Releases: LAMPSPUC/StateSpaceModels.jl
Releases · LAMPSPUC/StateSpaceModels.jl
StateSpaceModels v0.5.9
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add ETS models (#254) (@guilhermebodin)
- Improve table print and add model name (#255) (@guilhermebodin)
- Fix ETS documentation (#256) (@guilhermebodin)
- Add auto_ets function (#257) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.8
Closed issues:
- Implement a plot to analyze the standard residuals (#242)
- Problem using Kalman Filter (#243)
- implement auto.arima (#248)
- performance question (#249)
Merged pull requests:
- Add residuals plots (#250) (@guilhermebodin)
- fix WPI docs (#251) (@guilhermebodin)
- Fix StatsBase Toml (#252) (@guilhermebodin)
- fix statsbase on 0.33 (#253) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.7
Closed issues:
- ARIMA model (#245)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix idx forecast (#246) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.6
Closed issues:
- Make Plot Recipes for Unobserved Components model (#232)
- Make Plot Recipes for simulated scenarios (#235)
- Implement a backtest procedure (#239)
Merged pull requests:
- Add scenarios plots (#236) (@guilhermebodin)
- Add UC plot recipe (#237) (@guilhermebodin)
- Implement a backtest procedure (#244) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.5
Merged pull requests:
- bug fix in constrain_box! (#229) (@guilhermebodin)
- Added some docs for unobserved components (#230) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.4
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- SARIMA docs (#225) (@guilhermebodin)
- Update documentation everywhere (#226) (@guilhermebodin)
- Add Optim v1.2 to compat in Project.toml. (#227) (@pkofod)
- Add UnobservedComponents (#228) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.3
Closed issues:
- Add Plot recipes for forecasting and components (#170)
- Discover how to evaluate p_values without Distributions.jl (#186)
- Lead-time forecasting (#198)
- Stable documentation points to 0.3 (#217)
Merged pull requests:
- Add a mean term in ARIMA (#219) (@guilhermebodin)
- Add SARIMA (#221) (@guilhermebodin)
- Added a forecasting recipe (#223) (@guilhermebodin)
- Fix project toml (#224) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.2
Closed issues:
- request - return loglikehood of model without optimizing (#185)
- Help with some pathological forecasts (#201)
- Consider standardising the data internally (#206)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix arima (#218) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.1
Merged pull requests:
- Some doc improvements (#208) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- Fix some math errors in docs (#209) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- fix docs (#210) (@guilhermebodin)
- Small docstring fixes (#211) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- Add local level with explanatory variables (#215) (@guilhermebodin)
StateSpaceModels v0.5.0
Closed issues:
- Add ARIMA constructor (#116)
- Add diagnostics struct to be returned after model is estimated (#130)
- Function to update just the Kalman filter (#157)
- Add time limit option to optimization (#158)
- Add struct and print for the fit results (#166)
- Add the multivariate kalman filter (#168)
- Add and test an example with Cycles (#171)
- Major to do's for 0.4 (#178)
Merged pull requests:
- Refactoring to 0.5 (#174) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- Add local level with cycle (#204) (@guilhermebodin)
- Adjust code to Blue Style (#205) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- [ci skip] Add Distributions compat (#207) (@guilhermebodin)