Recently, I've been getting followed by a lot of bots.
I follow back people who seem human, but I'm not very good at making decisions.
Please note that my following has no relation to my company.
- 🏢 Full stack engineer at SimpleAppli.
- 🧪 I'm a Japanese scientific programmer.
- 🤖 I am also an AI engineer.
- 🎓 Biochemistry(science and engineering). Programming is self-taught.
- 🖥️ Language: Flutter(Dart), Python, Swift, Java, JavaScript.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His.
- 📖 I am the author of the open source markup languages SpBML and SpWML.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning 3D and parallel computing. My 3D open source project is simple_3d.