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Game:      NoP's Minesweeper v2.0
Files:     zxmines2-loading-screen (the full game)
           zxmines2-no-loading-screen (the same game, 
           but without the loading screen).
Language:  C with 2 ASM routines (Border and Beep)
Author:    Santiago Romero AKA NoP/Compiler Software
LoadSCR:   Matriax 
Email:     sromero at escomposlinux dot org
Date:      24-January-2003

 Press the '1', '2' or '3' keys to start a new Easy,
 Normal and Hard game (determined by board size and
 density/number of mines). '4' key changes language
 between Spanish and English.

 You can use O, P, Q, A for movement and SPACE to
 open a cell. You can also use the Sinclair Joystick
 1 (6, 7, 8, 9 and 0).

 The game rules are easy: just open all the board
 cells except for those containing mines. Each cell
 will show you if there is a mine near it's 8
 neightbours with a number (i.e. 1 says you that
 one of it's 8 neightbours is a mine). If you open
 all the cells except for the mines, you win. You
 lose in case of discovering a mine.

 I created this game in just 3-4 programming hours
 from scratch just to see how much fast it was respect
 to BASIC version (v1.0). Quite fast on calcs, and
 only a bit faster drawing on the speed, but I feed
 that this version is more playable.

 It lacks for good sound, just a pair of beeps...

 Thanks a lot to Z88DK's developers, specially Dominic
 Morris, who helped me solving very fast 2 bugs in
 z88dk v1.50 :-)

 Thanks also to Matriax for the Loading Screen, and
 to tbrazil for the help building the final tapfile.


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