- Fixed a bug which caused an error when using positive control sequences.
- Detection of spike sequences is now optional, and an option is also included
for positive control sequences. Both of these options are under
in the configuration file. If either type of sequences should be detected, the file containing sequences to detect should be given ascontrols: spikes:
orcontrols: positive:
respectively. Note this is a breaking change for projects that did in fact use the default synmock spikes. These are included in protaxFungi asprotaxFungi/amptk_synmock.fasta
, but must now be explicitly specified.
- Improved parsing of BOLD release datasets when used as outgroup references.
It is now possible to directly download the
to supply as the file foroutgroup_reference:sequences:
. No separate taxonomy file is required. Note that execution will be a bit faster if the FASTA file is pre-filtered to include only sequences with "COI-5P" in the header, but this is not crucial, since this is more than 80% of the sequences in recent BOLD snapshots.
Initial public release, as described in arXiv preprint.