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1st Meeting 27.10.2020

multiminparvo edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Time & Location

  • October 27th 2020, 15:00
  • Zoom


  • Alperen Bağ
  • Berkay Alkan
  • Berke Can Gürer
  • Burak Çuhadar
  • Çağrı Çiftçi
  • Emre Girgin
  • Eylül Yalçınkaya
  • Koray Çetin
  • Mehmet Erdinç Oğuz
  • Meriç Üngör
  • Muhammed Olcayto Türker
  • Veli Can Ünal


  1. Catch-up and introduction of new group members
  2. Orientation and integration of new group members
  3. Discussion on subgroups and project plan


  1. General introduction of group members and project
  2. Review of last semester's deliverables
  3. Discussion on subgroups (mobile, web, backend) & technologies that will be used.
  4. Requirements will be revised by every team member.
  5. Project plan will be revised.
  6. A poll will be opened to decide on weekly meeting time & day.
  7. A meeting will be held on October 28th @14.00 to decide on subgroups.

Action Items

Task No. Person Task Deadline Completion time
1 Eylül Yalçınkaya Taking meeting notes 27.10.2020 Tuesday@23.59 27.10.2020 Tuesday@20.30
2 Emre Girgin Arranging group repo for the new semester 03.11.2020 Tuesday@14.00 28.10.2020 Wednesday@19.30
3 Alperen Bağ, Berke Can Gürer, Meriç Üngör, Veli Can Ünal Creating personal wiki pages 03.11.2020 Tuesday@14.00 28.10.2020 Tuesday@15.00
4 Everyone Researching software technologies for the project 03.11.2020 Tuesday@14.00

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