Image manipulation library for C99 or C++, with a focus on ease-of-use.
#include "pntr.h"
int main() {
pntr_image* image = pntr_new_image(200, 200);
pntr_draw_circle_fill(image, 100, 100, 80, PNTR_RED);
pntr_save_image(image, "output.png");
return 0;
Name | Description |
pntr_app | Application wrapper for running the same pntr code in raylib, SDL, Web, libretro, or in a CLI |
pntr_assetsys | Load pntr assets from .zip files with assetsys.h |
pntr_physfs | Load pntr assets from .zip files with PhysicsFS |
pntr_nuklear | Nuklear immediate-mode graphical user interface for pntr |
pntr_aseprite | Use Aseprite animated sprites in pntr |
pntr_tiled | Display Tiled 2D level editor maps in pntr |
pntr_portablegl | Use the OpenGL-esque software rendering library, PortableGL, in pntr |
pntr_doom | Play DOOM via PureDOOM rendered through pntr |
pntr_pixelfont | Additional pixel fonts outside of the default |
This covers how to use pntr.
Add these defines prior to including pntr.h
to modify how it functions.
Define | Description |
Define this in one of your .c or .cpp files before including pntr.h |
Use the RGBA format |
Use the ARGB pixel format |
Enables the default font |
Enables use of C's standard math.h linked library, rather than using the built in math functions |
Enables support for loading TrueType fonts |
Enables UTF-8 support for font loading and text rendering |
Callback to use when asked to load a file in pntr_load_file() . By default, will use stdio.h . |
Callback to use when loading an image from memory via pntr_load_image_from_memory() . By default, will use stb_image |
Callback to use when saving a file via pntr_save_file() . By default, uses stdio.h |
Callback to use when saving an image to memory via pntr_save_image_to_memory() . By default, will use stb_image_write |
Skips alpha blending when drawing pixels |
Will disable the standard file loading/saving calls for PNTR_LOAD_FILE and PNTR_SAVE_FILE |
Disables the default behavior of image saving |
Disables the default behavior of image loading |
Skips defining CUTE_PNG_IMPLEMENTATION . Useful if you're using cute_png elsewhere |
Skips defining STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION . Useful if you're using stb_truetype elsewhere |
Skips defining STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION . useful if you're using stb_image_write elsewhere |
Skips defining STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION . useful if you're using stb_image_write elsewhere |
pntr_image* pntr_new_image(int width, int height);
pntr_image* pntr_gen_image_color(int width, int height, pntr_color color);
pntr_image* pntr_image_copy(pntr_image* image);
pntr_image* pntr_image_from_image(pntr_image* image, int x, int y, int width, int height);
pntr_image* pntr_image_subimage(pntr_image* image, int x, int y, int width, int height);
pntr_rectangle pntr_image_get_clip(pntr_image* image);
void pntr_image_set_clip(pntr_image* image, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void pntr_image_reset_clip(pntr_image* image);
void pntr_unload_image(pntr_image* image);
void pntr_clear_background(pntr_image* image, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_point(pntr_image* dst, int x, int y, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_point_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* point, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_points(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int pointsCount, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line(pntr_image* dst, int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_horizontal(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_horizontal_thick(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_thick(pntr_image* dst, int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_thick_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector start, pntr_vector end, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector start, pntr_vector end, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_vertical(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int height, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_line_vertical_thick(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int height, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_rectangle rect, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_gradient(pntr_image* dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_gradient_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_rectangle rect, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_rectangle rec, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_thick(pntr_image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_thick_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_rectangle rect, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle(pntr_image* dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle_fill(pntr_image* dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle_fill_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector point1, pntr_vector point2, pntr_vector point3, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle_thick(pntr_image* dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle_thick_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector point1, pntr_vector point2, pntr_vector point3, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_triangle_vec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector point1, pntr_vector point2, pntr_vector point3, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_ellipse(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radiusX, int radiusY, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_ellipse_fill(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radiusX, int radiusY, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_ellipse_thick(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radiusX, int radiusY, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_circle(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_circle_fill(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_circle_thick(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_polygon(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int numPoints, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_polygon_fill(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int numPoints, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_polygon_thick(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int numPoints, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_polyline(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int numPoints, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_polyline_thick(pntr_image* dst, pntr_vector* points, int numPoints, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_arc(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_arc_fill(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_arc_thick(pntr_image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_rounded(pntr_image* dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, int topLeftRadius, int topRightRadius, int bottomLeftRadius, int bottomRightRadius, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_rounded_fill(pntr_image* dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, int cornerRadius, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_rectangle_thick_rounded(pntr_image* dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, int topLeftRadius, int topRightRadius, int bottomLeftRadius, int bottomRightRadius, int thickness, pntr_color color);
void pntr_draw_image(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, int posX, int posY);
void pntr_draw_image_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY);
void pntr_draw_image_tint(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_draw_image_tint_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_draw_image_rotated(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, int posX, int posY, float degrees, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter);
void pntr_draw_image_rotated_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, float degrees, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter);
void pntr_draw_image_flipped(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, int posX, int posY, bool flipHorizontal, bool flipVertical, bool flipDiagonal);
void pntr_draw_image_flipped_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, pntr_rectangle srcRec, int posX, int posY, bool flipHorizontal, bool flipVertical, bool flipDiagonal);
void pntr_draw_image_scaled(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, int posX, int posY, float scaleX, float scaleY, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter);
void pntr_draw_image_scaled_rec(pntr_image* dst, pntr_image* src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, float scaleX, float scaleY, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter);
void pntr_draw_text(pntr_image* dst, pntr_font* font, const char* text, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_draw_text_len(pntr_image* dst, pntr_font* font, const char* text, int textLength, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_draw_text_wrapped(pntr_image* dst, pntr_font* font, const char* text, int posX, int posY, int maxWidth, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_draw_text_ex(pntr_image* dst, pntr_font* font, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint, const char* text, ...);
pntr_color pntr_new_color(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
pntr_color pntr_get_color(unsigned int hexValue);
unsigned char pntr_color_r(pntr_color color);
unsigned char pntr_color_g(pntr_color color);
unsigned char pntr_color_b(pntr_color color);
unsigned char pntr_color_a(pntr_color color);
void pntr_color_set_r(pntr_color* color, unsigned char r);
void pntr_color_set_g(pntr_color* color, unsigned char g);
void pntr_color_set_b(pntr_color* color, unsigned char b);
void pntr_color_set_a(pntr_color* color, unsigned char a);
pntr_color pntr_image_get_color(pntr_image* image, int x, int y);
bool pntr_save_file(const char *fileName, const void *data, unsigned int bytesToWrite);
void* pntr_image_to_pixelformat(pntr_image* image, unsigned int* dataSize, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat);
bool pntr_save_image(pntr_image* image, const char* fileName);
unsigned char* pntr_save_image_to_memory(pntr_image* image, pntr_image_type type, unsigned int* dataSize);
int pntr_get_pixel_data_size(int width, int height, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat);
pntr_image* pntr_load_image(const char* fileName);
pntr_image* pntr_load_image_from_memory(pntr_image_type type, const unsigned char* fileData, unsigned int dataSize);
pntr_image* pntr_image_from_pixelformat(const void* data, int width, int height, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat);
void* pntr_set_error(pntr_error error);
const char* pntr_get_error(void);
pntr_error pntr_get_error_code(void);
pntr_image* pntr_image_resize(pntr_image* image, int newWidth, int newHeight, pntr_filter filter);
pntr_image* pntr_image_scale(pntr_image* image, float scaleX, float scaleY, pntr_filter filter);
void pntr_image_color_replace(pntr_image* image, pntr_color color, pntr_color replace);
pntr_color pntr_color_tint(pntr_color color, pntr_color tint);
void pntr_image_color_tint(pntr_image* image, pntr_color color);
pntr_color pntr_color_fade(pntr_color color, float alpha);
void pntr_image_color_fade(pntr_image* image, float alpha);
pntr_color pntr_color_brightness(pntr_color color, float factor);
pntr_color pntr_get_pixel_color(void* srcPtr, pntr_pixelformat srcPixelFormat);
void pntr_set_pixel_color(void* dstPtr, pntr_pixelformat dstPixelFormat, pntr_color color);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_default(void);
void pntr_unload_font(pntr_font* font);
pntr_font* pntr_font_copy(pntr_font* font);
pntr_font* pntr_font_scale(pntr_font* font, float scaleX, float scaleY, pntr_filter filter);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_bmf(const char* fileName, const char* characters);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_bmf_from_image(pntr_image* image, const char* characters);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_bmf_from_memory(const unsigned char* fileData, unsigned int dataSize, const char* characters);
int pntr_measure_text(pntr_font* font, const char* text);
pntr_vector pntr_measure_text_ex(pntr_font* font, const char* text, int textLength);
pntr_image* pntr_gen_image_text(pntr_font* font, const char* text, pntr_color tint, pntr_color backgroundColor);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_tty(const char* fileName, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char* characters);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_tty_from_memory(const unsigned char* fileData, unsigned int dataSize, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char* characters);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_tty_from_image(pntr_image* image, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char* characters);
unsigned char* pntr_load_file(const char *fileName, unsigned int *bytesRead);
void pntr_unload_file(unsigned char* fileData);
const char* pntr_load_file_text(const char *fileName);
void pntr_unload_file_text(const char* text);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_ttf(const char* fileName, int fontSize);
pntr_font* pntr_load_font_ttf_from_memory(const unsigned char* fileData, unsigned int dataSize, int fontSize);
pntr_color pntr_color_invert(pntr_color color);
void pntr_image_color_invert(pntr_image* image);
pntr_color pntr_color_alpha_blend(pntr_color dst, pntr_color src);
pntr_rectangle pntr_image_alpha_border(pntr_image* image, float threshold);
bool pntr_image_crop(pntr_image* image, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void pntr_image_alpha_crop(pntr_image* image, float threshold);
void pntr_image_color_brightness(pntr_image* image, float factor);
void pntr_image_flip(pntr_image* image, bool horizontal, bool vertical);
pntr_color pntr_color_contrast(pntr_color color, float contrast);
void pntr_image_color_contrast(pntr_image* image, float contrast);
void pntr_image_alpha_mask(pntr_image* image, pntr_image* alphaMask, int posX, int posY);
bool pntr_image_resize_canvas(pntr_image* image, int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, pntr_color fill);
pntr_image* pntr_image_rotate(pntr_image* image, float degrees, pntr_filter filter);
pntr_image* pntr_gen_image_gradient(int width, int height, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight);
pntr_color pntr_color_bilinear_interpolate(pntr_color color00, pntr_color color01, pntr_color color10, pntr_color color11, float coordinateX, float coordinateY);
void* pntr_load_memory(size_t size);
void pntr_unload_memory(void* pointer);
void* pntr_memory_copy(void* destination, void* source, size_t size);
pntr_image_type pntr_get_file_image_type(const char* filePath);
To build the tests and examples, use CMake:
# Set up the build files.
cmake -B build
# Build the tests and examples.
cmake --build build
# Run the tests
ctest --test-dir build -V
To build the documentation, use Doxygen...
doxygen .Doxyfile
To publish the documentation, Node.js...
npm run docs
- Logo by Ravenist, used with permission
- cute_png.h by Randy Gaul
- font8x8 by Daniel Hepper provides the 8x8 monochrome font
- stb_image.h by Sean Barrett
- stb_truetype.h by Sean Barrett
- utf8.h by Neil Henning
- tester from zpl provides the unit testing framework
- raylib inspired some of the design patterns
Unless stated otherwise, all works are:
- Copyright (c) 2023 Rob Loach
... and licensed under: