Newer release notes are published on the GitHub release page:
- Remove support for Node < 8.0
- Update dependencies (#306, #310)
- Update documentation to use updated SVGO plugin name (#275)
- Move
dependencies back todevDependencies
again (#297, #285) - Add built-in templating function to encode hash signs (#294)
- Fix verbose logging output (#279, #291)
- Add option to prefix auto-generated namespace IDs (#292, #293)
- Update preview templates to use SVG checker image (#287)
- Updated dependencies
- Dropped support for Node.js < 6.4
- Added more Node.js versions to Travis instructions
- Updated dependencies
- Updated SVGO version & test fixture (#258, #259)
- Reformatted documentation code examples (#236)
- Fix JSHint errors (#261)
- Add support for simple shape ID generator (#240)
- Add failing CPU detection workaround (#252)
- Changed SVGO plugin defaults (#249)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed invalid markup in
example html (#229) - Fallback for failing CPU detection (#217)
- Fixed broken SVGO configuration in CLI (#216, #199)
- Added glob base directory option to CLI (#220)
- Fixed broken
option in CLI (#228)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed LESS template mixin call (#187)
- Fixed broken keyframe animation support (gulp-svg-sprite #63)
- Fixed file name regression bug (#186)
- Updated dependencies
- Extended the ID generator callback signature (#176)
- Improved usage pattern example (#177)
- Added support for mode shorthand definitions in CLI mode (#183)
- Updated dependencies
- Restored documentation image (#168)
- Added CLI rendering options for defs/symbol/stack sprites (#160)
- Added CLI option for external JSON config file (#160, #165)
- Fixed modeless run (#158, gulp-svg-sprite #42)
- Fixed broken shape dimension attribute removal in symbol mode (gulp-svg-sprite #51)
- Updated dependencies
Tweaked .gitignore to ignore symlinked test files (closes #140)Reverted & made the files real copies- Updated documentation (grunt-svg-sprite #69)
- Removed redundant require (#156)
- Dropped support for Node.js < 4.0 and io.js
- Added explicit sprite size in example document (#138)
- Added XML entity resolution (#118)
- Allow multiple selectors for ID / class namespacing (#109)
- Switched to patched svg2png until media queries are properly supported (devDependencies)
- Updated dependencies
- Temporarily fixed xmldom dependency problem (#135)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed inline embedding link in example templates (#130)
- Fixed broken Less mixin support (#133)
- Introduced support for custom shape orders (#131)
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies & test fixture
- Added Node.js versions 4 & 5 to Travis tests
- Fixed broken svg4everybody links (#122, gulp-svg-sprite #39)
- Updated dependencies
- Support for source files outside the cwd (grunt-svg-sprite #62)
- Updated dependencies
- Dropped example file extension restriction (#119)
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Added browser compatibility hint (#106)
- Added accessibility features to symbol sprites (#107)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed broken
rendering function (#71)
- Updated dependencies
- Introduced CSS positioning values floating point precision (#102)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed error in symbol example template (#99)
- Updated dependencies
- Added CSS class namespacing (#42)
- Updated dependencies
- Changed sprite file name handling (#97)
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed invalid SVG validation regex (#94)
- Fixed string conversion regression (#89)
- Updated dependencies
- Introduced "icon" box sizing strategy (#57, grunt-svg-sprite #35)
- Fixed broken npm publish settings
- Updated dependencies & development dependencies (#67, #82)
- Relocated the shape transformations list config option
- Added custom root attributes support (#87)
- Introduced a global post-processing transformation option (#64, #87)
- Fixed symbol example template regression bug (#70)
- Added mixin option to CLI arguments
- Fixed boolean CLI argument notation (#76)
- Added whitespace replacement for shape IDs (#77)
- Updated dependencies & development dependencies
- Added viewBox attribute to SVG stacks (#73)
- Fixed example document path resolution bug (#70)
- Allow negative viewBox values (#72)
- Fixed symbol example document (#71)
- Improved error log for invalid SVG files (#69)
- Updated dependencies & development dependencies
- Added mixin option (#66; ATTENTION: May break custom templates!)
- Node.js 0.12 compatibility
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed several CLI bugs (#65)
- Changed alias for
CLI option - Updated dependencies
- Fixed ID bug with view sprites
- Fixed sprite CSS path calculation
- Removed excessive console output
- Optimized stylesheet templates
- Introduced boolean hasCommon template variable
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed incomplete dimension CSS selector suffix (grunt-svg-sprite #31)
- Fixed broken previous release
- Fixed missing file extensions with CSS resources (#54)
- Fixed broken sprite URL in css/view example HTML documents (#53)
- Fixed wrong base path for intermediate SVG shapes
- Removed the automatic dot prefix for CSS selectors (#55)
- Restructured documentation
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed error with falsy rendering configurations (#52)
- Fixed windows path separator bug (gulp-svg-sprite #6)
- Made dimension attributes (width & height) optional (#45)
- Added cache busting option for non-CSS sprites (#48)
- Added dimension CSS output for non-CSS sprites (#45)
- Bumped lodash dependency version (#44)
- Fixed coordinate distortion in CSS sprites (#41)
- Added support for custom mode keys
- Fixed external CLI transform configuration support
- Fixed typos in README example (PR #39)
- Added support for Windows file name globbing (#40)
- Updated dependencies
- Introduced
getter in templating shape variables - Fixed broken dimension argument in CLI version (#38)
- Fixed logging error in SVGO optimization
- Fixed missing XML namespaces in SVG stack
- Fixed cache busting errors with example HTML document
- Fixed broken rendering template path resolution (grunt-svg-sprite #29)
- Improved error handling
- Improved XML & DOCTYPE declaration handling and fixed (grunt-svg-sprite #28)
- Made shape ID namespacing configurable (grunt-svg-sprite #27)
- Added extended alignment options (#33)
- Fixed regression bug with SVG stacks
- Added support for ID generator templates in CLI version (#37)
- Fixed XML & doctype declaration bug with inline sprites (gulp-svg-sprite #2)
- Added support for ID generator templates (#37)
- Fixed dependency error (#36)
- Improved error handling
- Updated module dependencies
- Rewritten from scratch (#23, #30)
- Dropped libxmljs dependency for improving Windows support (e.g. grunt-svg-sprite #14)
- Added support for
modes (#27, #35, grunt-svg-sprite #24) - Strip off all file access methods, making the module a good basis for 3rd party tools (like Grunt & Gulp plugins) (#21, #25)
- Improved command line version (#34)
- Switched to relative positioning in CSS sprites (grunt-svg-sprite #23)
- Made the configuration of Mustache templates and destinations more intuitive
- Enabled customization of shape IDs
- Enabled custom SVG transformations
- Enhanced
options (#24) - Added cache busting for
mode (enabled by default; #29) - Added support for meta data injection
For older release notes please see here.
The original svg-sprite was my first-ever Node.js module and featured CSS sprites only. The 1.0
release is rewritten from scratch and introduces a bunch of new features like less dependencies (for improved Mac OS and Windows compatibility), support for inline sprite formats and the removal of file-system access so that other libraries can build on top of it more easily. Derived libraries include:
- grunt-svg-sprite (a Grunt wrapper around svg-sprite)
- gulp-svg-sprite (a Gulp wrapper around svg-sprite)
- svg-sprite-data by Shane Osbourne (based on the original svg-sprite)
iconizr, another project of mine, is based on svg-sprite and adds PNG fallbacks for the sprites so you can use them as universal icon systems for websites (Node.js module, Grunt plugin, PHP version and online service).