This is a mod I developed for use in my videos. In the latest update, I added the ability to wake up sleepers via talking in Mumble. 👀
The setup process is lengthy and tedious but I genuinely think it pays off. I spent a lot of time on making sure nobody is confused anywhere through the process so you can either use the Wiki to walk you through it, or you can watch the video tutorial below. ❤️
There is a way to do this by modifying Dissonance in GTFO, (since Dissonance supports Proximity Chat, yet 10C disabled this feature), but I am unsure as to how to do that effectively. Maybe one day...
Currently this plugin is undergoing a full rewrite in version 3.0. Hopefully will fix some performance issues and whatnot since I actually kind of know what I am doing now haha.
- Installation Guide
- Mumble Client Setup
- First Time Setup (If you don't have Mumble, start here.)
- Recommended Settings
- TalkState Setup NEW!
- Connecting to Mumble
- Known Issues
- Developer Tools
You can find a full installation guide on the wiki.
As well as a full video here:
Josh Robson Chase for his Positional Voice Debugger and Valheim Mod Base as well as his explanation of the whole thing. Seriously wouldn't have created this without his work.
GTFO Modding Team & BepInEx for putting together the BepInEx Pack for GTFO as well as the Quickstart Guide for Modding GTFO!