Simple web app that uses machine learning to detect objects in photos and videos
Hosting graciously provided by Netlify
- try to use ffmpeg.js to decode mkv files
- add stable image logic (2 canvas A & B & compare Image A & B distance)
- bonus : add person detection
- earth.mp4
- bunny.mp4
- bird.jpg : Image by AKA23 from Pixabay
- man.jpg : Image by melancholiaphotography from Pixabay
- waves.mkv
- : for the "VS" favicon rounded #FFF & #50A with Kdam font size 100
- Github : for all their great work year after year, pushing OSS forward
- : for the loading animation
- Netlify : awesome company that offers free CI & hosting for OSS projects
- Repo-checker : eslint cover /src code and this tool the rest ^^
- Servor : dependency free dev server for single page app development
- : for the nice badges on top of this readme
- Shuutils : collection of pure JS utils
- TailwindCss : awesome lib to produce maintainable style