This is a temporary replacement for the (currently defunct) "Big Book of Acronyms" web application.
Please raise a pull request to make changes. A better mechanism to enable people without github accounts to suggest changes will hopefully be provided in due course.
Abbreviation | Definition | URL | Info |
1LS/2LS/3LS | 1st, 2nd or 3rd Line Support | ||
A&O | Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as AO) | ||
A2J | Access to Justice | ||
AA | Administrative Assistants | in context of PVB | |
AAC | Administrative Appeals Court | ||
ACCT | Assessment, care in custody and teamwork self-harm monitoring documentation | ||
ACL | Access Control List | ||
ACPO | Association of Chief Police Officers | ||
AD | Active Directory | ||
ADI | Application Desktop Integrator | Spreadsheet containing total disbursement of a prison, sent from business hub to regional accounts team.#moneyToPrisoners | |
ADP | Advocate Defence Payments | One of our projects for the Legal Aid Agency. where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work.Used to be known as CBO/Crime Billing Online | |
ADPO | |||
ADR | Alternative dispute resolution | ||
ADR | Architectural design record | ||
AEP | Accelerated Encryption Processing | ||
AFK | Away From Keyboard | ||
AIS | Acceptance Into Service | ||
AJTC | Administrative Justice Tribunals Council | | |
ALB | Arm's-length body | | An organisation that pretends it's independent from government, even though it's not, really.With apostrophe and hyphen when spelled out in full. |
ALS | Action Learning Set | ||
AMI | Amazon Machine Image | | |
AO | Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as A&O) | ||
AO | Accounting Officer | | Each organisation in central government must have an Accounting Officer, which is usually the senior official in the organisation.Accounting Officers must be able to assure Parliament and the public of high standards of probity in the management of public funds.The Treasury maintains policy oversight throughout. Departments and organisations should notify the Treasury Officer of Accounts, in advance, of any changes to Accounting Officer designations. There should be no gap between one Accounting Officer leaving and another being appointed. |
AO | Administrative Officer | ||
AOB | Any Other Business | ||
AP | Approved Premises | ||
API | Application Programming Interface | ||
APPG | All Party Parliamentary Group | | APPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities. |
APVS | Assisted Prison Visit Scheme | | Also known as HWPV (Help With Prison Visits) |
APVU | Assisted Prison Visits Unit | A call centre for prison visits for 8 prisons in the west midlands. | |
ASPIRE | Assess – Sentence Plan – Implement – Review – Evaluate | This is the core framework of offender management / sentence planning | |
AT | Assisted Technology | ||
ATIA | Architecture, Technology and Information Assurance | A former unit inside MOJ ICT | |
ATM | At The Moment | ||
ATOS | Multinational Company - often involved in consultancy or healthcare | | See URL |
AWS | Amazon Web Services | | |
Acas | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service | | (Note: only an initial cap.) Aims to prevent and resolve employment disputes prior to employment tribunals. |
Admin 4 database | An Excel file that has Police Station & Mags Court schemes on | ||
Alfresco | A document management system. Used by the courts | ||
Asset | Youth Justice Board assessment documentation for young people | ||
BAFO | Best And Final Offer | ||
BAU | Business As Usual | ||
BBA | Big Book of Acronyms | | The thing you're reading right now. |
BBR | Building Better Relationships | An intervention programme for adult male offenders who have been violent in heterosexual relationships | |
BCS | Basic Custody Screening | ||
BCST | Basic Custody Screening Tool | ||
BDG | Business Development Group | ||
BI | Business Intelligence | ||
BIA | Business Impact Assessment | An assessment template/matrix used by a business owner to determine impact levels of data / systems that they own. Questions like "how many people will be affected if your data is unavailable for a day". | |
BIAR | Business Intelligence ARchive | | 'Basically a proprietary zip file used to move Business Intelligence content from one BusinessObjects Enterprise Server to another' |
BIL# | Business Impact Level [number] | | Often pronounced "aisle two", "aisle zero" etc.Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong.specific information about prisoners will have business impact 3 if made publicAll revised with the new Official criteria |
BIP | Business Intelligence Platform | | |
BIS | Department for Business Innovation & Skills | | |
BNM | Becoming New Me | General offending programme – thinking skills programme for those with learning disability | |
BOP | Bring on Potential | Education and Learning gained inside are recorded in BOP, which is available ‘through the gate’. Part of ILP (Individual Learning Plan) | |
BPG | ??? | A digital gateway service that links nDelius to CRC systems(Not sure if this is a typo of SPG?) | |
BRB | Be Right Back | ||
BSR | Building Skills for Recovery | Substance misuse programme | |
BWVC | Body Worn Video Camera | ||
C&R | Control & Restraint | Prison | |
CA | Case Admin | ||
CAB | Citizen's Advice Bureaux | | Charity, funded largely by central and local government, that provides a one-stop non-specialist advice on many different issues.They have their own triage process on the front desk, which will help you get an appointment - possibly a fortnight away.Some are first-come-first-served, so there are big queues outside each morning. |
CAFCASS | Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service | | |
CAIT | Child Abuse Investigation Team | | |
CAIT | Child Arrangements Information Tool | Information resources to help separating couples make arrangements (custody, etc.) for their children. | |
CARAT | Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice, Throughcare | CARAT workers are intermediaries between drug treatments providers and the prisoners themselves | |
CAS | Case Allocation System | Used after sentencing to assign offender as NPS or CRC | |
CATS | Case Assessment and Tracking Service | ||
CBO | crime billing online | ||
CCBC | County Court Bulk Centre | | Set up by HM Courts & Tribunals Service specifically to deal with straightforward debt collection work which, in the main, is undefended. In Northampton. |
CCCD | Claim for Crown Court Defence | | Legal Aid Agency project where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work. project formerly known as ADPproject formerly known as CBO |
CCLF | Crown Court Litigator Fee | LAA web app that manages litigators fee claims. | |
CCM | Commercial Contract Management | ||
CCMCC | County Court Money Claims Centre | ||
CCMS | Client Cost Management System | LAA web app to replace CIS, including financial modules to manage the LAA fund. | |
CCO | Call Centre Officer | Call centre officer of DSCC | |
CCR | Crown Court Remuneration | LAA web app that manages Advocate fee claims.Feeds into LAA data warehouse. | |
CCS | Crown Commercial Service | | |
CDC | Change Data Capture | ||
CDC | Change Directorate Committee | ||
CDCS | Change Data Capture Staging | LAA Oracle database for capturing data from remote databases.Receives data from CCMS which it captures within CDCS and then pulls the relevant information in to EDW. | |
CDD | Criminal Defence Direct | Telephone adviser run by a few provides. New tendering process will be started and new structure and providers will be in place in April 2016. | |
CDE | Common Data Extract | A report of all offenders in NOMIS with lots of data about them. Also known as ‘offloc’ (offender location report). The CDE is used to transfer offender data to other NOMS/MOJ systems (like Mercury) and to other agencies (like the police). | |
CDE | common data extract | ||
CDO | Chief Digital Officer | ||
CDT | Central Drafting Team | In referance to ministerial corrospondence | |
CEMLI | Configuration, Extension, Modification, Localisation and Integration | ||
CEO | Court enforcement officer | ||
CESG | Communications-Electronics Security Group | | Part of GCHQ (spies and stuff) up in Cheltenham, they provide policy and assistance on digital security. Run IA and the impact levels etc. |
CFT | Civil, Family and Tribunals | The name of a directorate in HMCTS. | |
CGI | Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique | | CGI stands for Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique in French, which translates to 'Information Systems and Management Consultants', in English. However, the official English meaning is 'Consultants to Government and Industry'.The company was formerly known as Logica, and designed the current (as of 19 April 2013) infrastructure for Money Claim Online and Possession Claim Online.Can also stand for 'computer-generated imagery'. |
CHAPS | Correspondence Handling And Processing System | ||
CHS | (Civil Legal Aid) Case Handling System | | Set of applications used by the Civil Legal Aid Operator Contact Centre and Specialist Legal Providers to manage Civil Legal Aid cases opened by members of the public in England and Wales. |
CICA | Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority | | "We deal with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales." |
CIS | Corporate Information System | LAA thick client app for legacy legal aid case management. | |
CJG | Criminal Justice Group | ||
CJS | Criminal Justice System | | Not really a proper noun, so don't use caps. Never abbreviate. |
CJSE | Criminal Justice Secure Exchange | Related to CJSM, this is a pipe for sending data and files (rather than email) between police, CPS and courts. Often used for submitting cases to be prosecuted, and the charging decisions leading up to them.It supports a few standards:(1) EXISS is a one-way interface. If the case is duff, CPS have to phone/email Police to give feedback and get it sent again.(2) TWIF/EXISS2 is a two-way interface which allows CPS to send secure messages back.TWIF supports charging decisions being sent as structured data. Most other documents are sent as a set of Word docs or PDFs.Digital Case File is a standard devised by CPS for sending the contents of the various case forms as structured data rather than word docs, hidden as a JSON payload alongside other documents being transferred anyway. Ultimately the 'sending' part will be replaced by publishing and permissions. | |
CJSM | Criminal Justice Secure Mail | | A "secure" mail platform used for conveying sensitive information across organizations and individuals. |
CJX | Criminal justice eXtranet | links police pnn network to other govt networks | |
CLA | Civil Legal Advice | | |
CLA | Civil Legal Aid | ||
CM | Custodial Manager | A Band 5 prison officer. 3 stripes on their epaulettes | |
CNA | certified normal accommodation | | Relating to prison capacity: "the good, decent standard of accommodation that the service aspires to provide all prisoners" |
COBR | Cabinet Office Briefing Room | ||
COM | Community Offender Managers | A role within the National Probation Service | |
COPs | Contracted Out Prisons | Privately run establishments | |
COTS | Commercial off-the-shelf | software; as opposed to custom build | |
CPA | Contract Package Area | Refers to the geographic area a CRC is responsible for | |
CPM | Child Protection Management | ||
CPO | Chief Probation Officer | ||
CPO | Community Probation Officer | ||
CPP | common platform project | ||
CPR | Civil Procedure Rules | | |
CPR | Criminal Procedure Rules | | |
CPS | Crown Prosecution Service | | The organisation that is responsible for providing the prosecution in criminal cases in England and Wales. |
CR | Change Request | ||
CRC | Community Rehabilitation Company | Organisations that will deliver probation services from 2014, replacing probation trusts. | |
CRED | Civil Representation Expenditure Data Warehouse | MI system holding civil case expenditure data extracted from CIS.CRED data is held in the EDW database - STAGEX schema owns the code and staging tables, FED schema owns the warehouse tables. | |
CRM12 | An Excel form to apply to Rota. A spread sheet that contains solicitors information * All crime forms in LAA are called CRM | ||
CRN | Case Reference Number | The number assigned to a offender in nDelius - the word case is misleading | |
CRO | Community Responsible Officer | Equivalent of a Community Offender Manager but in CRCs | |
CRO | criminal records office | unique number once convicted (police) | |
CRP | Conference Room Pilot | ||
CSA | |||
CSC | Close Supervision Centre | Also known as Segregation unit, Seg, Solitary Confinement & SCU | |
CSG | Corporate Services Group | Part of MOJ led by director general Matthew Coats which includes Estates, ICT, HR, Shared Services and Digital Services. | |
CSIP | Challenge Support Intervention Plan | ||
CSL | Civil Service Learning | | Training courses for civil servants. |
CSR | Corporate Staff Rostering | A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as My Detail or InVision WFM | |
CSRA | Cell Share Risk Assessment | This is a priority assessment done when prisoners are received at prison, to ensure risks are reduced to them and others on their first night and beyond | |
CTC | ? What's this ? | a security clearance level, as seen in the Tech Scorecard : "Anyone with administrative or operational access to production systems... has CTC-level clearance" | |
CTS | Core Technology Services team | ||
CVCC | Court Video Conference Centre | ||
CWA | Contracted Work and Administration (system) | LAA web app for managing providers and their contracted work, including contract billing. | |
CWX | Civil debt recovery service. Legacy debt management app, hosted external. | ||
Cohort, ‘Specialised Cohort’ | Prisoners who are higher risk and are assigned to Key Worker and a Prison Offender Manager (POM) | ||
Cohort, ‘Core Cohort’ | Prisoners who are lower risk and assigned to a Key Worker and CRC | ||
Custody Assistant | subcontracted staff in custody | ||
Custody Officer | police staff | ||
D.Y.O. | Deter Young Cohort Offender | ||
DACU | Data Access and Compliance Unit | ||
DAL | Delegation Authority Letter | A document indicating that the bearer has authority to delegate responsibility for a government bank account to SSCL. | |
DARTS | Digital Audio Recording and Transcription Service | System for recording courts and allowing transcription agencies to listen to and upload transcriptions. | |
DARU | Data Assurance Reporting Unit | ||
DASD | Data & Analytical Services Division | ||
DBS | Defence Business Services | ||
DCA | Department for Constitutional Affairs | | Became MOJ when joined with NOMS in 2007. |
DCF | Digital Case File | An attempt at creating end-to-end digital/modern justice system from Police -> Crown Prosecution Service -> Courts -> Prisons -> Probation | |
DD | Deputy Director | ||
DDC | Deputy Director of Custody | ||
DDC | Digital Document Conversion | ||
DDC | deputy director of custody | regional responsibilty for a group of prisons | |
DDaT | Digital, Data and Technology | ||
DFD | Data Flow Diagram | ||
DIB | Divisional Implementation Board | ||
DIC | death in custody | ||
DISC | Development, Innovation and Support Contracts | Shared services framework - Atos (infrastructure), CGI (formerly LogicaCMG - applications) supporting Dom1. | |
DR | Defence Request | Formally DSDS. | |
DR | Disaster Recovery | ||
DRY | Don't Repeat Yourself | Often "DRY-ed". Removing duplication in code. | |
DS | Digital Services | MOJ Digital Services (formally DSD) | |
DSCC | Defence Solicitor Call Centre | ||
DSD | Digital Service Designers | ||
DSD | Digital Services Division | | Now obsolete. Please refer to 'Digital Services' (without the 'Division') or 'MOJ Digital Services'. |
DSDS | Defence Solicitor Deployment Service | ||
DSF | Digital Services Framework | | A framework for procuring software development teams across government |
DSG | Digital Steering Group | ||
DSO | Defence & Security Organisation | | |
DSS | Data Security Standard | | An accreditation for handling credit/debit cards managed by Payment Card Industry (PCI). |
DTRG | Digital Technology Review Group | ||
DV | Domestic Violence | ||
DX | Document Exchange | DX, or Direct Exchange, is a private business-to-business mail and packaging network in the United Kingdom. Direct Exchange is cheaper than standard first class mail. Subscriptions are necessary to use this service. | |
Delete me | |||
Delete me | |||
Dip sampling | A quality control process used by police forces in which a representative proportion of files are selected and inspected | ||
EAT | Employment Appeal Tribunal | ||
ECS | Elastic Container Service | | |
EDRMS | Electronic Documents and Record Management System | Also known as NorthgateLAA's externally hosted document/record management system, used by CCMS. | |
EE | |||
EM | Electronic Monitoring (known as 'tagging') is the practice of attaching a tag to someone's ankle, used in England and Wales to monitor curfews and conditions of a court or prison order. | ||
EMI | Electronic Management Information | LAA web app that allows LAA to share MI data with providers. Currently used for financial statement. | |
EQUIP | Excellence and Quality in Probation Processes | ||
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | ||
ET | Employment Tribunal | Also stands for 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial', a 1982 sci-fi movie about a loveable alien. | |
ETE | Education, Training & Employment | ||
ETL | Extract, Transform & Load | ||
ETS | Enhanced Thinking Skills | A course that prisoner can do to to address the attitudes and thought patterns that may of contributed to their offending | |
EXHIBIT | Crown Court System of Record | ||
ExCo | Executive Comity Board | Permanent Secutary and Director Generals (6 of). | |
Extradition | only registered solicitor can go | ||
F2050 | prisoner core record | protected characteristics and case information | |
FALA | Find a legal advisor | | |
FCA | Financial Conduct Authority | | The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a financial regulatory body in the United Kingdom, but operates independently of the United Kingdom government, and is financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry. |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | | |
FCOS | Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services | A trading fund of the FCO. Providers of IL2 and IL3 web hosting | |
FIS | |||
FITS | Future IT Sourcing Programme | or is the S 'sourcing'? Yes | |
FLO | Family Liaison Officer | ||
FMB | Functional Mailbox | ||
FMI | Five Minute Intervention | Prisons | |
FNC | First Night Centre | Prisons | |
FOI | Freedom Of Information | ||
FPMF | FITS Programme Management Framework | This was part of the overall governance framework for FITS. | |
FPRC | Family Procedure Rules Committee | | The Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC) makes rules of court that govern the practice and procedure followed in family proceedings in the High Court and family court.FPRC is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. |
FRPS | Financial Resources and Payment for Services | ||
FTC | |||
FTW | For The Win | ||
GAL | Global Address List | ||
GAPS | |||
GBS | Government Banking Service | | |
GDS | Government Digital Service | | |
GL | General ledger | | |
GPC | Government Procurement Card | | Like a credit card, but with additional public sector controls etc. Divisions can use it for small purchases. |
GSI | Government Secure Intranet | ||
GWS | Government Wide Service | ||
HCC | Health Care Centre | NHS facility in a prison | |
HDC | home detention curfew | ||
HMCS | Her Majesty's Courts Service | See HMCTS | |
HMCTS | Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service | They prefer ampersand (&) to avoid CATS acronymmiaowPreviously known as Her Majesty's Courts Service before it merged with Tribunals to become HMCTS | |
HMG | Her Majesty's Government | ||
HMIP | Her Majesty's inspectors of prisons | thematic reviews also conduct unanounced prison inspections | |
HMPPS | HM Prison and Probation Service | | |
HO | Home Office | | Department responsible for the police, UK Border Agency, and the Security Service (MI5). |
HOIT | Home Office IT | ||
HPA | Historic Prisoner Application | When IIS (Inmate Information System - the precursor to Prison-NOMIS) was decommissioned, the data was archived into HPA | |
HSE | High Security Estate | The highest level of prison, eg Belmarsh.Could also be Health and Safety Executive, so avoid acronym. | |
HSE | high security estate prison use | ||
HTA | Hierarchical Task Analysis | ||
HWF | Help with Fees | The service formerly known as Fee Remission.Two parts, public and staff facing | |
HWPV | Help With Prison Visits | | Also known as APVS (Assisted Prison Visit Scheme) |
IA | Information Architecture | | IA could also refer to Information Assurance, so confusing acronym. |
IA | Information Assurance | | as used by MOJ ICT. |
IA | immigration and asylum | | As in 'Immigration and Asylum Tribunal'. |
IAC | Immigration and Asylum Chamber | ||
IAO | Information Asset Owner | Somewhat of an equivalent to a SIRO - related to information security / accreditation | |
IAR | Information Access Representative | Admin staff based at a prison to collect information for a SAR | |
ICA | Initial Categorisation Assessment | ||
IDA | identity assurance | | Verifying digitally who someone is. There is a programme currently running (Jan 2014) in Government Digital Service, known as 'IDAP' which is implementing a way to verify the identity of citizens and business digitally so they can use government services online. |
IDAM | identity access management approach | The approach initially taken by the common platform programme, for applications like Rota. They are now moving to use the GDS created identity system IDAP | |
IDAP | Government Digital Service's identity assurance programme | | |
IDPC | Used in Defence request | ||
IDS | Intrusion Detection System | | An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. |
IDTS | Integrated Drug and Treatment System | Reception - Unit for prisoners detoxing from drugs and/or alcohol | |
IEP | Incentive/Earned Privilege (level) | ||
IICSA | Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse | | |
IIS | Inmate Information System | The precursor to Prison-NOMIS. IIS has now been decommissioned, and data archived into HPA (Historic Prisoner Application) | |
IL# | Impact Levels [number] | | Shorthand for BIL#Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong.specific information about prisoners will have business impact 3 if made publicAll revised with the new Official criteria |
ILP | Individual Learning Plan | ||
IMB | Independent Monitoring Board | ||
IOD | Information Operations Division | The Information Operations Division are responsible for:- Records Management - Managing the department's corporate record- FOI Act compliance - Ensuring FOI requests are dealt with in accordance with the Act.- Knowledge & Information Mgr - Building good Information Management and Knowledge Sharing- Information Assurance - Building Information Assurance against HMG mandated standards and developing a culture of good information handling- Data Protection Act Compliance - Ensuring personal data is handled lawfully / securely and that privacy is maintained | |
IPT | |||
IPV | Intimate Partner Violence | ||
IR | Intelligence Report | A method of reporting intelligence information to the Security department via the Mercury system (generally done electronically, but paper versions are available to those without computer access) | |
IRC | Immigration Removal Centre | ||
IRS | Incident Reporting System | ||
IRaT | Incident Response and Tuning | Live product support at MoJ Digital. | |
ISP | Indeterminate Sentence Prisoner | ||
ISSS | Information and System Support Services | ||
ITA | Internation Trade Advisor | 3rd party advisors contracted with UKTI offering business around business development. | |
ITHC | IT Healthcheck | Penetration and security testing for services before they are released for public consumption. The ITHC must normally be re-done for each major system change - adding new external API lookups to a previously secure system, for example. Services are not considered 'live' or 'accepted into service' until the ITHC has been completed. Partial ITHCs exist, where a service already passed ITHC and a focussed change has been made. | |
ITN | Invitation to negotiate | Confusing acronym - as more commonly used for Independent Television News. | |
IWP | Integrated Word Processor | Used within classic Prison-NOMIS Application. Template documents that pull data through from the database. Examples include case management documentation and release licences | |
InVision | A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as CSR (Corporate Staff Rostering) or My Detail | ||
Interventions | This term in the prison system means courses that prisoners can attend that address behaviour such as drug misuse, domestic violence, etc | ||
Interventions Manager | A system that records prisons interventions services | | |
JAC | Judicial Appointments Commission | ||
JC | Justices' clerk | Legally-trained member of staff in a magistrates' court, who advises the mags (who are volunteers) on tricky questions about the law. | |
JES | Job Evaluation Scheme | ||
JHA | Justice and Home Affairs | | One of the policy areas of the Council of the European Union |
JR | Judicial Review | | Judicial review is a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. |
JS | JavaScript | Computer code used predominantly in Web browsers to provide enhance user interaction. | |
JS | Jury Summons | ||
JSC | Justice Select Committee | | |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | | A simple, lightweight data format. |
KBD | Key Business Decisions | ||
KILO | Knowledge and Information Liaison Officer | Responsible person/people in a team/department for responding to Freedom of Information Act requests. | |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language | ||
KPI | Key Performance Indicators | ||
KSF | Keep Separate From | Used on a PER (Person Escort Record) | |
KW | Key Worker | ||
Key Traka | See: Traka | ||
L&D | Learning & Development | ||
LAA | Legal Aid Agency | The new LSC | |
LAALAA | Legal Aid Agency Legal Adviser API | | API for finding Legal Providers for specific categories of law close to a physical location (postcode or address). |
LBs | Living Blocks | ||
LDD | Learning Difficulties and Disabilities | ||
LDO | Like, Duh!... Obviously! | ||
LDU | Local Delivery Unit | Probation | |
LFW | Legal Framework | | Reference data used in civil legal aid. It's a bunch of interlinked spreadsheets and it's used by CCMS. |
LIBRA | National standard IT system for magistrates’ courts | ||
LIDS | Local Inmate Data System | Prison-wide computer system to log details of all prisoners and their sentences. Has been replaced by NOMIS. | |
LIT | Local Implementation Team | Seems to be a common acronym for national->regional->local projects with CPS/Police/CJS. | |
LPA | Lasting Power of Attorney | | This isn't usually capitalised, though GOV.UK and OPG do so. |
LPT | London Probation Trust | ||
LSAST | Live Services Applications Support Team (also a Prison-NOMIS Dev / Test environment by the same name) | This was the Prison-NOMIS Application Support Team's name, and an environment named 'LSAST' was originally built for them, but now it is now also used by NART for dev/test purposes | |
LSC | Legal Services Commision | Now the LAA | |
LSCB | Local Safeguarding Children Board | ||
LiPs | Litigants in Persons | People at court without a professional representative. | |
Liquid Logic | Children’s Services system (assume at one or more local authority) | ||
MAAT | Means Assessment Administration Tool | LAA web app for crime means assessment for legal aid. | |
MALRAP | Multi Agency Lifer Risk Assessment Panel | ||
MAPPA | Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements | | |
MARAC | Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference | A local, multi agency victim-focused meeting where information is shared on the highest risk cases of domestic violence and abuse (includes considerations of child protection) between different statutory and voluntary sector agencies | |
MCA | Mental Capacity Act | | |
MCOL | Money Claim Online | | Online service to "take court action against someone if they owe you money and won’t pay you back". |
MCQ | Minor Change Quotation | Related to tender documents. | |
MFD | Multifunctional device | Printers at MOJ, which can also be used to scan in documents (hence the 'multifunctional' bit). | |
MI | Management Information | Data or statistics collected and used to measure performance in a business. | |
MINT | Managed INTerconnect | Two firewalls that bridge the OMNI and Quantum networks. | |
MIS | Management Information System | ||
MITM | Man In The Middle | ||
MLRA | LAA MAAT-Libra interface application | LAA web app to interface legal aid application MAAT with HMCTS application Libra. | |
MLRA | MAAT-Libra Record Access | ||
MODs | Models for Operational Delivery | ||
MOG | |||
MOJ | Ministry of Justice | | Use capitals - 'MOJ', not 'MoJ'.Departments don’t take the definite article, so 'MOJ', not 'the MOJ'. |
MOU | Memorandum Of Understanding | ||
MOiC | Managing Offenders in Custody | ||
MPS | Moving People Safely | ||
MPSI | Ministers, Parliament, Strategy and implementation | ||
MQPL | Measuring Quality of Prisoner Life | ||
MTP | Money To Prisoners | Currently a working name for a project digitising the process of sending money to UK prisoners. | |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product | ||
MaLi | Master list of initiatives | An MOJ Technology list of all projects and programmes of work across the ministry | |
My Detail | A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as CSR (Corporate Staff Rostering) or InVision WFM | ||
NACRO | National Association of Care & Resettlement of Offender | A prisoner charity. | |
NAO | National Audit Office | | |
NAPO | National Association of Probation Officers | ||
NART | National Applications Reporting Team | This team support Reporting from nDelius, OASys and Prison-NOMIS using Business Objects. Answer ad-hoc queries including FOIs, PQs and Research Projects. We're on slack #nart | |
ND | nDelius | ||
NDE | Non-Directly Employed | ||
NDH | Nomis Data Hub | Term used by HP, which is part of the NOMIS API architecture for Prison Visits Booking | |
NDPB | Non-departmental public body | Literally means a bit of government that's not a department - only really used in government circles. | |
NEET | Not in Education, Employment, or Training | | |
NEMC | National Executive Management Committee | ||
NEPACS | (Formerly) The North East Prison After Care Society | | A charity working in the north east of England to support prisoners and their families. |
NFR | Non Functional Requirements | ||
NGSS | Next Generation Shared Services | ||
NINO | National Insurance number | ||
NISE | Network Information Security Enhancement (Project) | This aims to migrate intranet applications from the existing environment to a new one for reasons of security. | |
NMO | Non-Molestation Order | | |
NOC | Notice of Change | (Privately Managed Prisons and CRC) | |
NOLASA | No on Libra Auto Search | | NOLASA (Not On Libra Auto-Search Application) is a micro-service that reads cases that have been marked as 'not-on-libra' from the MLRA database once a day (8pm). It then auto-searches the HMCTS Libra system via the LAA's Infox message broker service. The message protocol used is SOAP.If NOLASA finds that there are results returned for a case it updates its status in MLRA to say 'RESULTS FOUND'. This means that caseworkers can filter 'not on libra' cases to ones that they know they will have results for. They can then prioritize their case searching and linking more effectively. |
NOMIS | National Offender Management Information System | aka c-nomis or p-nomisSystem designed to replace LIDS that logs details of all prisoners, their sentences, and more. | |
NOMS | National Offender Management Service | | Covers prisons and probation |
NOMS Number | National Offender Management Service Number | Used in Prison-NOMIS as the unique identifier for prisoners. (Note that colloquially it is referred to as both ‘NOMIS ID’ and ‘NOMS ID’ - but in the system it is labelled as ‘NOMS number’. Labelled on the Prison-NOMIS database as OFFENDER_ID_DISPLAY) | |
NPS | National Probation Service | ||
NPT | National Prosecution Team | | A joint team of CPS and Association of Chief Police Officers/National Policing Improvement Agency staff. T |
NQOS | Newly Qualified Officers | (Probation) | |
NSI | Non Statutory Intervention | ||
NVDA | NonVisual Desktop Access | | Windows screen reader, like JAWS, but free. |
NWOW | New Ways Of Working | ||
Nominals | In Police parlance a ‘nominal’ is someone recently arrested. In prisons it is a prisoner suspected (and often under surveillance) of carrying out criminal activity within the prison, such as drug dealing. | ||
OASys | Offender Assessment System | An offender assessment package. It identifies and classifies offending related needs, such as anger management, drug dependency, and poor literacy. | |
OAT | Operational Acceptance Test | ||
OBIEE | Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition | | Legal Aid Agency's data warehouse solution. |
OBN | Overseas British Network | AKA OBNI | |
OBP | Offender Behaviour Programme | | |
OBR | Office for Budget Responsibility | | "It is the duty of the Office to examine and report on the sustainability of the public finances" |
ODI | Open Data Institute | | |
OGD | Other Government Department | ||
OGRS | Offender Group Reconviction Scale | Actuarial predictor of risk of reoffending | |
OGSIRO | Office of the Government Senior Information Risk Owner | SIRO for all of government, based in the cabinet office. | |
OJC | Office for Judicial Complaints | Soon to be JCIO | |
OJEU | Official Journal of the European Union | | The Official Journal of the European Union (the OJ) is the official gazette of record for the European Union (EU). It is published every working day in all of the official languages of the member states.Most interestingly, it's used as a forum to publish procurement requests to all member states, and offers a (longer, slower) alternative to using GCloud. |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing | ||
OLCS | |||
OM | Offender Manager | Probation | |
OMIS | Overseas Market Introduction Service | ||
OMNI | Offender Management National Infrastructure | A network used to access probation systems | |
OMS | Other MOJ Suppliers | ||
OMU | Offender Management Unit | ||
OMiC | Offender Management in Custody | ||
OMiC Go | A digital solution providing basic prisoner information, auto allocation of prisoners to KW’s | This may be an old name for the service | |
OPD | Offender Personality Disorder | ||
OPG | Office of the Public Guardian | | |
ORA | Offender Rehabilitation Act | ||
OS | Offender Supervisor | ||
OSAG | Operational and System Assurance Group | ||
OSG | Operational Support Group/Grade | | “Operational support grades (OSGs) work in prisons carrying out duties essential to the smooth running of the establishment. They may work in and around a prison establishment or on duties which take them outside - to courts or other prisons, for example.” |
OST | Operational Security Team | ||
P3T | Personnel Physical Procedural Technical | The areas of information assurance. | |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee | ||
PACE | Police and Criminal Evidence Act | ||
PAF | Postcode Address File | | The source of data for postcode lookups. The DSD uses this for its own service which converts it to a latitude/longitude, like on Court Finder and CLA Provider Directory. |
PAG (Old Name - See PPAS) | Planning and Analysis Group | Now known as PPAS (Prison & Probation Analytical Services) | |
PAMS | Prisoner Activity Management System | | Not much more info on this at the moment - I understand that it is how they manage prisoner activity, work schedules, learning and visit schedules. |
PCC | Police and Crime Commissioner | | PCCs are elected to make sure that local police meet the needs of the community |
PCI | Payment Card Industry | | An industry standards body responsible for regulation of handling debit/credit cards. |
PCOL | Possession Claim Online | | |
PCSO | Police Community Support Officer | ||
PDS | Public Defence Service | | |
PEA | Prisoner Earnings Act | ||
PECS | Prison Escort Custody Service | ||
PEEPs | Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans | To help people evacuate the building in the event of a fire alarm or other emergency, especially if they may have difficulty due to a disability, injury, pregnancy, etc. | |
PER | Person Escort Record | ||
PETP | Prison Estates Transformation Programme | ||
PEX(ER) | Public Expenditure (Efficiency and Reform) Cabinet Sub-committee | ||
PF | Petty France | | Short name for MOJ main building at 102 Petty France, SW1H 9AJ London |
PFD | President of the Families Division | | |
PGA | Prison Governors Association | ||
PGD | Prison Group Director | ||
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy | | A way of encrypting emails in such as way that only the intended recipient can read. |
PI | Probation Instruction | ||
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment | ||
PIDOOMA | Pulled It Directly Out Of My Ass estimate | | Rough guesstimate of cost of project. See also ROM and SWAG. |
PIMS | Provider Interaction Management System |