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Stabilizations Profiles

FormerLurker edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 6 revisions

Here you can control the position of the bed and extruder before each snapshot. For the fast/high quality prints, keep the snapshot position as close to your part as possible. However, it is pretty neat to move the extruder out of the way entirely!

click to see the tab The stabilization profiles tab

You can get to the stabilization profiles by opening the Octolapse settings and clicking on the 'Stabilization' tab.

click to see the profile The main settings tab

X and Y Axis Stabilization

Each axis can be controlled individually, or stabilization can be disabled entirely.

Stabilization Type

There are currently five options:

  • Disabled - The snapshot will be taken wherever the axis happens to be when the snapshot is triggered.
  • Fixed Coordinate - The snapshot will be taken exactly at the absolute coordinate provided.
  • List of Fixed Coordinates - The snapshot will be taken at each position provided in order. See Stabilization Paths for details.
  • Relative Coordinate - The snapshot will be taken at at a position relative to bed size. These coordinates depend on the print volume. See Printer Profile Settings for more details.
  • List of Relative Coordinates - The snapshot will be taken at each relative coordinate in order. Each coordinate is separated by a comma. See Stabilization Paths for details.

Fixed vs Relative Coordinates

Fixed coordinates are just like any absolute printer coordinates. If your print bed is 200mmx200mm, coordinate 100,100 would represent the center of the bed. Please note that some printers allow negative axes. For example, the Prusa Mk2 can print on the Y axis from -3 to 210, though this space is typically reserved for priming. It's important to include this space within the print volume, else Octolapse may report out-of-bounds errors.

When using relative coordinates, the center of the bed is at 50,50. Position 0,0 is at one corner and position 100,100 would be the corner opposite from 0,0 diagonally.

Stabilization Paths

If you select 'List of Fixed Coordinates' or 'List of Relative Coordinates' as your stabilization type, there are some additional options


If Loop is not enabled, the final coordinate will repeat for each subsequent snapshot.

Take the following X Stabilization Path: 50, 51, 52

If six snapshots are taken, they will be taken at the following coordinates: 50, 51, 52, 52, 52

When Loop is enabled, it will start over at the beginning of the list. Using the x stabilization path from above, here are the 6 coordinates that would be generated when Loop is enabled 50,51,52,50,51,52

Invert Loop

When Loop is enabled you will have the option to invert the loop. When the loop is inverted, instead of starting over again at the beginning of the loop when the end is reached, the path reverses direction. Note that the beginning and end coordinates are NOT repeated.

Take the following X Stabilization Path: 49, 50, 51

Here are the snapshot coordinates for 6 snapshots with Invert Loop disabled: 49, 50, 51, 49, 50, 51

Here are the coordinates with Invert Loop enabled: 49, 50, 51, 50, 49, 50

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