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The GMPS Localizer estimates vehicle pose by GMPS sensor output. All magnetic markers must be listed in marker.csv file. Data association is executed by comparing magnetic marker position predicted from vehicle position with marker table.


The overall flowchart of gmps_localizer is decribed at the end of this document.



This package includes the following features:

  • Yaw estimation from double markers, which enables estimating x,y,yaw from two continuous markers with one GMPS sensor.

  • Initial pose estimation with RFID, which enables data association without previous pose information.


The gmps_localizer starts with the default parameters with following command.

ros2 launch gmps_localizer gmps_localizer.launch.xml

The parameters and input topic names can be set in the gmps_localizer.launch.xml file.


Subscribed Topics

  • in_prev_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
    Previous pose infromation required for data association, which is typically published from pose fusion filter such as EKF.

  • in_gmps_detect (gmps_msgs/GmpsDetect)
    GMPS sensor ouput, which means lateral error from detected magnetic marker.

  • in_rfid (gmps_msgs/Rfid)
    RFID tag number written in EPC frame.

  • in_velocity (geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped)
    Vehicle speed.

Published Topics

  • gmps_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
    Estimated pose with covariance matrix.

  • gmps_log (gmps_msgs/GmpsLog)
    GMPS sensor output and result of data association, for logger.

Pulished TF

  • gmps_link
    TF from "map" coordinate to estimated pose.


load marker csv

Magnetic marker table csv file consists of following columns.

Column Description
mm_id User defined number of magnetic markers.
tag_id RFID tag number written in EPC frame.
mm_kind Type of magnetic markers. [not used]
pole Magnetic pole of magnetic markers.
x position of magnetic markers in "map" coordinate.
y position of magnetic markers in "map" coordinate.

data association

  • marker_association_by_rfid
  • marker_association_by_prev_pose

measurement pose

  • measurement_double_marker
  • measurement_single_marker

Parameter description

The parameters are set in launch/gmps_localizer.launch.xml .

For pose measurement

Name Type Description
enable_pole bool Enable/Disable magnetic pole filtering at data association.
enable_rfid bool Enable/Disable RFID tag_id filtering at data association.
marker_table_csv_name string File path of magnetic marker table
tf_x double tf from baselink to GMPS sensor [m]
tf_y double tf from baselink to GMPS sensor [m]
tf_yaw double tf from baselink to GMPS sensor [rad]
tf_rfid_x double tf from baselink to RFID R/W [m]
sigma_x_gmps double std_dev of X of gmps_pose [m]
sigma_y_gmps double std_dev of Y of gmps_pose [m]
sigma_theta_gmps double std_dev of Yaw of gmps_pose [rad]


/* transform from vehicle to marker */

x ^ m = x c + e m sin ( θ c ) l m cos ( θ c )

y ^ m = y c e m cos ( θ c ) l m sin ( θ c )

/* magnetic marker association */

i = arg min j ( x m ( j ) x ^ m ) 2 + ( y m ( j ) y ^ m ) 2

/* transform from marker to vehicle, including delay */

x ~ c = x m ( i ) e m sin ( θ c ) + l m cos ( θ c )

y ~ c = y m ( i ) + e m cos ( θ c ) + l m sin ( θ c )

flowchart by mermaid

title: gmps_localizer v2.1.0
graph TD;

subgraph callback_detect
a0[["update_mileage( )"]]
a1[["push_marker_queue( )"]]
cond1{rfid_queue != empty}
a2[["marker_association_by_rfid( )"]]
cond2{"rfid_association was failed AND
prev_pose is valid"}
a3[["marker_association_by_prev_pose( )"]]
a4[publish info]

cond3{association was suceeded}
cond4{marker_queue includes two markers}
a5[["check_double_marker( )"]]

a6[["measurement_double_marker( )"]]
cond6{prev_pose is valid}
a7[["measurement_single_marker( )"]]
a9[[publish pose]]

a10 -->a0
a0 --> a1
a1 --> cond1
cond1 --Y--> a2
a2 --> cond2
cond1 --N-->cond2
cond2 --Y-->a3
a3 -->a4
cond2 --N-->a4
a4 --> cond3
cond3 --Y-->cond4
cond3 --N--> a11
cond4 --Y --> a5
cond4 --N -->cond5
a5 --> cond5
cond5 --Y--> a6
cond5 --N--> cond6
a6 -->a9
cond6 --Y-->a7
cond6 --N--> a11
a7 --> a9
a9 --> a11

subgraph callback_prevpose
b1[subscribe /prev_pose]
b2[store pose information]
b1 --> b2

subgraph callback_rfid
c1[subscribe /rfid]
c2[["update_mileage( )"]]

callback_prevpose --> callback_detect
callback_rfid --> callback_detect