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FormerLurker edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 34 revisions

Octolapse is now listed in the plugin repository as long as you are running OctoPrint v1.3.7 rc1 or higher! There are older versions of Octolapse that sort of work with older versions of OctoPrint, but you really want the newest version. There were several unsolvable issues that have been fixed due to a new feature that was first included in v1.3.7 rc1. A big thanks to Gina Häußge, who is an excellent programmer and a great person, for adding the key features that made a stable version Octolapse (eventually) possible.

As of 3/28/2018, OctoPrint v1.3.7 stable is not released. If you want to run the latest version of Octolapse, you'll need to upgrade to the latest Maintenance RC (release candidate) of Octoprint, which you can do directly within Octoprint! Be sure to test drive the new OctoPrint release candidate before installing Octolapse to make sure things are working properly.

Steps prior to installation

  1. Update OctoPrint to the latest version. Octolapse requires OctoPrint 1.3.7 or higher. You can check your version number by looking in the lower left hand corner of the OctoPrint home page. [As of 3/28/2018, you must update to the latest maintenance release candidate.
  2. Make sure FFMpeg is installed. It can be found here. If you can currently generate timelapses with Octoprint, it is likely already installed.
  3. Make sure your FFMpeg path is correct in the Octoprint 'Timelapse Recordings' settings. Again, if the built-in timelapse plugin is working, FFMpeg is likely correctly configured.
  4. Make sure your webcam is correctly configured within Octoprint. Octolapse will try to discover your webcam settings when it is first installed, which will make setup easier.
  5. It's a good idea to look at the known issues before installing Octolapse, especially the Prusa MK2/MK2S/MK3 firmware issue since it affects the only printers I've tested. It just might save you some trouble even if you aren't using Octolapse!

Install via the plugin manager

  1. Open and sign into Octoprint.
  2. Click the settings icon at the top of the page.
  3. Select the 'Plugin Manager' link on the left side of the settings popup.
  4. Click on the 'Get More...' button towards the bottom of the Plugin Manager page.
  5. Type 'octolapse' (without the 's) into the search box and click 'Intall' when the Octolapse plugin appears.
  6. After installation is complete, follow the prompts to restart Octoprint.
  7. After OctoPrint reloads clear your browser's cache (instructions vary by browser, but typically pressing ctrl+f5 will work).
  8. If you were using a version of Octolapse prior to v0.2.2 you MUST restore the default settings, otherwise you may encounter strange issues. You can learn how to restore the default settings here. You can find the Octolapse version number from within the Octolapse settings in the About tab.

If you want to install a specific branch, see 'Manually installing a specific branch' below

Steps after installation

  1. Make sure to select or add the appropriate printer profile. Only the listed printers have been tested. Check your slicer settings and your printer's documentation for the appropriate values for your printer. Note that non-cartesian printers are NOT yet supported, and printers with center origins or inverted axes have NOT been tested. Use extreme caution when attempting to add an unsupported printer.
  2. Make sure your webcam is working by editing the default camera profile and clicking the 'Test Camera Snapshot' button.
  3. Unload any filament from your printer, and run a short print in 'Test Mode' to make sure things are working. See Test Mode in the wiki for instructions.

Manually Install a specific branch via the Plugin Manager

  1. Open and sign into Octoprint.
  2. Click the settings icon at the top of the page.
  3. Select the 'Plugin Manager' link on the left side of the settings popup.
  4. Click on the 'Get More...' button towards the bottom of the Plugin Manager page.
  5. Copy and paste the following url into the '... from URL' box:
  6. Replace BRANCHNAME in the URL with the EXACT NAME of the desired branch name and click 'Install'.
  7. After installation is complete, follow the prompts to restart Octoprint.
  8. After OctoPrint reloads clear your browser's cache (instructions vary by browser, but typically pressing ctrl+f5 will work).
  9. If you were using a version of Octolapse prior to 2.1 you MUST restore the default settings, otherwise you may encounter strange issues. You can learn how to restore the default settings here.

Notes about branches as of 2018-03-14:

master - - Currently contains Octolapse V0.2.2, which is the most recent version. This branch is compatible with OctoPrint 1.3.7 and above.

BetaDevelopment - - This repo has a version of Octolapse that will work with OctoPrint versions below 1.3.7 (not sure how much below). This version requires that the print be paused to take snapshots. Not recommended for installation at this time due to several known issues, most of which have been resolved in the NoPause branch. This branch may go away.

NoPause - - As of 2018-03-22 NoPause and Master contain the same code, except for some image references to the NoPause branch. This branch may go away. This branch started when new features were added to OctoPrint 1.3.7 that allowed me to implement a snapshot routine that does not need to pause the printer. This greatly simplified the code, eliminated some intractable race conditions, reduced snapshot time, and improved quality. Thank you so much for implementing the new job lock and gcode tags Gina!

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