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OptimOTU pipeline


  • clone the repository from github; git clone
    This will by default create a directory called optimotu_targets for your project, but you can put it in a different directory using git clone {name_of_directory}

  • (recommended) start a new branch; if you will do several projects, it is recommended to put each branch in a separate directory using git worktree. This allows them to share one copy of the .git directory, as well as protaxFungi.

    cd optimotu_targets #or another directory name if you chose one
    git worktree add ../{name_of_project}

    Or, if you only plan on doing one project, you can just create the branch in the main directory:

    cd optimotu_targets #or another directory name if you chose one
    git checkout -b {name_of_project}
  • download protaxFungi and unzip into a sister directory (i.e., ../protaxFungi). This currently does not work because the github version of protaxfungi is not the lastest version.

    cd ..
    tar -xf protaxfungi.tgz

    To get the current version, on puhti (Finnish computing cluster) only:

    cd ..
    cp -r /scratch/project_2003156/protaxFungi .
  • download usearch into bin/, and rename or link the executable to be called just bin/usearch. Make sure it is executable.

    cd {name_of_project}/bin
    gunzip usearch11.0.667_i86linux32.gz
    ln -s usearch11.0.667_i86linux32 usearch
    chmod +x usearch
    cd ..
  • download FastqInDex into bin/ and unzip. Make sure it is executable.

    cd bin
    gunzip fastqindex_0.9.0b.gz
    chmod +x fastqindex_0.9.0b
    cd ..
  • download reference data for the Unite sh_matching pipeline and unzip in data/sh_matching_data. (Currently only sanger_refs_sh.fasta and shs_out.txt are used, so you can delete everything else.)

    unzip -j data/shs_out.txt data/sanger_refs_sh.fasta -d data/sh_matching_data
  • download or link your own demultiplexed, paired-end Illumina reads into sequences/01_raw. Each sequencing run should be in its own directory.

    mkdir -p sequences/01_raw
    cd sequences/01_raw
    # do your download here
    cd ../..

    The actual download might be done with cp or ln -s if it is already somewhere else on your system; wget for a general HTTP or FTP address; bs download project --name from Illumina BaseSpace; rclone copy from AWS or another object storage platform (e.g. Allas).

  • (optional) if there are particular species that you are interested in, write their full species identifiers as used in ProtaxFungi (Genus_species_mycobank#, e.g. Rhodofomes_roseus_127496), one per line, in a file data/target_taxa.txt.

  • (optional) if you have additional reference sequences for species of interest (which may or may not also be in target_taxa.txt), then you can create two files: data/culture_refs.fasta with the actual sequences, and data/culture_sequences.xlsx with medadata. In particular, data/culture_sequences.clsx must include, in the first worksheet, a column “Culture ID” giving the name of each reference sequence exactly as it appears in data/culture_refs.fasta, and a column “Protax_synonym” giving the full, comma-separated taxonomy for each reference in Protax format, e.g. Fungi,Basidiomycota,Agaricomycetes,Polyporales,Fomitopsidaceae,Antrodia_17083,Antrodia_piceata_813073. Adding reference sequences which are not annotated fully to species (e.g., Fungi,Basidiomycota,Agaricomycetes,Polyporales,Fomitopsidaceae) likely works but has not been tested.

  • Install R dependencies. This can be done in several ways:
    (using renv)



    #if renv is not installed
    # this will have failed to install github and bioconductor packages
    renv::install("brendanf/optimotu", "bioconductor::dada2")

    (using conda)

    conda env create -f conda/its2_taxonomy_first.yaml
    conda activate its2_taxonomy_first

    (using tykky on puhti)

    module load tykky
    mkdir /projappl/{your_csc_project}/{your_project}
    conda-containerize new --prefix /projappl/{your_csc_project}/{your_project} conda/OptimOTU_v2.yaml
    export PATH="/projappl/{your_csc_project}/{your_project}:$PATH"

    (using existing tykky container on puhti)

    export PATH="/projappl/project_2003156/its2_taxonomy_first/bin:$PATH"


Configuration of the pipeline is done through a (more or less) human-readable file called pipeline_options.yaml. Comments in the file (Beginning with #) explain the function of most of the options. Listed here are a few types of options you may want/need to change depending on different characteristics of your data. Also see the example files pipeline_options_example_fungi.yaml and pipeline_options_example_metazoa.yaml.

Basic option: project name

The first option is project_name. The default option is “metabarcoding_project”, but the pipeline will issue a warning if you don’t change it. The only thing this option actually controls is the name of the zip file containing all outputs for a run. As such it should be a good file name (ideally underscores instead of spaces, not too long). It could be (but does not have to be) the same name as your project directory/git branch.

File names and orientation.

By default, the OptimOTU pipeline auto-detects sample and sequencing-run names based on file names. It strips some common Illumina elements from the file names and assumes that what is left is the sample name; and it assumes the samples are saved in directories which correspond to sampling runs.

If your situation is more complex than this, you may need to use a custom sample table. This is a TSV file which includes, at a minimum, columns named “sample”, “seqrun”, “fastq_R1”, and “fastq_R2”. These give, for each sample, the sequencing run it came from, and the file paths for the R1 and R2 fastq files.

One possible reason to use a custom sample table is to define the orientation of reads. Some lab workflows result in read pairs which all have the same orientation, while others result in read pairs which are in mixed orientation; finally others (in order to increase sequence diversity) are all in the same orientation within each sample, but this varies between samples. All of these cases are supported by the orient option; the case where orientations vary between samples, however, requires you to designate the orientation of each sample, which can be done using a custom sample table with an “orient” column.

Different primer pairs

The default pipeline_options.yaml file (and also pipeline_options_example_fungi.yaml)is set up for ITS2 amplicons generated using the primer pair ITS3-ITS4. pipeline_options_example_metazoa.yaml is set up for COI amplicons using the primer pair BF3-BR2. The following options need to be changed when switching to a different primer pair:

  • forward_primer and reverse_primer should have the sequences of the primers. Ambiguous bases (N, C, Y, M, R, …) are OK.

  • The settings under amplicon_model will need to be changed. Full instructions for generating a model (HMM or CM) for a new amplicon is beyond the scope of this README, although the process will be automated in a future version of OptimOTU. The easiest solution is to disable model alignment entirely, by setting model_type to “none”.

    • model_type: “CM” is specifically for non-coding RNA genes (like ITS, 16S, LSU, …). They can be created using the program cmbuild from Infernal. “HMM” is a more general type of model which can be used for non-coding RNA, but also for protein-coding genes or sequences in general. They can be created using the program hmmbuild from Hmmer.
    • model_file: location of the HMM or CM file, relative to the root of the project
    • model_filter: these parameters should be adjusted when using a new CM or HMM. Especially the min_model_end (i.e., how far in the model the amplicon must go) and the min_model_score (i.e., how well must the amplicon match the model) are typically higher for longer models.

Different versions of Protax

OptimOTU currently uses two different versions of Protax for taxonomic identification: ProtaxFungi and ProtaxAnimal. Although these are named for the taxonomic group they were designed for, they are also completely different programs which use a different file structure for their trained models. It is (in theory) possible to train a model for the ProtaxFungi software for any amplicon and any group of organisms, given a defined taxonomy and a set of labeled reference sequences. ProtaxAnimal is more restrictive but also much faster. It requires that all input sequences, both references and queries, are globally aligned. This alignment can be performed in the OptimOTU pipeline by setting model_align (under amplicon_model) and aligned (under protax) both to “yes”. The location of the Protax installation directory should also be given as location under protax.


Local exection (command prompt)

Run the full pipeline:

R -e 'targets::tar_make(callr_function=NULL)'

Test that samples are correctly detected:

Rscript _targets.R

Check what targets need to be run:

R -e 'targets::tar_outdated(callr_function=NULL)'

Run to generate a specific target:

R -e 'targets::tar_make({name_of_target}, callr_function=NULL)'

Check if a specific target (or its dependencies) need to be run:

R -e 'targets::tar_outdated({name_of_target}, callr_function=NULL)'

Local execution (from R)

Run the full pipeline:


Test that samples are correctly detected:

# you can also interactively investigate the sample_table object
# etc.

Check what targets need to be run:


Run to generate a specific target:


Check if a specific target (or its dependencies) need to be run:


Cluster execution (Puhti, using a single node)

You may need to modify, for instance to change the project or tykky container.

Run the full pipeline:


Test that samples are correctly detected (on login node):

# first line only needed once per session
export PATH="/projappl/{your_csc_project}/{your_project}/bin:$PATH"

Rscript _targets.R

Check what targets need to be run (on login node):

bash test

Run to generate a specific target:

sbatch {name_of_target}

Check if a specific target (or its dependencies) need to be run:

bash test {name_of_target}

Cluster execution (parallel on multiple nodes)

You probably need to modify, run_crew.R and slurm/puhti_crew.tmpl, for instance to change the project or tykky container (.sh and .tmpl) or the number of workers (.R).

Run the full pipeline:


Test that samples are correctly detected (on login node):

# first line only needed once per session
export PATH="/projappl/{your_csc_project}/{your_project}:$PATH"

Rscript _targets.R

Check what targets need to be run (on login node):

bash test

Run to generate a specific target:

sbatch {name_of_target}

Check if a specific target (or its dependencies) need to be run (on login node):

bash test {name_of_target}

Cluster execution (other)

It should be possible to run on other Slurm-based HPC systems by additional modification of,, run_clustermq.R, and slurm/puhti_clustermq.tmpl. The least portable element is the tykky containerization. In the future a Singularity container will be provided to make installation on other systems easier.


Bioinformatic processing for large Illumina metabarcoding studies






No packages published

Contributors 3
