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Add prepend! for ImagineSignal traces, stimulus control example (#91)
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* add prepend! functionality for editing traces

* add workflow script for stimulus control

* fix cases with negative stimulus delay

* fix incomplete comment about injection delay

* switch to pushfirst!

* Fixed improper argument format for pushfirst!

* Added tests for prepend!
The tests are similar to the planned usage for prepend!, adding a constant value before an experiment

* Changed example from bi- to unidirection
  • Loading branch information
tmcgrath325 authored Jun 4, 2024
1 parent e9a38ba commit fb7f811
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Showing 4 changed files with 190 additions and 1 deletion.
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions examples/workflow_stim_control.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
using ImagineInterface

import Unitful: μm, s

# See "workflow.jl" for a more detailed overview of package functionality

############PRIOR TO USE#################
# Note that before stimulus control via Imagine can be used, an appropriate Chromeleon program (.pgm file) must be used.
# See documentation elsewhere (Autosampler.jl) for instructions on creation of a .pgm file.

############LOAD A RIG-SPECIFIC COMMAND TEMPLATE#################
sample_rate = 50000s^-1
rig = "ocpi-2"
ocpi2 = rigtemplate(rig; sample_rate = sample_rate)

pos = getpositioners(ocpi2)[1] #positioner trace
las1 = getlasers(ocpi2)[1] #laser trace
cam1 = getcameras(ocpi2)[1] #camera trace

stim1 = getstimuli(ocpi2)[1] #stimulus timing trace

############STACK PARAMETERS#################
pmin = 0.0*μm #Piezo start position in microns
pmax = 200.0*μm #Piezo stop position in microns
stack_img_time = 1.0s #Time to complete the imaging sweep with the piezo (remember we also need to reset it to its starting position)
reset_time = 0.5s #Only used for unidirectional sweeps. Time to reset piezo to starting position. This time plus "stack_img_time" determines how long it takes to complete an entire stack and be ready to start a new stack
z_spacing = 3.1μm #The space between slices in the z-stack.
z_pad = 5.0μm #Set this greater than 0 if you want to ignore the edges of the positioner sweep (only take slices in a central region)

exp_time = 0.011s #Exposure time of the camera. Make sure this is greater than mn_exp and less than mx_exp above
flash_frac = 0.1 #fraction of time to keep laser on during exposure. If you set this greater than 1 then the laser will stay on constantly during the imaging sweep

############STACK TIMING PARAMETERS#################
# These timing parameters depend on the specifics of your experiment.
# You have free control over the recording durations, but the stimulus lead time will depend on tubing volume between the autosampler and recording chamber

stimulus_lead_time = 20s #Interval between injection time and stimulus arrival time (depends on flowrate and tubing volume, so you should measure this for your setup)
baseline_duration = 10s #Interval between recording start time and stimulus time (positive if recording starts before stimulus presentation)
stimulus_duration = 20s #Duration of recording for each trial (after stimulus presentation)

# The total recording time for each trial is the sum of the baseline and stimulus durations
@show total_recording_duration = baseline_duration + stimulus_duration

# We will also need to set the time between each trial, which should be enough to accommodate washing of the recording chamber and sample loop
inter_trial_duration = 30s #Duration of interval between trials

# The total number of recordings to be obtained. This should be the product of the number of stimuli and number of replicates for your experiment
n_stimuli = 2 #Number of stimuli to present
n_replicates = 3 #Number of replicates for each stimulus
@show n_trials = n_stimuli * n_replicates #Number of trials to record

############STACK GENERATION EXAMPLE#################
# unidirectional sweep waveforms
unidi_samps = gen_unidirectional_stack(pmin, pmax, z_spacing, stack_img_time, reset_time, exp_time, sample_rate, flash_frac; z_pad = z_pad)
append!(pos, "unidi_stack_pos", unidi_samps["positioner"])
append!(las1, "unidi_stack_las1", unidi_samps["laser"])
append!(cam1, "unidi_stack_cam1", unidi_samps["camera"]);
sweep_nframes = unidi_samps["nframes"]; #store this for later

# Repeat the unidirectional waveform enough times to achieve the desired recording duration
@show sweeps_per_stim = Int(ceil(total_recording_duration / (stack_img_time + reset_time)))
replicate!(pos, (sweeps_per_stim-1))
replicate!(las1, (sweeps_per_stim-1))
replicate!(cam1, (sweeps_per_stim-1))

# inter-stimulus rest waveforms
wait_nsamps = inter_trial_duration * sample_rate
wait_samps = Dict(
"positioner" => fill(eltype(unidi_samps["positioner"])(pmin), wait_nsamps),
"laser" => fill(false, wait_nsamps),
"camera" => fill(false, wait_nsamps)
append!(pos, "wait_stack_pos", wait_samps["positioner"])
append!(las1, "wait_stack_las1", wait_samps["laser"])
append!(cam1, "wait_stack_cam1", wait_samps["camera"]);

# We now have, for the positioner, camera, and laser traces, a waveform for recording a single trial

# Injection trigger signal (true = on, false = off). The autosampler triggers an injection upon the switch to an "on" signal
stim_on_nsamps = Int(ceil(stimulus_duration * sample_rate)) #Number of samples for the "on" signal
stim_on_samps = fill(true, stim_on_nsamps)
stim_off_nsamps = Int(ceil((total_recording_duration + inter_trial_duration - stimulus_duration) * sample_rate))
stim_off_samps = fill(false, stim_off_nsamps)

stim1 = getstimuli(ocpi2)[1]
append!(stim1, "stim1", [stim_on_samps; stim_off_samps])

# We now have, for the stimulus trace, a waveform for triggering injection for a single trial

############STIMULUS TIMING EXAMPLE#################
# Repeat each trace for the desired number of trials
replicate!(pos, n_trials-1) # Remember, we already have one trial's worth of data in the trace
replicate!(las1, n_trials-1)
replicate!(cam1, n_trials-1)
replicate!(stim1, n_trials-1)

# Currently, the start of a recording and the injection trigger occur at the same time.
# We need to trigger the injection at the appropriate time to account for the desired baseline duration
# and the time it takes for the stimulus to arrive at the recording chamber for each trial
@show stim_delay = baseline_duration - stimulus_lead_time

# Pad beginning and end of experiment to account for interval between recording start and injection trigger
pad_nsamps = Int(abs(stim_delay) * sample_rate)
pad_samps = Dict(
"positioner" => fill(eltype(unidi_samps["positioner"])(pmin), pad_nsamps),
"laser" => fill(false, pad_nsamps),
"camera" => fill(false, pad_nsamps),
"stimulus" => fill(false, pad_nsamps)

# We handle padding the traces depending on whether the stimulus signal needs to occur before or after recording starts for a trial
if stim_delay > 0s
append!(pos, "pad_stack_pos", pad_samps["positioner"])
append!(las1, "pad_stack_las1", pad_samps["laser"])
append!(cam1, "pad_stack_cam1", pad_samps["camera"]);
prepend!(stim1, "pad_stack_stim1", pad_samps["stimulus"]) #The injection trigger happens after the start of recording
elseif stim_delay < 0s
prepend!(pos, "pad_stack_pos", pad_samps["positioner"])
prepend!(las1, "pad_stack_las1", pad_samps["laser"])
prepend!(cam1, "pad_stack_cam1", pad_samps["camera"])
append!(stim1, "pad_stack_stim1", pad_samps["stimulus"]) #The injection trigger happens before the start of recording

# visualize
# using ImaginePlots, Plots; gr()
# ImaginePlots.plot([pos; las1; cam1; stim1])

# save output
fname = "stimulus_control_example.json"
nstacks = sweeps_per_stim * n_trials
nframes_per_stack = Int(sweep_nframes)
write_commands(fname, ocpi2, nstacks, nframes_per_stack, exp_time; isbidi = false)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ImagineInterface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ImagineHardware:samprate
using AxisArrays
const axes = Base.axes

import Base: convert, show, length, size, isempty, ==, append!, pop!, empty!, replace!#, scale
import Base: convert, show, length, size, isempty, ==, append!, prepend!, pop!, empty!, replace!#, scale

using Unitful: μm, s, Hz, V

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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/imaginesignal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -372,6 +372,49 @@ function append!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, seqname::AbstractString, sequence::T) wh
return com

function prepend!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, seqname::AbstractString) where T<:RLEVector
seqdict = sequence_lookup(com)
if !haskey(seqdict, seqname)
error("The requested sequence name was not found. You most first add the sequence with add_sequence!(com, seqname, sequence), or instead you can add it and append it at the same time with append!(com, seqname, sequence)")
#TODO: run safety checks here
#find the length of this sequence and prepend to cumlength vector
seqi = findfirst(x->x==seqname, sequence_names(com))
pushfirst!(sequence_names(com), seqname)
newseq = sequence_lookup(com)[seqname]
pushfirst!(sequences(com), newseq)
lseq = 0
if seqi === nothing #we didn't use this sequence yet
lseq = sum(map(count, newseq))
elseif seqi == 1
lseq = cumlength(com)[1]
lseq = cumlength(com)[seqi] - cumlength(com)[seqi-1]
com.cumlength .+= lseq
pushfirst!(com.cumlength, lseq)
return com

prepend!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, seqlist::V) where {T<:RLEVector, V<:AbstractVector{String}} = foreach(x->prepend!(com,x), seqlist)

function prepend!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, seqname::AbstractString, sequence::AbstractVector{TS}) where {T<:RLEVector,TS}
cseq = compress(sequence, mapper(com))
return prepend!(com, seqname, cseq)

function prepend!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, seqname::AbstractString, sequence::T) where T<:RLEVector
#TODO: run safety checks here
@assert full_length(sequence) >= 1
add_sequence!(com, seqname, sequence)
pushfirst!(sequences(com), sequence)
pushfirst!(sequence_names(com), seqname)
com.cumlength .+= full_length(sequence)
pushfirst!(com.cumlength, full_length(sequence))
return com

#Repeat the entire sequence currently described by com nreps times
#(Equivalent to calling append!(com, seqname) nreps times when seqname is the only sequence in com)
function replicate!(com::ImagineSignal{T}, nreps::Int) where T<:RLEVector
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/low_level.jl
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Expand Up @@ -293,6 +293,20 @@ append!(pos, "ramp_up2") #append existing, not the first sequence
@test length(pos) == lpos + 10
@test all(get_samples(pos, "ramp_up2") .== get_samples(pos)[lpos+6:end])

empty!(pos; clear_library=true)
newdat = Unitful.μm * [0.0:0.8:800.0...]
append!(pos, "ramp_up", newdat)
stationarydat = Unitful.μm * zeros(50)
prepend!(pos, "stationary", stationarydat)
@test get_samples(pos,1,length(stationarydat)) == stationarydat
prepend!(pos, "stationary")
@test get_samples(pos,1,2*length(stationarydat)) == [stationarydat..., stationarydat...]
dat = get_samples(pos,2*length(stationarydat)+1,length(pos))
@test dat[1] == mapper(pos).worldmin
@test dat[end] == mapper(pos).worldmax
all([dat[i] > dat[i-1] for i in 2:length(dat)])

#Test metadata retrieval functions
cs2 = chip_size("ocpi-2")
cs1 = chip_size("ocpi-1")
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