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Release Details

Elliotte Rusty Harold edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 4 revisions

Steps Covered by release/

  1. Assuming the build completes successfully, follow the link to the GCS bucket where kokoro stored the signed artifacts. The URL will look something like though the numbers will change.

  2. Use gsutil to copy that bucket to a directory named signed on your local workstation (be sure to replace the URI in the example below):

    mkdir signed
    cd signed
    gsutil -m cp -R gs://signedjars/staging/prod/google-cloud-eclipse/ubuntu/release/63/20161117-071805/gfile/signed/* .
  3. Verify the OAuth client ID, OAuth client secret, and Analytics tracking ID are burned into the jar you downloaded:

    javap -private -classpath plugins/*.jar -constants
    javap -classpath plugins/*.jar -constants
  4. Run Eclipse p2 Features and Bundles Publisher from the command line to generate a new artifacts.jar and a new content.jar. E.g.

    "/Applications/Eclipse" -nosplash -consolelog \
    -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher \
    -metadataRepositoryName 'Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse' \
    -metadataRepository file:/Users/elharo/finished/repository \
    -artifactRepositoryName 'Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse' \
    -artifactRepository file:/Users/elharo/finished/repository \
    -source /Users/elharo/signed \
    -publishArtifacts \

    Note: /Users/elharo/finished/repository is not gcp-repo/target/repository or eclipse/ide-target-platform/target/repository you built. The Publisher will create a new repository in this directory.

    Note: you must use full paths for -metadataRepository, -artifactRepository, and -source. -metadataRepository and -artifactRepository take a file URL, while -source uses only a path.

  5. Copy metadata.product and metadata.p2.inf into your home directory, but make sure metadata.p2.inf is renamed to p2.inf:

    gsutil cp gs://gcloud-for-eclipse-testing/metadata.product ..
    gsutil cp gs://gcloud-for-eclipse-testing/metadata.p2.inf ../p2.inf
  6. Run the Eclipse p2 Product Publisher to add our custom p2 metadata to the repository.

    "/Applications/Eclipse" \
    -nosplash -console -consolelog \
    -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.ProductPublisher \
    -metadataRepository file:/Users/elharo/finished/repository \
    -productFile file:/Users/elharo/metadata.product \
    -flavor tooling \
    -append \
  7. Upload your newly-created artifacts.jar and content.jar, with the features and plugins directories from your local /Users/elharo/finished/repository directory (or whatever argument you gave for -artifactRepository) into a versioned directory (e.g. 1.0-beta-6) in the gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse bucket.

    gsutil cp artifacts.jar content.jar gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse/*version*/
    gsutil -m cp -R features plugins gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse/*version*/
  8. Upload index.html from the signed directory into the same gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse bucket.

    gsutil cp index.html gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse/*version*/
  9. Give the world read permissions to these files:

    gsutil -m acl ch -r -u AllUsers:R gs://cloud-tools-for-eclipse/*version*