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Swift DSLs for MapLibre Native, a free open-source renderer for interactive vector maps, to enable better integration with SwiftUI and generally enable easier use of MapLibre.

NOTE: This package has migrated from Stadia Maps to the MapLibre organization 🎉 If you previously installed this package, see the CHANGELOG for steps to ensure Xcode stays happy.

A screen recording demonstrating the declarative SwiftUI DSL reacting to changes live

This package is a reimagining of the MapLibre API with a modern DSLs for SwiftUI. The pre-1.0 status means only that we are not yet committed to API stability yet, since we care deeply about finding the best way to express things for SwfitUI users. The package is robust for the subset of the MapLibre iOS API that it supports. Any breaking API changes will be reflected in release notes.


  1. Primary: Make common use cases easy and make complicated ones possible
    • Easy integration of MapLibre into a modern SwiftUI app
    • Add markers, polylines and similar annotations
    • Interaction with features through gestures
    • Clustering (common use case that's rather difficult for first timers)
    • Overlays
    • Dynamic styling
    • Camera control
    • Turn-by-turn Navigation (see the showcase integrations below)
    • Animation
  2. Prevent most common classes of mistakes that users make with the lower level APIs (ex: adding the same source twice)
  3. Deeper SwiftUI integration (ex: SwiftUI callout views)

Quick start

In a normal Xcode project

If you're building an app using an Xcode project, the easiest way to add package dependencies is in the File menu. Search for the package using the repository URL:

In a Swift package

Add the following to the main dependencies section of your Package.swift.

    .package(url: "", branch: "main"),

Then, for each target add either the DSL (for just the DSL) or both (for the SwiftUI view):

    .product(name: "MapLibreSwiftDSL", package: "swiftui-dsl"),
    .product(name: "MapLibreSwiftUI", package: "swiftui-dsl"),

Simple example: polyline rendering

Then, you can use it in a SwiftUI view body like this:

import MapLibre
import MapLibreSwiftDSL
import SwiftUI
import CoreLocation

struct PolylineMapView: View {
    // You'll need a MapLibre Style for this to work.
    // You can use for basic testing.
    // For a list of commercially supported tile providers, check out
    // These providers all have their own "house styles" as well as custom styling.
    // You can create your own style or modify others (subject to license restrictions) using 
    let styleURL: URL
    // Just a list of waypoints (ex: a route to follow)
    let waypoints: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]

    var body: some View {
        MapView(styleURL: styleURL,
                camera: .constant(.center(waypoints.first!, zoom: 14)))
            // Define a data source.
            // It will be automatically if a layer references it.
            let polylineSource = ShapeSource(identifier: "polyline") {
                MLNPolylineFeature(coordinates: waypoints)

            // Add a polyline casing for a stroke effect
            LineStyleLayer(identifier: "polyline-casing", source: polylineSource)
                .lineWidth(interpolatedBy: .zoomLevel,
                           curveType: .exponential,
                           parameters: NSExpression(forConstantValue: 1.5),
                           stops: NSExpression(forConstantValue: [14: 6, 18: 24]))

            // Add an inner (blue) polyline
            LineStyleLayer(identifier: "polyline-inner", source: polylineSource)
                .lineWidth(interpolatedBy: .zoomLevel,
                           curveType: .exponential,
                           parameters: NSExpression(forConstantValue: 1.5),
                           stops: NSExpression(forConstantValue: [14: 3, 18: 16]))

Check out more Examples to go deeper.

NOTE: This currently only works on iOS, as the dynamic framework doesn't yet include macOS.

How can you help?

The first thing you can do is try it out! Check out the Examples for inspiration, swap it into your own SwiftUI app, or check out some showcase integrations for inspiration. Putting it "through the paces" is the best way for us to converge on the "right" APIs as a community. Your use case probably isn't supported today, in which case you can either open an issue or contribute a PR.

The code has a number of TODOs, most of which can be tackled by any intermediate Swift programmer. The important issues should all be tracked in GitHub. We also have a #maplibre-swiftui-compose-playground channel in the OpenStreetMap US Slack.

The skeleton is already in place for several of the core concepts, including style layers and sources, but these are incomplete. You can help by opening a PR that fills these in. For example, if you wanted to fill out the API for the line style layer, head over to the docs and just start filling out the remaining properties and modifiers.

Showcase integrations


Ferrostar has a MapLibre UI module as part of its Swift Package. That was actually the impetus for building this package, and the core devs are eating their own dogfood. See the SwiftUI customization part of the Ferrostar user guide for details on how to customize the map.

MapLibre Navigation iOS

This package also helps to bridge the gap between MapLibre Navigation iOS and SwiftUI! Thanks to developers from HudHud for their contributions which made this possible!

Add the Swift Package to your project. Then add some code like this:

import MapboxCoreNavigation
import MapboxNavigation
import MapLibreSwiftUI

extension NavigationViewController: MapViewHostViewController {
    public typealias MapType = NavigationMapView

@State var route: Route?
@State var navigationInProgress: Bool = false

var mapView: some View {
    MapView<NavigationViewController>(makeViewController: NavigationViewController(dayStyleURL: self.styleURL), styleURL: self.styleURL, camera: self.$ {
        // TODO: Your customizations here; add more layers or whatever you like!
    .unsafeMapViewControllerModifier { navigationViewController in
        navigationViewController.delegate = self.mapStore
        if let route = self.route, self.navigationInProgress == false {
            let locationManager = SimulatedLocationManager(route: route)
            navigationViewController.startNavigation(with: route, locationManager: locationManager)
            self.navigationInProgress = true
        } else if self.route == nil, self.navigationInProgress == true {
            self.navigationInProgress = false

        navigationViewController.mapView.showsUserLocation = self.showUserLocation && self.mapStore.streetView == .disabled
    .cameraModifierDisabled(self.route != nil)