This project is based off of [MPL-2.0 License] and takes a different approach to top level API, emphasizing parity with for
This library is published through Maven Central. In your app build.gradle
implementation 'io.github.rallista:maplibre-compose:0.0.16'
Note: GitHub package manager releases are deprecated but will remain available.
Interact with Maplibre Native from Jetpack Compose using the MapView
var mapViewCamera = rememberMapViewCamera()
styleUrl = "",
camera = mapViewCamera
Local development in your Android app projects is a bit tricky, but here's something that mostly works without thoroughly confusing yourself with Maven Local repos. (This is definitely a hack, but it works; suggestions welcome.)
First, do a local release build.
./gradlew assembleRelease
Then, update your build.gradle
to reference the locally built AAR
works as well of course, if you had an API dependency):
implementation files('/path/to/maplibre-compose-playground/compose/build/outputs/aar/compose-release.aar')
You will also need to manually specify any MapLibre dependencies now. For example:
api ''
api ''
Copy or move api_keys_template.xml
from the root directory to app/src/main/res/values/api_keys.xml
and add your own API key. The demo uses as the map style provider, but can easily be adjusted to review with another provider.
- Callback Example - Shows several event callbacks that can be implemented from the
. - Camera Example - Shows the basics of camera control using the
. - Dark and Light Mode Example - Shows usage of rememberMapStyleUrl which dynamically changes the map style based on if the system theme is dark mode. The styles are injected using a Compose wrapper in MainActivity.kt (similar to how a MaterialTheme is injected).
- Symbol Example - Shows the basics of Composable symbol creation.