Releases: cerberustesting/cerberus-core
Releases · cerberustesting/cerberus-core
Bug fixes
- [ENGINE] Fixed NPE when making a control on non successful service answer.
- [GUI] Fixed an issue when adding an environment to an existing application.
- [GUI] Environments with empty system, country or environment can be deleted.
- [GUI] Error when creating datalib with file upload.
Improvements / New features
- [ENGINE] [QUEUE] test case dependency engine now allow to define a delay between the end of an execution and the start of the next one. That allow to execute a campaign with some testcases on day 1 and release the rest of the testcases on day 2 (after some end of day treatments has been executed)
- [ENGINE] [QUEUE] Disable dependency when testcase is not part of campaign execution. Dependency is still displayed but in IGNORED status.
- [ENGINE] [QUEUE] test case dependency engine now allow to link 2 testcases even if the previous one is not OK.
- [ENGINE] [QUEUE] from campaign execution page, when restarting an execution that has a dependency the latest previous execution is now picked in stead of original one,
- [ENGINE] [API] When callService that is attached to an application, host and contextroot of the corresponding application is used (if country env of the application does not exist on the test case application, search is also made on linked environments).
- [ENGINE] [API] Added Service REST Authorization support (Basic, API Key and Bearer).
- [GUI] [API] Added service call simulation feature. When editing a service, you can make calls outside a testcase context in order to control and tune the definition of the call.
- [ENGINE] [VARIABLE] New variable for system.dates. You can now for example do %system.DAY-13-d% that will return the day of month (d) of 13 days ago (DAY-13). (locale of country invariant is used)
- [ENGINE] [VARIABLE] New reserved keyword %datalib.DATALIBNAME.value% and %datalib.DATALIBNAME.base64%. Allowing managing upload/download file by uploading files on Cerberus with no more limitation on its size.
- [ENGINE] [DATALIB] Added CSV ignoreFirstLine boolean at datalib level.
- [ENGINE] [TESTCASE] Every application environment now can have 2 secrets data that can be used for password of apikey (with %system.APP_SECRET1% and %system.APP_SECRET2%). Once application is updated with its secret data, you can't access it and data is protected during execution.
- [ENGINE] [CAMPAIGN] Submit execution from campaign, only if application environment exist. (that avoid unnecessary Errors in queue).
- [ENGINE] [CAMPAIGN] You can now disable an environment at the application level thanks to the new active checkbox available.
- [ENGINE] [GUI] Drag and drop now report error on Drop element and not drag when necessary.
- [ENGINE] [GUI] Timeout overwrite option now also overwrite pageLoadTimeout and setScriptTimeout.
- [ENGINE] [GUI] Added actions lockDevice, unlockDevice and rotateDevice for iOS and Android application
- [ENGINE] [GUI] when interact with an element, Cerberus report the number of elements found in order to better understand why an action could fail to provide the correct result
- [ENGINE] [GUI] switchToWindow action now have a better and detail message will all possible context to switch to.
- [ENGINE] [GUI] scrollToElement action now finish when element is at the middle of the screen for iOS and Android application. It's also possible to define an offset.
- [GUI] [GENERAL] Save datatable layout on pages no longer save the current page position.
- [GUI] [GENERAL] Optimization of datatable loading time on execution list and queue list.
- [GUI] [GENERAL] new refresh button on pages with datatable on order to refresh the data content without a full reload of the page.
- [GUI] [GENERAL] new reset button on pages with datatable in order to put back the default layout view.
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved autocompletion adding boolean, flags and contextual element for select and switchWindow actions.
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] Testcase environment selection combo has been replaced by checkbox.
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved TestCaseScript page so that in case of change, the rerun button allow to save the change before rerun the testcase. (testcase can be saved and rerun in 1 click)
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] New Impact analysis tool. You can search any text (ex: xpath or variable) across all testcases.
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved property definition on testcase script.
- [GUI] [TESTCASE] New Test case import available for Test Link xml files.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Improved navigation on campaign execution screen. Adding CTA on top of the screen and toggle buttons for reporting details hidden by default.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Both campaign and execution reporting over time now include an availability KPI based on nb and time of OK.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Campaign execution and testcase execution can now be declared as false Negative. That can be used when the non OK result should be considered as OK because the used was on the testcase. That declaration will force the execution to be considered as OK on Availability KPI.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] direct access to Both campaign and execution reporting over time from campaign execution and test case execution screen.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] new parameter in order to tune the nb of row above which the report by tag will auto hide the unnecessary lines cerberus_reportbytag_nblinestotriggerautohide_int (default to 50).
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] New 'Application Edit' button from testcase header, execution and campaign execution pages.
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Report over time can now be filtered by result status (in order to focus and isolate non OK result for example)
- [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Report over time display spot with bigger radius when comment or description has been entered. False Negative are surrounded with green.
- [GUI] [HP] Homepage now display also upcoming campaign execution from scheduler (nb can be tuned by 'cerberus_homepage_nbdisplayedscheduledtag' parameter).
- [GUI] [HP] Homepage display Nb of Execution Running and in queue are displayed with direct access to execution running.
- [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Testcase can be Linked to JIRA Issue. That will display the associated label with URL on execution page.
- [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Automatic issue creation with Github and Jira connector. Any non OK execution can now create an issue and link it to the Testcase. Please check the documentation for further details.
- [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Issue creation can be done server to server directly from Cerberus.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- [ENGINE] Datalib no longer support direct definition of SOAP Calls. You need to replace them by SOAP services.
- [ENGINE] %SYS_YESTERDAY*, %SYS_TODAY*, %SYS_TOMORROW* are no longer supported, please change to %system.YESTERDAY*, %system.TODAY*, %system.TOMORROW*
- [ENGINE] %system.TODAY.doy*, %system.TOMORROW.doy*, %system.YESTERDAY.doy* should be replaced by %system..D.
- [GUI] Test Folder screen has been removed from menu (Folder creation are possible directly at testcase level and activation flag at Folder level can be replaced by activation at testcase level).
- [GUI] SQL Library screen has been removed from menu (SQL Can be triggered either from Datalib screen or stored inside datalib and used from properties if necessary).
- [KAFKA] Moved client library from 2.6.3 to 3.7.2
Bug fixes
- [GUI] Display issue on testcase script and execution page when condition include value1 that contains quote or double quote.
- [GUI] Homepage filters now also apply on all summary counters (in order to be consistent with the graphs on the page).
- [GUI] Fixed error message when filtering some pages with empty string.
- [ENGINE] Fixed language local management on recent Chrome versions
- [ENGINE] Fixed Browserstack buildHash management for app automate campaigns.
- [ENGINE] Make scrollto action more robust (a 1 second tempo has been added in order to let the browser scroll the page. 2 extras seconds on top of it if you offset the scroll to extra values) #2458
Improvements / New features
- [GUI] Added status code for Logs (Menu Administration / Log Viewer).
- [GUI] Edit Robot button is now available directly from execution page.
- [GUI] Copy to Clipboard button added on APIKey User screen.
- [GUI] CSV file can now be downloaded from test data lib screen.
- [GUI] Improved navigation between Testcase script page and execution page (step focused is kept during execution and between the 2 screens).
- [GUI] Screenshot preview is now bigger.
- [GUI] Screenshot order display on execution page correspond to the timing of its creation. #2522
- [GUI] Made date and time always display in local format.
- [GUI] Added start of execution at tag level (campaign execution). Information on 'submitted date' and 'start of execution date' are now both displayed. Duration on Campaign execution report by time is calculated from that date.
- [ENGINE] MANUAL Proxy configuration is also supported (on top of NETWORKTRAFFIC).
- [ENGINE] new variable %property.PROP-0.nbrows% that returns the number of rows of a property.
- [ENGINE] new options on actions and controls in order to force screenshot before and after it gets executed (that avoid additional takeScreenshot control)
- [ENGINE] new options on actions and controls in order to add a wait in ms before and after it gets executed (that avoid additional wait action). This is to be used with care as Cerberus already wait for an element before interacting with it.
- [ENGINE] new parameter cerberus_pdfcampaignreportdisplayciresult_boolean in order to hide/display the cicd information on pdf report.
- [ENGINE] PDF Files content can now be controlled after being downloaded (text content + page numbers + pdf certificates information).
- [ENGINE] getRobotFile action now save the files on their initial format. Those files can be manually checked and saved.
- [ENGINE] Allow multiple extraParameters on robot chrome (space character is used as separator).
- [ENGINE] Added %system.ROBOTSESSIONID% and %system.ROBOTPROVIDERSESSIONID% system variable.
- [ENGINE] Allow to have optional subdata and feed cerberus_testdatalib_subdataDefaultValue parameter to defined its default value (Thanks to Promod team ;-)).
- [ENGINE] Make Numeric conversion more robust (ex : 'EUR 123 123.5 €' will be converted to 123123.5 before performing the numerical controls)
- [ENGINE] More robust FTP connector (Timeout support, FTP URL can be edited on application without secrets to be modified, more detailed and precise error messages)
- [ENGINE] SFTP support on call service Action.
- [ENGINE] A Property length of 0 now will load all available rows of the data (whether it is csv, internal, sql or service related). All existing properties with lengths of 0 will be changed to 1 in order to secure the behavior is unchanged.
- [ENGINE] Value1, 2 and 3 are no longer decoded when not used. (for ex, switching condition to 'always' or 'never' no longer force you to empty parameter values that could crash during decode) fix #2038
- [ENGINE] controls on 'element visible' are now activated when using image recognition feature (they perform the same controls as 'element present').
- [ENGINE] scrollTo action now allow to configure horizontal or vertical offset [GUI Only]. Warning of text to scroll parameter that moved from value 2 to value 1 field (update is done automaticaly by Cerberus).
- [ENGINE] Added REST Service Body type support that can be : none, raw, form-data, form-urlencoded.
- [OTHERS] Size of war binary reduced by cleaning a few unnecessary maven dependencies.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Service /GetTestCasesV001 is no longer working. Please use /GetTestCasesV002 in stead or (even better) the /api/public/testcases/Examples/0001A endpoint.
Bug fixes
- Fixed scrollTo action. #2458
- Fixed wrong status on manual test execution. #2455
- Fixed impossibility to delete all property with the same name. #2454
- Fixed the Job that CANCELLED execution queue entries so that it does not consider the timeout from the time it was inserted to the queue but the time when the execution was triggered. #2472
- Service Call JSON now display the proper Kafka Filter Header path and value. #2465
- Record a file at control level was saving it at action level. #2412
- Fixed delete of Campaigns, Services and Users with special Characters. #2486
- Fixed display of group 2 and 3 on campaign page.
- When executing a campaign that has XRay links, fixed an issue where campaign stays PENDING forever in case there is a connectivity issue with JIRA backend. It now return ERROR with the correct trace message. #2108
- Fixed reading Jira XRay response Key when DC solution is used. resulting multiplicity of XRay execution creation. #2108
- Fixed XML format guess method. #2496
- Fixed Drag and Drop action. #2036
Improvements / New features
- Support for MongoDB Service type.
- Added background on steps according to the status and displayed condition when step NE on TestcaseExecution page. #2463
- A pdf report is now available for campaign execution for download. #2475
- New action "Switch To Context" for IOS and Android applications. #2408
- Added new execution parameter column on campaign list page. #2489
- Added new test case control 'Verify Text in Element does not contain'. #2471
- Added support for a couple of new actions on Selenium IDE import. #2498
- Added possibility to get base64 value from application object using syntax : %object.OBJNAME.base64%. That allow to use object pictures as file upload on test cases.
- New API in order to get Application details and update application endpoints.
- Preselect country environment and robot on rerun testcase modal.
- Secure Password display from URL in execution modal and application modal
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Update JAVA KAFKA Client from 2.3.0 to 2.6.3
Bug fixes
- Kafka Service Props heritage is now working correctly #2425
- Special characters supported on email notifications.
- Fixed redirection on empty page after saving testcase.
- Fixed issue on testcase creation from header #2416
- Allow to use property getFromJS for GUI Application type.
- Action value3 is now decoded. #2413
Improvements / New features
- Improved autocomplete feature on testcase script page. It has been added to almost all possible fields.
- Improvements on new run modal. filter apply on key press + robot select is no longer mandatory
- Timeout overwrite feature is now also available for Appium and Service calls. #2331
- Better responsiveness on small screens on execution page.
- Progress bar on memory consumption on maintenance page
- Kafka Avro Schema registry URL now decoded #2426
- Added Kafka AVRO support also on key. #2418
- XRay Integration with ERROR message when link is not done + tokencache parameter + environments synchronisation parameter.
Bug fixes
- [ENGINE] verifyElementPresent and verifyElementNotPresent are now working with JSON content.
- [ENGINE] Har file for traffic content is empty when using index. #2371
- [ENGINE] Fixed Groovy digest method allowing syntax value.digest('SHA-256') #2398
- [ENGINE] Allow ScriptBytecodeAdapter class on Groovy #1940
- [ENGINE] Fixed issue when using image recognition picture on application that contains space characters
- [UX] Network stats are now displayed even if the results are not OK. #2199
Improvements / New features
- [ENGINE] Avro support for KAFKA SEARCH method. #2349
- [ENGINE] KAFKA Filter during SEARCH method can now also be done on Headers data.
- [ENGINE] Service Content and KAFKA Props heritage. You can now link 2 Services in order to centralize the definition of KAFKA Props inside one service and reduce maintenance.
- [ENGINE] JIRA Xray connector for both Cloud and DC versions. #2108
- [ENGINE] Add the possibility to define an offset for Sikuli testing #1877
- [ENGINE] Allow to configure typeDelay when using Sikuli keyPress (from parameter or at action level).
- [ENGINE] Better support of Sikuli text actions (click, doubleClick, hover, rightClick) and controls (verifyElementPresent). That require version 1.7 of cerberus-robot-extension
- [ENGINE] Added 4 new controls: verifyStringArrayContains, verifyNumericArrayContains, verifyElementTextArrayContains, verifyElementNumericArrayContains
- [ENGINE] New actions in order to manage and improve automation of upload/download file use cases. 3 actions were added : cleanRobotFile, uploadRobotFile and getRobotFile. require version 1.7 of cerberus-robot-extension
- [UX] You can now select a complete line or column of executions in Campaign Execution Reporting to submit again. #1691
- [UX] The maximum number of characters for a campaign name has been increased from 45 to 200. #2373
- [UX] Services can be renamed (corresponding callService actions will be updated with the new reference) #2042
- [UX] Application Objects can be renamed (corresponding steps, actions, control and properties will be refactored with the new reference) #1944
- [UX] Campaigns can be renamed #2352
- [UI] Visual improvements on Application Object modal (display the content immediately when paste or drop is done).
- [UI] Visual improvements on Robot and Service page.
- [UI] Contextual favicon that display the execution status when loading a testcase execution.
- [UI] On ReportByTag screen : Display CI Result and score + Make the report by test folder more responsive on small screens + Collapse country filter list when too big (above 20 countries) + Collapse Application/Env/country/Robot report list when too big (above 20 lines).
- [UI] Major redesign of testcase and testcase execution pages.
- [DOC] Added Documentation usecase on how to use test data from Google drive file.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Updated Groovy version from 2.4.21 to latest 3.0.11 and Groovy sandbox from 1.10 to 1.19
- That release require cerberus-robot-extension v1.7. Uncompatible changes to prio versions were introduced. Secure that you update that component at the same time as your Cerberus instance.
- Support to MySQL 8 is now official. So far we also support MySQL 5.6.xx / MariaDb 10.1.xx but that support will soon disappear.
Bug fixes
- Page source were not correctly displayed on execution screen.
- Manage correctly user name with spaces.
- Fixed issue when updating application object value from Test Case Script page.
- Fixed display of elapsed duration on "Testcase execution detail" page in websocket mode (autorefresh during execution) #2359
- Fixed delete label on campaign definition #2360
- Page Source and Screenshots are now taken on failed action even if it is forced to continue.
Improvements / New features
- User refactor adding possibility to create local user even when Keycloak is activated (in order to support service account with APIKey). That allow to create as many APIKey as needed.
- User can have 5 attributes and a comment field for specific needs.
- Secrets managements. All subdata flagged as encrypted, will be hidden from execution results. All Properties name that contain PASSW will also automatically have its content hidden from execution reports.
- On GUI application, if sikuli extension is available (hybrid mode), desktop screenshots are also taken (on top of current web screenshot)
- When defining an element based on picture (using sikuli feature), all pictures are now saved at execution level. That makes execution analysis easier by better understanding which picture Cerberus used.
- Total execution duration is now displayed on top of the page.
- [GUI] On "Testcase script" page, when using picture= elements. Preview are larger and real size can be open on click. Also more than 1 picture are displayed in case several parameters could use several pictures.
- [GUI] On "Testcase script" page, icons will show if step/action/control are fatal, have conditions or are disable.
- [GUI] On "Testcase script" page, Highlight 'more option' icon on actions and controls when a condition is defined. #2357
- [GUI] On "Run Testcase" page only the countries available on the selected systems are displayed #2274
- [Engine] Sikuli engine now allow modifier keys. That allow to do CTRL+F5 for example. #1763
- New control 'verifyElementTextContains' #2158
- New Property 'getRawFromJson' #2355
- New system variable : %system.LASTSERVICE_RESPONSE%. It allows to control and manipulate the last service call response in an easier way on GUI, APK or IPA tests that require service calls.
- Better support of erratum on all controls. fix #2336
- You can now configure if unsecured certificates are accepted at robot level.
- Country attribute 2 is now map to browser lang. You can also force extra parameters at robot level. fix #2368
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- in case you don't use Keycloak for authentification yet, don't forget to change your tomcat conf changing on server.xml file from userRoleTable="usergroup" to userRoleTable="userrole" and roleNameCol="GroupName" to roleNameCol="Role"
Bug fixes
- LOG4J Security Fix to 2.17.0
- Handle Exception when no labels on GetTestCasesV002 Public API
- Description not saved when creating a test folder. #2330
- Library Step Sort information was not fed with the right sort information. #2329
Improvements / New features
- Allow to specify full URL on Robot Executor host.
- New Parameter 'cerberus_executionlog_enable' in order to disable globally the verbose JSON application logs.
Bug fixes
- Message notification area always appear on top of menu (menu sometimes could hide a part of it).
- Fixed JSON parsing on float values #2282.
- Fixed Campaign testcase filter using TYPE (automated, manual, private). #2281.
- Decode Step description on 1st iteration even when using doWhile loop. #2148
- Fixed an issue preventing opera browser to start.
Improvements / New features
- 5 connectors can be used to those events : EMAIL, SLACK, TEAMS, GOOGLE-CHAT, GENERIC. When event occurs, Cerberus will notify the chosen associated system in a native format using those connectors. That allow an easier integration of Cerberus to any external tool. New connectors can also be implemented in a much easier way.
- New version of GetTagDetails (V002) with more information on extracted Tag data (using the same public JSON format than the one used on the GENERIC event hook connector).
- SYSTEM, COUNTRY and ENVIRONMENT invariants are controlled when created or updated to secure they are have less than 45 digits and don't contains any specific characters. #2265
- Support dragAndDrop action for FAT applications (and hybrid web testing).
- Documentation split into 3 sections : General documentation on GUI and main Cerberus concepts, Administration documentation on installation, API and Events, Use Case documentation that contains how to on main use cases.
- New element identifier : querySelector that allow testing of webpages using shadowDOM technics (such as Salesforce).
- New Developer section on menu that point to API swagger documentation and EventHook configuration
- First set of public API available in Swagger section (still experimental - use it with care as signatures are not yet fully stable)
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- All /RunTestCase API are deprecated and should no longer be used. Please use /AddToExecutionQueueV003 as a replacement. Access to /RunTestCase will soon be removed.
- All /GetTagExecutions API are deprecated and should no longer be used.
Bug fixes
- When step is using a library the correct information is displayed on the GUI (both when loading the page and attaching a new step from modal). #2182
- Fixed Error message when delete an application object.
- Fixed issue when using setNetworkTraffic with both urlFilter and index previously used during the test case.
- Fixed properties autocomplete issue on testcase script page.
- Fixed Robotdecli information when running testcase in manual mode. #2232
- Cleaned extra Backslash on GetFromJSON properties when slash character is retrieved inside an Array. #2242
- Fixed Service creation button from Testcase Script page #2276
Improvements / New features
- new property getOTP. That allow to get an OTP connection code from a secret key allowing to manage the Two Factor authentication use case. #2234
- new Erratum element that allow self-healing feature. #2252
- Added all element indentifier on autocomplete on testcase script page.
- Avoid error on Condition evaluation that require Selenium engine when running testcase in manual mode. #2161
- Improved JSON Structure of Network Traffic for GET requests. (Thanks @vitoo)
- Added a default value for index name for Network Traffic.
- New public servlet for getting campaign execution details /GetTagDetailsV001. #2204
- Added Step number in testcase script page. (Thanks @vitoo)
- Executor checks before execution starts now timeout after 15 seconds (in stead of 2 minutes).
- Support for highlighting selenium element using new parameter 'cerberus_selenium_highlightElement'.
- Direct access to Last seen Executions, Testcases and Campaign from user menu.
- You can now overwrite timeout, maxSimilarity and highlightElement parameters for every step, action and control. #2153
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Updated Groovy library to 2.4.21. Check your script behavior before upgrading.
- Database tables on testcase perimeter has been massively refactored.
- Expect some long ALTER queries on execution tables.
Bug fixes
- Fixed reset password page when not using Keycloak.
- Fixed export integrity when testcase has steps that use library #2209.
- Fixed activation flag on robot executor that could be wrongly set to active on 1st opening of the robot screen.
- Fixed Force step update.
Improvements / New features
- For FAT applications, click, doubleClick and rightClick actions can now be called without any element defined. Action will then be performed on current location of the cursor.