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LAA Legal Adviser API

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Service to search for nearby LAA Legal Advisers by postcode.

The search is based on looking up latitude and longitude from the given postcode and finding legal advisers who are near that point.


  • Virtualenv
  • Python 3.11 (follow the FALA installation guide and use pyenv to install correct version of python)
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL => 11 (pg_config, createdb and psql commands available in the PATH)
  • PostGIS (brew install postgis)
    • Go get a hot beverage whilst waiting for this step to finish

📝 If you are using Docker to provide a database, please use circleci/postgres:11-alpine-postgis, which has the required extensions installed.

docker run --detach --publish 5432:5432 circleci/postgres:11-alpine-postgis

📝 If you are using Docker to provide RabbitMQ, it's preferable to use one with management interface enabled:

docker run --detach --publish 6379:6379 redis:4-alpine

As a convenience, a docker-compose.yml specifies these dependendencies and can be run with:

docker-compose run start_services


"pyenv" is the tool we use to install and use the correct version of Python. (Other CLA repos need different python versions, and we've settled on pyenv as the best way to easily switch versions, depending on the repo you're in.)

  1. Install pyenv with brew:

    brew install pyenv
  2. Set up your shell for pyenv. Make the changes to ~/.zshrc described here: Set up your shell for pyenv (This is so that pyenv's python binary can be found in your path)

  3. To make the shell changes take effect:

    . ~/.zshrc (or whatever your local shell file is e.g. .bashrc for bash)

    (or alternatively, restart your shell)

  4. Install into pyenv the python version this repo uses (which is defined in .python-version):

    pyenv install 3.11
    pyenv local 3.11
python -m venv venv

# Start the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install further requirements with pip, assuming you are in the
# project directory
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

# Create a database and install required PostgreSQL extensions
PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres ./

# Create the database tables and create a Django admin account:
python migrate
python createsuperuser --username=admin is a standalone PostgreSQL server that includes the PostGIS extension. You will also need to install gdal and libgeoip with Homebrew:

brew install postgis
brew install gdal

After installing, run this to add the following to your .bash_profile so you can run the package’s programs from the command-line:

echo export PATH="/Applications/$PATH" >>~/.bash_profile

To populate the database with initial seed data, run:

python seed

Create a settings file from the example file:

cp laalaa/settings/ laalaa/settings/


Although there is a category Django model, categories should not be managed / added by code. Categories are remove and added as part of the providers spreadsheet upload which is done by users. See #133

Running the services

Service Command
API ./ runserver
Worker celery worker

There is a Django admin site which allows importing and editing the database of legal advisers.

Go to admin/ and sign in with the admin password you just set.

Lint and pre-commit hooks

To lint with Black and flake8, install pre-commit hooks:

. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
pre-commit install

To run them manually:

pre-commit run --all-files

Building and deployment

The repository unit tests and Docker images are built by CircleCI at

Deployment can be triggered via
