Fast rAdio Burst Localization & dEtection using Mask-RCNN
The steps and codes to perform an automatic annotation of single pulse is detailed below. An illustration of masking and annotation is shown here.
The dataset can be downloaded at:
An illustration of prediction on a sample of test data is illustrated below. The code in this directory perform detection and localization of FRB and background noise only. However, the FABLE code can be adapted such that it detect and localise three class scenario: FRB, RFI and Background as illustrated here.
Create a Virtual environment using conda
Create virtual environment: conda create -n frbloc python==3.6
Activate the environment
source activate frbloc or conda activate frbloc
Install tensorflow and keras
pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.14 pip3 install keras==2.1.0
Install all required packages as follows
pip3 install numpy scipy Pillow cython matplotlib scikit-image opencv-python h5py imgaug Ipython python install
If jupyter can’t find the tensorflow and jupyter is not working, on terminal type
pip3 install jupyter notebook==4.3.0 python -m ipykernel install --user —name=frbloc
Then in Jupyter notebook choose frbloc kernel.
To run automatic masking
cd FABLE/samples/FRB/automated_mask_code/
Split data into training, validation and test set. Run jupyter notebook
Automatic Annotation, run jupyter notebook
Step3-automated_masking-without-plotting.ipynb or Step3-automated_masking.ipynb
Inspect whether the annotation is correct or not and run the jupyter notebook
cd FABLE/samples/FRB/ Stage 1- INSPECT-FRB-DATA.ipynb
cd FABLE/samples/FRB/
To train the model, we use This code detctect only FRB/Single pulse from the background noise.
python train --dataset=/FABLE/samples/FRB/automated_mask_code/fetch_data --weights=coco
Step by step training process and prediction
cd FABLE/samples/FRB/ Stage 2 - Demo-FABLE-stages.ipynb
Make prediction on validation and test set. Compute the DM and time of the pulse based on the mask.
cd FABLE/samples/FRB/ Stage 3 - PREDICTION-OF-FRB-IN-TEST-SET.ipynb
If you use this work please cite:
author = {Zafiirah Hosenie},
title = {{Zafiirah13/FABLE/: Software release}},
month = March,
year = 2021,
publisher = {Github},
version = {0.1},
url = {}