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MacOS setup

decltype(auto) edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 1 revision

WARNING: SMCE is only tested on Big-Sur

Step 1: Install dependencies

We recommend using Homebrew to get dependencies; if you do not have it, you can install it by, in the Terminal app, invoking

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, you can install SMCE's dependencies

brew install --cask cmake
brew install arduino-cli
# brew install openssl # Uncomment this one if your Apple-provided LibreSSL fails to work with SMCE

Step 2: Get a C++ compiler

Now, you need a C++ compiler; it is probably best if you use AppleClang (bad compiler, but found by default by CMake).
To install AppleClang, invoke the following command in a Terminal:

xcode-select --install

Note: If you are running macOS Catalina or earlier, you might get a message saying that the software is no longer present on Apple's update servers. In that case, go download the latest stable (non-beta) package on the Apple Developer Downloads page.

Step 3: Install SMCE-Godot

Finally, go on our releases page, and download the latest .dmg for your chosen compiler. Open it on your machine, disregard the unknown source warning, and drag-n-drop the SMCE-Godot app into the Applications folder.

Step 4: Contemplate success

Now you can launch SMCE-Godot from Launchpad, or from the Applications folder in Finder.

Note: See this Apple support guide for troubleshooting developer identity barriers.