This is a template for creating a HL7 Switzerland FHIR implementation guide (CI Build). Sample resources are integrated as fsh files (ch-ig\input\fsh
) (also including non-fsh files).
This CH IG implementation guide is dependent on CH Core (and therefore also on CH EPR Term), which describe the Swiss specific context, especially related to the Swiss electronic patient record. If this dependency cannot be used, it can be removed.
FSH (FHIR Shorthand)
To set up a FHIR Shorthand (FSH) implementation guide use this template or see the instructions here. Don't forget to install SUSHI. (CI Build)
Further supporting information on FSH:
- Documentation of the FHIR Shorthand language standard
- FSH School: The place to learn and try FHIR Shorthand!
- FSH Cheat Sheet
Using GoFSH, you can turn existing FHIR artifacts into FSH definitions.
GoFSH is executed from the command line. GoFSH requires that these files be JSON. An example form of the GoFSH execution command is as follows:
gofsh ./input/resources/structuredefinition -o ./input/fsh -d -d -d ihe.mhd.fhir@current
- On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Above the file list, click Use this template.
- Use the Owner drop-down menu, and select the account you want to own the repository.
- Type a name for your repository, and an optional description.
- Choose to make the repository either public or private.
- You only need the master branch.
- Click Create repository from template.
See also
- Replace ig (e.g. ch-ig-patient → ch-name-patient) at all appropriate places with the desired name of the implementation guide:
- Rename all files
- Rename file content
- Change the content of the file
- Change the value of the publisher (incl. contact), logo, links etc. from 'HL7 Switzerland' to the publisher responsible for this implementation guide
- Option A:
- See instructions for installing the IG publisher and building the IG below
- Option B:
- Get the latest IG publisher from
- Make sure you are always working with the latest publisher
- Put the publisher.jar in the main directory.
- A local build of the IG can be generated by running
JAVA -jar publisher.jar -ig ig.ini
at the command line.
- Get the latest IG publisher from
- See the output:
- Validation results (QA): .\ch-ig\output\qa.html (link is displayed in the command line)
- Implementation guide: .\ch-ig\output\index.html (replace qa with index)
For further information see here.
For further information see here.
You need to give access to your repository for the specific github app
- Install the editor Visual Studio Code as described here
Install the extension FHIR tools (yannick-lagger.vscode-fhir-tools)
- Go to extensions in the activity bar on the right side of VSC (shown as 4 squares)
- Search for this extension using the search field at the top left: yannick-lagger.vscode-fhir-tools
- Then install it
Install the extension vscode-language-fsh (kmahalingam.vscode-language-fsh)
- Installation as described above
- Installation: (see Jekyll on Windows for windows users)
- Install SUSHI (and Node.js) as described here
- Install Git as described here
- Create a GitHub account as described here
- You should definitely set up two-factor authentication as it is described there in the lowest section
- If you haven't already done so, create a local GitHub folder on your computer (e.g.
). - Open a terminal in VSC (Terminal > New Terminal)
- Navigate to the local GitHub folder in the terminal (
cd .\Documents\
,cd .\GitHub\
) - Then clone the repository via the terminal:
git clone
- Open the folder of the repository in VSC (File > Open Folder...)
- Navigate to this repository in the terminal (
cd .\ch-ig\
- In VSC press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P
- Type following command in the field: FHIR update Java Validator and IGPublisher
- In VSC press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P
- Type following command in the field: FHIR run IGPublisher
- Copy the link from the result in your terminal in a web browser (
) - Change
and see your IG!
- IG Publisher Documentation
- Using the FHIR Validator
- FHIR Chat Zulip
- Create a free account
- Use different streams for help/information: #implementers, #IG creation, #committers/notification, #shorthand, #terminology, #switzerland, and more...