(en)Japanese ver is here.
This package is for converting between Simple 3D Format and other 3D files. However, each file format has unique parameters, so compatibility is not complete. Please note that this project has low priority.
This package is intended to make the following packages easier to use.
List<Sp3dObj> objs = await Sp3dObjConverter.fromWFObjFile("/", "test.obj");
This package has no official support.
The C part will be changed at the time of version upgrade.
- Changes such as adding variables, structure change that cause problems when reading previous files.
- C.X.X
- Adding methods, etc.
- X.C.X
- Minor changes and bug fixes.
- X.X.C
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file.
The “Dart” name and “Flutter” name are trademarks of Google LLC.
*The developer of this package is not Google LLC.