch
14:30 16:30 Sub-Group Activities
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