Releases: HubTou/pysec2vuxml
Releases · HubTou/pysec2vuxml
- Software:
- Added generation of names for a defined range of port flavours
- Extracted WWW and COMMENT fields from ports Makefiles in order to check the relevance of vulnerabilities for ports of similar names
- Added downloading and caching of CVE entries from the new Mitre web service in order to get the publication date of vulnerabilities
- Added printing flavours and versions detected for a vulnerable ports, filtering entries with the WWW or COMMENT field
- Modified PYSEC vulnerabilities display to filter out empty fields and limit the characters printed for details
- Added code to avoid processing already reported vulnerabilities
- Added searching for already reported vulnerabilities in references/url when there's no references/cvename
- Added searching for already reported vulnerabilities for other port names
- Added replacing < and > characters with < and >
- Documentation:
- Modified the way to write topics using py-PACKAGE instead of py39-PACKAGE in the entry skeleton
- Added common flavours to affected packages' name in the entry skeleton
- Replaced manual ways to fill the entry skeleton with the almost automated one
- Documented how to verify and submit new entries
- Documented how to clear cached files
- Data:
- Renamed and updated the new entries file from vuxml_newentries.txt to vuxml_new_entries.xml
- Added the vuxml_modified_entries.xml file to list modifications to existing entries
- Added the reported.txt for vulnerabilities reported but not yet committed in FreeBSD
- Updated the results.txt file
- Print a table of contents summary for the vulnerabilities found
- Print a pref-filled VuXML skeleton for each vulnerability found
- Improve the verification for vulnerabilities already reported to FreeBSD VuXML
- Process an ignore.txt file listing vulnerabilities IDs to ignore (because they don't apply to FreeBSD)
- Fetch maintainer email from ports makefiles
- Handle the few packages with non standard versionning
- Added a file with ideas for future versions
- Updated the results.txt output example
- Updated the new VuXML produced from the tool discoveries
- Improved the instructions for reporting vulnerabilities to the FreeBSD project
- Improved the instructions to install and update the ports Index and tree
- Initial public release