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6th Meeting 22.11.2020

koraycetiin edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Time & Location

  • November 25th 2020, 19:00
  • Zoom


  • Alperen Bağ
  • Berkay Alkan
  • Berke Can Gürer
  • Burak Çuhadar
  • Çağrı Çiftçi
  • Emre Girgin
  • Eylül Yalçınkaya
  • Koray Çetin
  • Mehmet Erdinç Oğuz
  • Meriç Üngör
  • Muhammed Olcayto Türker
  • Veli Can Ünal


  1. Teams will present their work and be aligned with each other.
  2. Each team will inform the other teams with the progress they made.
  3. Content of the presentation will be discussed.


  1. Backend team informed the other teams about the endpoints.
  2. It's decided that signup endpoint should return the user's id, and category endpoint's path fields should be an array instead of string.
  3. Frontend team informed other teams about their progress.
  4. Android team informed other teams about their progress.
  5. Structure of the cloud machine is discussed, may everyone access to it with different accounts etc.
  6. Container structures of backend and frontend is discussed.

Action Items

Task No. Person Task Deadline Completion time
1 Koray Cetin Best practice in container structure of backend and frontend will be asked. 01.12.2020 Tuesday@15.30
2 Mehmet Erdinc Oguz, Meric Ungor Cloud machine that everyone can access with a different user account will be researched. 10.11.2020 Friday@23.59

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