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Ruthger Dijt edited this page May 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

Configuration (Experimental)

As of version >=1.3 you are able to configure existing attachments and even "attach" different attachments to preset locations on the vehicle.

SMCE-gd looks for the files vehicle_config.json and board_config.json inside the directory of the selected arduino sketch.

If they are not found the default configuration will be used so you don't have to supply what you dont use.

By default configations get parsed as a "patch" e.g. the changes you supply will overwrite the default config, this is done for convience as often you only want to change a single property.
If you want to start from scratch add "from_scrath": true in the top level of your config file.

warning: this exposes a lot of internal structure, some things may not be entirely straight forward!

Adding attachments

Each vehicle shoulld define a set of slots on which you can attach an attachment like so: vehicle_config.json:

   "from_scratch": true,
   "slots": {
      "Front": {
         "class": "AnalogRaycast",
         "name": "Front Infrared",
         "props": {
            "pin": 0

** WARNING **: attachments need pins available to work, and sometimes it will need more than actually advertised on the arduino side, but an analog raycast will be fine with just a single pin:

    "from_scratch": true,
    "gpio_drivers": [
        { "pin": 0, "analog": true },

Maybe in the future we can deduce what pins all the attachments need, but at the time writing such a thing does not exist.

to get an idea on how a full config is structured see the actual internally used one:

Builtin vs Slots

A vehicle will provide its own internal attachments as it may depend on particular functionality, if you are going from scratch be sure to accomodate the necesary board config for these built in attachmeents.
An example of such an attachment is the BrushedMotor, while you don't have as much freedom with builtins you can still configure them like this by name:

    "builtin": {
        "Left BrushedMotor": {
            "forward_pin": 12,
            "backward_pin": 14,
            "enable_pin": 13


Sensor angle

If you want to angle the front infrared sensor on the default vehicle you can do so like this:

   "slots": {
      "Front": {
         "props": {
            "rotation_degrees": "Vector3(-5,0,0)"

Camera far

If you want to chang the view distance of the camera attachment you can do so like this: vehicle_config.json:

    "slots": {
        "Front2": {
            "name": "Front FAR Camera",
            "props": {
                "far": 1500

hint: props can set any godot property of the attachemtn node, check the source code on what is available


If you want to configure what vehicle that is used (if you made a vehicle mod for example) you can do so like this: vehicle_config.json:

    "vehicle": "RayTank"