EatNow is a smart platform for online food ordering that provides users with a fast, convenient, and enjoyable experience. Users can browse a wide menu of fast food and home-cooked meals, easily place orders, and take advantage of discounts and special offers.
The project is developed using the following technologies:
- GraphQL
- Express.js
- TypeScript
- Socket.IO
- PostgreSQL
- Swagger
- Bcrypt
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
The project is organized into multiple layers for better separation of concerns:
|-- configs/
| |-- db.config.ts # Database connection configuration
|-- constants/
| |-- constants.ts # Application-wide constants
|-- errors/
| |-- customError.ts
|-- graphql/
| -- resolver/
| |--blog.resolver.ts
| |--category.resolver.ts
| |--comment.resolver.ts
| |--discount.resolver.ts
| -- types/
| |--blog.types.ts
| |--category.types.ts
| |--comment.types.ts
| |--discount.types.ts
| |--response.types.ts
| |--user.types.ts
| |-- graphql.context.ts
| |-- index.resolver.ts
|-- middlewares/
| |-- guard/
| |-- admin.guard.ts
| |-- authenticate.guard.ts
| |-- uploader.middleware.ts # File upload handling
|-- modules/
| |-- api/
| |-- swagger.json
| |-- swagger.routes.ts
| |-- auth/
| |-- auth.controller.ts
| |-- auth.routes.ts
| |-- auth.service.ts
| |-- auth.validation.ts
| |-- blog/
| |-- blog.interface.ts
| |-- blog.model.ts
| |-- blog.validation.ts
| |-- category/
| |-- category.controller.ts
| |-- category.interface.ts
| |-- category.model.ts
| |-- category.routes.ts
| |-- category.service.ts
| |-- category.validation.ts
| |-- comment/
| |-- comment.interface.ts
| |-- comment.model.ts
| |-- discount/
| |-- discount.interface.ts
| |-- discount.model.ts
| |-- discount.validation.ts
| |-- food/
| |-- food.controller.ts
| |-- food.interface.ts
| |-- food.model.ts
| |-- food.routes.ts
| |-- food.service.ts
| |-- food.validation.ts
| |-- order/
| |-- order.controller.ts
| |-- order.interface.ts
| |-- order.model.ts
| |-- order.routes.ts
| |-- order.service.ts
| |-- order.validation.ts
| |-- socket/
| |-- socket.service.ts
| |-- support/
| |-- conversation.model.ts
| |-- location.model.ts
| |-- message.model.ts
| |-- order.routes.ts
| |-- namespace.controller.ts
| |-- namespace.service.ts
| |-- room.controller.ts
| |-- room.model.ts
| |-- room.service.ts
| |-- support.controller.ts
| |-- support.interface.ts
| |-- support.routes.ts
| |-- support.service.ts
| |-- support.validation.ts
| |-- user/
| |-- support.controller.ts
| |-- support.interface.ts
| |-- support.model.ts
| |-- support.routes.ts
| |-- support.service.ts
| |-- support.validation.ts
|-- routes/ # Define routes for each module
| |-- index.routes.ts
|-- types/
| |--index.ts
|-- utils/ # Utility functions
| |-- function.utils.ts
| |-- token.utils.ts # Token generation and verification
|-- app.ts
|-- server.ts # Server setup and entry point
|-- .env # Environment variables
|-- .gitignore # Files and folders to be ignored by Git
|-- package.json # Dependencies and scripts
|-- package-lock.json # Locked dependency versions
|-- tsconfig.json
This section manages user registration, login, and authentication:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/auth/register |
Register a new user |
/auth/login |
Login |
/auth/verify-otp |
Verify OTP code |
/auth/resend-otp |
Resend OTP code |
/auth/refresh-token |
Refresh access token |
/auth/logout |
Logout |
/auth/getMe |
Get user information |
Manage user information:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/users |
Get all users |
/users/{id} |
Get user by specific ID |
/users/update/{id} |
Update user information |
/users/remove/{id} |
Remove user |
/users/change-role/{id} |
Change user role |
Manage the food menu:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/foods |
Get the list of foods |
/foods/{id} |
Get details of a specific food |
/foods/add-food |
Add a new food item |
/foods/update/{id} |
Update a specific food |
/foods/remove/{id} |
Remove food item |
Manage user orders:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/orders/admin |
Get all orders (admin) |
/orders/user |
Get user orders |
/orders/filter-by-status |
Filter orders by status |
/orders/{id} |
Get details of a specific order |
/orders/create |
Create a new order |
/orders/delete/{id} |
Delete an order |
/orders/change-status/{id} |
Change order status |
Manage menu categories:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/categories/create |
Create a new category |
Manage the support section for communication between users and admins:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/support/namespace |
Get existing namespaces |
/support/namespace/create |
Create a new namespace |
/support/namespace/{id} |
Delete a namespace |
/support/rooms |
Get the list of support rooms |
/support/room/create |
Create a new support room |
/support/room/{id} |
Delete a specific support room |
The project also exposes a GraphQL endpoint, which allows for more flexible queries and mutations. Here are the available GraphQL queries and mutations:
- getAllCategories – Retrieve all food categories.
- getCategoryById(id: ID) – Retrieve a specific category by ID.
- getAllCommentsForAdmin – Get all comments for admin review.
- getAllComment – Retrieve all comments.
- getCommentById(id: ID) – Get a specific comment by ID.
- getAllBlogsForAdmin – Retrieve all blogs for admin review.
- getAllBlogs – Get a list of blogs.
- getBlogById(id: ID) – Get a specific blog by ID.
- getAllDiscounts – Retrieve all discounts.
- removeCategoryById(id: ID) – Remove a category by ID.
- createComment(comment: CommentInput) – Create a new comment.
- removeCommentById(id: ID) – Remove a comment by ID.
- acceptComment(id: ID) – Accept a comment.
- rejectComment(id: ID) – Reject a comment.
- answerComment(id: ID, answer: String) – Answer a comment.
- createBlog(blog: BlogInput) – Create a new blog.
- removeBlogById(id: ID) – Remove a blog by ID.
- updateBlog(id: ID, blog: BlogInput) – Update a specific blog.
- createDiscount(discount: DiscountInput) – Create a new discount.
- deleteDiscount(id: ID) – Delete a discount.
- updateDiscount(id: ID, discount: DiscountInput) – Update a discount.
- changeDiscountStatus(id: ID, status: Boolean) – Change the status of a discount.
The GraphQL endpoint is available at /graphql.
To set up the project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd EatNow
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up the database:
- Ensure PostgreSQL is installed and configured.
Set environment variables: Create a .env file with appropriate values.
PORT=8000 DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=your_db_user DB_PASS=your_db_password JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret
Run the project:
npm run dev
Once the project is running:
- API documentation is available via Swagger UI at
. - Socket.IO is used for live communication between users and admins.
- GraphQL can be accessed at
- Registration and Authentication with OTP
- Order Management with status filtering
- Online Support using Socket.IO
- Menu Management with categories
- GraphQL for flexible queries and mutations
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
We welcome contributions to EatNow! To contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
- Make your changes and commit them (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
- Push to your branch (git push origin feature-branch).
- Create a new Pull Request.