Build pntr applications with the same code for a number of different targets, including SDL, raylib, libretro, the web, and more.
- Compile for a number of platforms...
- raylib
- SDL 3
- Web with Emscripten
- libretro and RetroArch
- Command Line Interfaces with termbox2
- Software rendering with pntr
- Audio (.wav or .ogg)
- Input with Mouse, Keyboard, or Gamepads
#include "pntr_app.h"
bool Init(pntr_app* app) {
// Initialize the application, return false on failure.
return true;
bool Update(pntr_app* app, pntr_image* screen) {
// Clear the screen.
pntr_clear_background(screen, PNTR_WHITE);
// Draw a circle.
pntr_draw_circle_fill(screen, screen->width / 2, screen->height / 2, 100, PNTR_BLUE);
// Continue running the application.
return true;
void Close(pntr_app* app) {
// Uninitialize the application.
pntr_app Main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return (pntr_app) {
.width = 800,
.height = 450,
.title = "pntr_app",
.init = Init,
.update = Update,
.close = Close,
.fps = 60
When compiling, define one of the following to determine which platform you are targeting...
For rendering, see the pntr API.
// Application
pntr_app Main(int argc, char* argv[]);
int pntr_app_width(pntr_app* app);
int pntr_app_height(pntr_app* app);
void pntr_app_set_title(pntr_app* app, const char* title);
const char* pntr_app_title(pntr_app* app);
void* pntr_app_userdata(pntr_app* app);
void pntr_app_set_userdata(pntr_app* app, void* userData);
bool pntr_app_set_size(pntr_app* app, int width, int height);
void pntr_app_set_icon(pntr_app* app, pntr_image* icon);
float pntr_app_delta_time(pntr_app* app);
// Input
bool pntr_app_key_pressed(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_key key);
bool pntr_app_key_down(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_key key);
bool pntr_app_key_released(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_key key);
bool pntr_app_key_up(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_key key);
bool pntr_app_gamepad_button_pressed(pntr_app* app, int gamepad, pntr_app_gamepad_button key);
bool pntr_app_gamepad_button_down(pntr_app* app, int gamepad, pntr_app_gamepad_button key);
bool pntr_app_gamepad_button_released(pntr_app* app, int gamepad, pntr_app_gamepad_button key);
float pntr_app_mouse_x(pntr_app* app);
float pntr_app_mouse_y(pntr_app* app);
float pntr_app_mouse_delta_x(pntr_app* app);
float pntr_app_mouse_delta_y(pntr_app* app);
bool pntr_app_mouse_button_pressed(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_mouse_button button);
bool pntr_app_mouse_button_down(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_mouse_button button);
bool pntr_app_mouse_button_released(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_mouse_button button);
bool pntr_app_mouse_button_up(pntr_app* app, pntr_app_mouse_button button);
// Utility
int pntr_app_random(pntr_app* app, int min, int max);
float pntr_app_random_float(pntr_app* app, float min, float max);
uint64_t pntr_app_random_seed(pntr_app* app);
void pntr_app_random_set_seed(pntr_app* app, uint64_t seed);
void pntr_app_log(pntr_app_log_type type, const char* message);
void* pntr_app_load_arg_file(pntr_app* app, unsigned int* size);
// Sounds
pntr_sound* pntr_load_sound(const char* fileName);
pntr_sound* pntr_load_sound_from_memory(pntr_app_sound_type type, unsigned char* data, unsigned int dataSize);
void pntr_unload_sound(pntr_sound* sound);
void pntr_play_sound(pntr_sound* sound, bool loop);
void pntr_stop_sound(pntr_sound* sound);
void pntr_set_volume(pntr_sound* sound, float volume);
bool pntr_sound_playing(pntr_sound* sound);
There are a few platforms supported by pntr_app, which have their own build methods...
To build the raylib and SDL applications, use CMake. Depends on either raylib, or SDL along with SDL_mixer...
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
You can disable building some examples by using...
cmake --build build
To build the libretro core, use make
. Depends on libretro-common.
git submodule update --init
cd example
cd example
emmake make platform=emscripten
Build for the web with Emscripten and raylib. Depends on emsdk.
emmake make -C build
emrun build/example/index.html
Unless stated otherwise, all works are:
- Copyright (c) 2023 Rob Loach
... and licensed under: