- 06f9154 update changelog
- efb5256 Add next and break (#90)
- d6c32a4 Remove support for curly braces in foreach, while, if and function (#89)
- 6461ba9 Return bytesWritten instead of True on successfull file.write() (#88)
- 6adb5f9 add changelog
- 653fcc9 add basic http response (#84)
- 26a7615 Apt repo (#87)
- 45b41ce Update README.md
- 5342d41 update changelog
- a1ad606 add .to_json() (#82)
- e84f176 Create codeql-analysis.yml
- b2cb522 Update issue templates
- 3b3d28e update changelog
- 2beba4a add networking (#81)
- a2467ab add tests (#78)
- 0900363 Fix indexable object types (#80)
- 320f0e7 Implement while loop (#75)
- 49ca9e2 add ast tests (#77)
- 0c575c3 Create CODEOWNERS
- 4140e28 add missing quotation mark in string documentation (#76)
- 9cc5567 add ternary (#73)
- 1cf65ea float: adds to integer object function (#72)
- a0d4a70 Merge pull request #70 from Flipez/add-modulo
- acff0ee fix typo
- c2c94ee add test for zero modulo
- adc91a1 add modulo
- 316761f object/integer: satisfy iterable interface (#66)
- 8793156 add codacy badge
- 6662628 Improve Infix operator (#65)