My Name is a HosseinFalah, I'm 21 year old. software engineer based in Iran. While I might not be old enough to drive, I've been coding for almost 1 years now! My passion for programming started early, and it's been an incredible journey of building, creating, and solving problems with code.
When I'm not coding, you might find me lost in the world of music, or tinkering with Linux desktops, customizing them to my perfect workflow. But my technical interests take a more serious turn when it comes to software architecture and networks. I'm a firm believer in clean code practices, taking inspiration from the works of Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin).
const HosseinFalah = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
aboutMe: "I'm Backend Developer(Node.js)"
language: ["javaScript", "typeScript"] // Node.js,
myStack: {
backEnd: {
frameworks: ["Express.js", "fastify", "Nest.js"],
microServiceTools: ["gRPC", "RabbitMQ", "Kafka"],
realTimeTools: ["", "webSocket"],
DataBases: ["MongoDB", "MySQL", "Redis", "ElasticSearch"],
architectures: ["MVC", "onion", "clean", "SOLID"],
API: ["postman", "insomnia", "swagger", "openAPI"],
frontEnd: {
web: ["i'm not front-end developer 😁", "You can call me a bug fixer 😂"],
devOps: ["Docker🐳"],
currentFocus: "Node.js Web Development",
funFact: "Bug's and Errors are my best friends"