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#Configure DateBk6 for Palm for The Cycle.
##Pimlico Software's !DateBk 6
These settings are what I use to configure my Palm Treo [http://www.pimlicosoftware.com/datebk6.htm DateBk6 for Palm OS] so that it is optimized for using The Cycle.
With this configuration:
- The normal view will be a split-screen showing your top priority todo's and a little bit of today's schedule.
- Todo list will be sorted with work-stuff first, then Personal stuff. At the end of the day bump all unfinished Business todos to the next day and you are ready to start your personal (or "at night") Todos.
Record new "todo" item:
- Click "New" then "Todo" then enter the item. Default priorities and categories should be ok. If it is something you want to do after work, when you get home, change Category to "Personal".
Putting off low-priority items:
- Click the item and HOLD. A pop-up will appear. Click "Set Tomorrow" or "Set Next Monday" (moves it to the beginning of next week).
Mark a todo item as "done":
- Click the item and HOLD. A pop-up will appear. Click "Toggle Done". It will be properly recorded as "done today".
##Configuring the software =
There is the main preferences menu (that leads to many different screens of options) and the "View Display Options" page. I don't know why DB splits them into different areas. Alas, here are my settings. (In most cases I've only listed the ones that are ON or checked.)
TODO(tlim): Just list what's different from the defaults.
Options -> View Display Options:
- ON Compress Day View
- OFF Scott time then day
- ON Shot Time Bars
- ON Popup menus
- ON Scroll for next event
- ON Icons
- ON p for Pm
- ON End Times
- Std. View
- Maximum display lines: All
- Default appt Duration: 1:00
- New ALL Items Time Slots: 30m
- Todo's: Split Screen -- Top
More Adv. Settings
- Select order: Details, Note, Location, Link
- (all others unchecked)
- ON Always show: new day/category
- ON Warnings
- ON Include Todo's in popup lists
- ON Record Completion Date
- Def Priority 2 -- Urgency: -
- Def. Category Business
- Adv. Display: 0 days
Todo Sorting
- Completed
- Category
- Past Due
- Due Today
- Due Soon
- Not Due Yet
- Dates
- Undated
- Urgency
- Priority
- Alphanumeric
- Icon
- ON Datebk6 Handles Alarms
Split Screen
- ON Tigher Lines
- ON Telephone#
- ON Always open Addresses for Link
- ON Focus on SS window when opened
- Window Position: Top
- # lines: 8
Popup List Settings
- Dial Phone #
- Details
- Advance 1 day
- Bold/!DefaultFont
- Set Category
- Copy
- Toggle Done
- Strikethrough
- Delete
- Details
- Set Tomorrow
- Advance 1 Day
- Set Day after Tomorrow
- Set Next Monday
- Set 1 Week Later
- Set Category
- Copy
- Toggle Done
- Delete
Advanced Settings
- All off
More Adv. Settings
- All off
Wow! That was a lot of settings! I hope you got through them all. With these settings The Cycle "procedures" listed above should "just work".