Flakkari is a UDP/TCP server initially developed for the R-Type Epitech project and updated for the Video Games course at University Laval. It enables network-based gameplay, supporting multiple games and clients simultaneously through its multi-threaded architecture. The server is designed to handle high concurrency and ensure low latency, making it suitable for real-time multiplayer games. Flakkari also includes features such as game state synchronization, player authentication, and robust error handling to provide a seamless gaming experience.
Flakkari also has a Unity client library to facilitate the development of multiplayer games. This library is available in C# and can be used to connect to the Flakkari server, send and receive messages and manage game events. It is designed to be easy to integrate into existing game projects and provides advanced features to simplify the development of multiplayer games.
[!NOTE] The project is still under development and may not be stable.
# Clone repository
$> git clone https://github.com/MasterLaplace/Flakkari.git
$> cd Flakkari
# Create a build directory
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
# Configure the project
(build)$> cmake .. && cmake --build .
# Or configure the project with Ninja
(build)$> cmake -G Ninja .. && cmake --build .
# Run the server executable
(build)$> ./flakkari <GamesDir> <ip> <port>
To run the server with
the games directory:
that contains the games configurations -
the IP address:
the port:
expected architecture of the games list directory:
βββ Game_01
β βββ assets
β βββ config.cfg
βββ Game_02
βββ config.cfg
other build commands:
# Install the project
(build)$> sudo cmake --build . --target install
# Build project documentation
(build)$> cmake --build . --target doc
# Build project package
(build)$> cmake --build . --config Release --target package
# Install the package
# For windows systems
(build)$> flakkari-win64.exe
# For macos systems
(build)$> sudo installer -pkg flakkari-macos.pkg -target /
# For redhat based systems
(build)$> sudo rpm -i flakkari-linux.rpm
# For debian based systems
(build)$> sudo dpkg -i flakkari-linux.deb
# install docker on ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
# check docker version (optional)
$ docker --version
> Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b
# build docker image
$ docker build -t flakkari .
# run docker image
$ docker run -p 8081:8081 -it flakkari
# list docker images
$ docker ps
# stop docker image
$ docker stop <container-id>
# remove docker image
$ docker rm <container-id>
For detailed documentation on the Flakkari protocol, see:
π Change Log and Security Policy
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright Β© 2023-2024 Master_Laplace.