Releases: Ttxman/NanoTrans
beta 5 - ui enchancements/ fixes
ui enchancements mainly in speakers manager
- better save changes messagebox (added cancel)
- speakers manages now close if save changes messagebox returns yes/no (no double closing required)
- writing spaces in name/degrees is now enabled
-save changes to transcription dialogshould not appear without actual changes were made
fix: meta information on new transcription are not shared across domain
feature: spaker merging is now supported directly in Transcription.Core.speakerCollection
some typos were fixed
Whole project is now set to framework 4.5
1.0 beta 4
Fixed selection off attributes
added custom attribute names to settings
1.0 beta 3
Bugfix: Degree after name of speakers was not loaded
1.0 beta 2 - more tested than beta 1
bugfix: critical bug in loading speakers - DBIDs were totaly broken
1.0 beta 1 - somewhat more tested than alphas :)
!!!Warning alpha 3 & beta 1 contains critical error, which broken local speaker synchronization
bugfix: relative path in Transcription.MediaUri should be now loaded correctly again
bugfix: serialization core library -> TranscriptionParagraph.Speaker now cannot be set to null
1.0 Alpha 3 - Do not use for serious work!!!, expect bugs
fixed major bug in undo system that was corrupting the redo function
Paragraph split/merge from UI are now only 1 action in undo, instead of 3
minor changes:
speaker database id attribute on speaker element in trsx can no longer be empty string.
1.0 Alpha 2 - Do not use for serious work!!!, expect bugs
!! Redo is bugged
bugfixes, optimalizations
1.0 Alpha 1 - Do not use for serious work!!!, expect bugs
New major Feature: Undo / Redo, including structural changes
- Implemented new event propagation system for propagating changes in transcription.
- Reworked UI to use this system
- Undo/redo features are based on these events
Command system cleanup
- I found a way to remove command bindings from AvalonEdit
- all the unused and conflicting commands should be found, removed from the AvalonEdits in the Element control and hacks used in editor_PreviewKeyDown/up should be deleted
- pageup/pagedown is probably handled in the main Listbox in speakersVisualizer, it should be removed too
crash with absolute paths in mediaURI
new features
- drag and drop to main window is now supported also for audio files
- feature enabler more settings