Releases: Ttxman/NanoTrans
beta 17 bugfixes
disabled _ aceleration key on speaker names (first '_' is no longer missing from speaker name in paragraph editor and waveform )
some modifications to pedals.exe to automatically terminate when nanotrans crashed or terminated from taskmanager
bunch of fixes to waveform shifting and redrawing, all strange behaviours when dragging paragraphs on waveform, when playback is running should be finally solved. And as side effect there is some minor performance boost :)
beta 16 tweaks and fixes
Redraw of waveform was tweaked to try to show the paragraph with playback cursor entirely. Now the waveform can be shifted when entering last shown paragraph (to move the whole paragraph into view) to show the whole paragraph.
Fixed some problems with dragging the borders of paragraphs in waveform:
Drag is now canceled when the waveform shifts and when playback starts or stops. This eliminated occasional with stuck dragging and dragging jumping to segment with mouse cursor on top.
beta 15 - All reported bugs are fixed
main problem was subtitles scroling to begining when adding/removing new paragraph
reenabled pedals support and added it to installer
fix - paragraph splitting b14
api2 update
synchronization fixes
bugfix, crash on null middle name
fix: crash occurred when saving speaker with null middle name
beta 7, Fix for bug (release version only) that blocked loading of trsx files