- ROS2 Humble
- 16 GB of RAM
- GPU with 2 GB of RAM and DirecX 12 or Vulkan support
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or better
- 50 GB of free disk space
- Build O3DE (from source or deb package), follow orginal instructions here.
- Build O3DE-Extras, instructions here.
- Build TiagoSimulation
- Run TiagoSimulation Editor (~/TiagoSimulation$
). - Run simulation (click on play button in the top menu bar or press ctrl+g).
sudo apt install -y git-lfs cmake clang libglu1-mesa-dev libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0 libxcb-xinput-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libfontconfig1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsdl2-dev zlib1g-dev mesa-common-dev libssl-dev libunwind-dev libzstd-dev ninja-build
mkdir ~/o3de_ws
cd ~/o3de_ws
git clone https://github.com/o3de/o3de.git
$ OPTIONAL: git checkout 4fb21b8664a54ebcfd6d3d7f036c6df7bfa7b089 # commit hash at which it was tested
git lfs install
git lfs pull
cmake -B build/linux -S . -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH=$HOME/o3de-package
cmake --build build/linux --target Editor --config profile -j <12> # 12 is the number of cores to use for building
./scripts/o3de.sh register --this-engine
cd ~/o3de_ws && git clone https://github.com/o3de/o3de-extras
Second step is to build TiagoSimulation:
mkdir ~/projects
cd ~/projects
git clone https://github.com/adamkrawczyk/TiagoSimulation.git
cd TiagoSimulation
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --gem-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Gems/ProteusRobot
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --gem-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Gems/RosRobotSample
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --gem-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Gems/WarehouseAssets
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --gem-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Gems/WarehouseSample
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --template-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Templates/Ros2FleetRobotTemplate
./o3de_ws/o3de/scripts/o3de.sh register --template-path ${O3DE_EXTRAS_HOME}/Templates/Ros2ProjectTemplate
cmake --build build/linux --config profile --target TiagoSimulation Editor TiagoSimulation.Assets
Run simulation (click on play button in the top menu bar or press ctrl+g).
The topics should be visible in the terminal where you run the simulation (ros2 topic list
To run teleop controll: ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --remap /cmd_vel:=/base_footprint/cmd_vel
Nr. | Component Name | Description | Topic | Comment |
1 | base_laser_link | Robotec GPU Lidar | scan "10hz Best Effort Volatile" |
Lidar scan |
2 | base_sonar_x_link | Robotec GPU lidar | pc "5hz Best Effort Volatile |
Point scan simulating 2D distance sensor |
3 | head_front_camera_rgb_frame | ROS2 Camera Sensor | camera_image_color "30hz Best Effort Volatile" |
RGB and depth image |
4 | base_imu_link | ROS2 IMU Sensor | imu "100hz Best Effort Volatile" |
IMU data |
5 | base_footprint | ROS2 Odometry Sensor | odom "10hz Best Effort Volatile" |
Odometry data |
- data is generated in fixed time intervals based on the simulation time. Implements tick callbacks as sensor event source. Source event (ROS2::SensorEventSource) is signalled based on system ticks.
- data is generated based on the physics simulation. Implements physics callbacks as sensor event source. Source event (ROS2::SensorEventSource) is signalled based on scene. The working frequency of this event source can be changed through engine settings (physics simulation delta).