Checks for PATH substitution vulnerabilities, logs the commands executed by the vulnerable executables and injects a reverse shell with the permissions of the owner of the process.
#How to make it work
curl >
chmod +x
__ /___ \ ___ ___
|__) /\ ( | |__| ) _// \ _// \|
| /--\ \ | | |/ /__\__//__\__/. v1.6.9
Usage: pathzuzu [-e command] [-r address:port] [-t seconds] command [args]
-c Check for updates (github)
-e command Execute command if target is vulnerable
-r address:port Starts reverse shell to address:port
-t seconds Timeout. Kills target after $seconds seconds
Extra flags, requiring -e or -r:
-g gid Run command/ only if the group is $gid
-u uid Run command/ only if the user is $uid
Note: SUID files can bypass the -t flag, it's not a kill-proof solution.
Process may hang because of that.
Returns 0 if the executable is vulnerable, 1 otherwise.
Logs are saved in
( $(basename "$0").log
Demostration (warning: in asciinema on some [very tiny] devices the right part of the screen it's not viewable even while in landscape):