In this repository we store all FHIR Implementation Guides (IG) published by HL7 Switzerland on
If you update index.html the file will be automatically published on (there is some caching on the reverse proxy, it might take a few minutes).
Go to the repository of the IG (example ch-core)
Update/check the IG config sushi-config.yaml or
date: 2024-06-19
version: 5.0.0-ballot
orversion: 5.0.0
- after the publication change the value to
version: {next-proposed-version}-ci-build
- after the publication change the value to
releaselabel: ballot
orreleaselabel: trial-use
- ci-build | draft | qa-preview | ballot | trial-use | release | update | normative+trial-use
- after the publication change the value to
releaselabel: ci-build
- all
license: CC0-1.0
Update the STU note box in according to the type of publication
Ballot (STU or informative):
This implementation guide is under STU ballot by [HL7 Switzerland]( until September 30th, 2024 midnight. Please add your feedback via the ‘Propose a change’-link in the footer on the page where you have comments. [Significant changes, open and closed issues.](changelog.html)
Stable version:
[Significant changes, open and closed issues.](changelog.html)
Create/update the file publication-request.json in the IG root folder, see also
{ "package-id" : "", "version" : "5.0.0-ballot", (or {5.0.0}) "path" : "", (or {}) "mode" : "milestone", "status" : "ballot", (or {trial-use}) "sequence" : "STU 5", "desc" : "HL7 Switzerland STU 5 Ballot", (or {HL7 Switzerland STU 5}) "changes" : "changelog.html", "first" : false }
For the first release, some more elements are required.
Verify that the IG build is as expected and error-free, therefore check the ci build.
Commit and push the changes to the master branch of the repository
- You might need to create a new folder named after the IG you want to publish in the folder ig (to be confirmed)
- You have to give the Githu App FHIR IG Publication on permission to your repo
- Continue with the steps below
Note: If you rename an IG and have an old IG that you refer in package-list.json (e.g., you need to update the file .github/workflows/BuildIG_publish.yaml, see ch-term entry as an example.
- Go to (> Actions > Build IG and publish)
- Click on Run workflow, provide the repository of the IG repo and the version of the IG. If the tick is set it will commit the tag the release in the repository here and publish to If the publish tick is set to false, the generated IGs will be provided as an artifact (dry run).
- If everything is successful, the master branch will be tagged with the version you specified and you get a zulip message in the switzerland stream that the IG go published
Note: You should not run publication actions in parallel if you have the publish flag set to true, this will not work (merge conflicts).
The implementation guides are hosted here in this repository, but then uploaded to a google drive. has reverse proxy setup and returns the content from the the google drive.
This repository is too big, that it could be hosted via github pages :-(