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TheCycleAppigoTodo edited this page Apr 4, 2015 · 1 revision

#Configure Appigo Todo for iPhone for The Cycle.

##Appigo Todo for iPhone

These settings are what I use to configure my iPhone running [Appigo Todo Cloud)( so that it is optimized for using The Cycle.

With this configuration:

  • Uses the "Focus" list to see just the tasks to be working on, plus a hint about tomorrow's work.
  • Since Todo does not permit "one todo list per day", we hijack the "Due Date" to be which day's todo list the task should be done on. By sorting by Due Date, we get a good simulation of the "one todo list per day" concept of The Cycle. (Here's a punny way to remember this: Use the "Due" date as your "Do" date.)


  • Record new "todo" item:
    • Click the "lightning bolt +" button to quickly record todo items. The default settings will put it on today's list.
    • To schedule the task for a future date, instead of pressing "return" click the + >button to set the "Due Date"
  • Putting off low-priority items:
    • Quick: "Click and hold" the task. A pop-up will appear. Click "Postpone" to move it to the tomorrow.
    • Specific: Click the task. Click "Due Date". Either click on the specific date in the calendar or use the short-cut buttons at the bottom of the screen to select Today, Tomorrow, Next Week (which means 7 days from today).
  • Invest 5 Minutes i.e. "plan your day"
    • Each morning invest 5 minutes planning your day.
      • Go to the "Focus" list
      • Press the "3 horizontal bars" icon at the top of the list to enter prioritization mode.
      • To drag an item up or down, press and hold the "3 horizontal bars" icon at the far right.
      • Press and hold the item to get a pop-up that lets you quickly "Postpone" (move forward 1 day) an item.
      • To move many items, click the circle on the left of the item to mark many items. The bottom menu will change. Click "schedule" to move all the marked items to a new date.
  • Mark a todo item as "done":
    • Press the check-box. It will disappear from the list.

##Configuring the software

Here are the settings I use to get "The Cycle" to work best with Appigo Todo:

  • Settings
    • Complete Tasks: ON
    • Sorting Due Date, Priority
    • General:
      • Application Icon:
        • Show: "Focus" List Tasks"
      • Completed Tasks:
        • Show: All (NOTE: I've never had this work! I don't know why)
        • Strikeout: Crayon Blue (or pick whatever you prefer)
      • Display Options:
        • Overdue Section: On
      • New Task Defaults:
      • Due Date: Today
      • List: Inbox
    • Focus List:
      • Show Tasks
        • No Due Date: On
        • Starred: On
        • Subtasks: Off
        • Completed: For Two Days (NOTE: I've never had this work! I don't know why)
      • Hide Tasks
        • Due After: Tomorrow
      • List Filter
        • Filter: None

Note: I highly recommend you sync to a service so that if you lose your phone you can do a complete restore. I use Todo Pro because it was easy to set up and I assumed the support would be the best. It supports other sync systems but I have not tried them.


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