It's a Python script (not a package for once) written for mass checking Python packages FreeBSD ports for PYSEC vulnerabilities and reporting in FreeBSD VuXML port vulnerabilities database.
It uses my pipinfo and vuxml Python packages.
Install pre-requisites once:
portsnap fetch extract # You need superuser rights to install the ports tree
pip install pnu-pipinfo
pip install pnu-vuxml
chmod a+x
Then launch the script:
portsnap fetch update # You need superuser rights to update the ports index and the port tree | tee results.txt
The execution will take some time in order to call the Python Packaging Authority's web service for checking vulnerabilities for each of the 4.000+ FreeBSD Python packages ports. The web service results are cached and reused for 1 day.
On the first run, out of the current versions of 4.075 Python packages FreeBSD ports, 364 weren't found in the PyPA's web service, and 45 vulnerable ports were identified. None of those 45 vulnerable ports were already reported in FreeBSD VuXML port vulnerabilities database.
The file results.txt contains the script output of a recent run as an example.
The files vuxml_new_entries.xml and vuxml_modified_entries.xml respectively contain new and modified VuXML entries for the vulnerable ports identified.
You can get a quick introduction to the VuXML format in the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook.
The structure that needs to be filled for each vulnerability is:
<vuln vid="INSERT UUID HERE">
<range><lt>INSERT VULNERABLE VERSION HERE</lt></range>
<body xmlns="">
<blockquote cite="INSERT SOURCE URL HERE">
pysec2vuxml will automatically generate most of this structure for each vulnerability that is not withdrawn, ignored (if its ID is present in the ignore.txt file) or already reported in FreeBSD VuXML.
You'll have to complete a few remaining fields (vuln summary, vuln discoverer), check some of them (affected versions and port name) and verify all the vulnerabilities for a given port to see if they can be factored (check vuln vid "e4181981-ccf1-11ed-956f-7054d21a9e2a" in vuxml_new_entries.xml for a good example).
Then, if you have superuser access, put your new or modified entries into /usr/ports/security/vuxml/vuln and use the vuxml FreeBSD port to verify if everything is correct:
cd /usr/ports/security/vuxml
make validate
If it's the case, please clone this repository and submit pull requests to the vuxml_new_entries.xml and vuxml_modified_entries.xml files, and/or directly create FreeBSD bug reports with your entries, using a title starting with security/vuxml: and adding the security keyword.
If you don't want to see VuXML entries proposals for vulnerabilities that have been reported but are not yet committed to the FreeBSD files, you can add their IDs in the reported.txt file.
The tool downloads and caches files in the following directories, which you can remove if you want: