- f1f3c32: Add CAPI cluster role to helm chart (rancher#500) (@alexander-demicev)
- f6e0a83: Charts: add README (@fgiudici)
- 742b414: Charts: add registry templating for custom airgap (@fgiudici)
- 3ee37b3: Charts: enforce templating on the channel resource (@fgiudici)
- 08934ee: Charts: sync OBS charts (@fgiudici)
- 2f6f9d2: Charts: update rancher annotations (@fgiudici)
- c90c1c8: Disable service triggers on staging (rancher#498) (@davidcassany)
- 75ab143: Makefile: add the REGISTRY_URL var (@fgiudici)
- 4982e05: tests: fix chart workflow (@fgiudici)
- c480bb3: tests: fix e2e workflow (@fgiudici)