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Main features

Jhelison Uchoa edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

Main features

Epic Cash possesses the key qualities to be an ideal currency:

  1. Fungibility

The value of a given unit of Epic must always be equal to another unit of Epic, just as one Yen or Yuan is always equal to and replaceable with another Yen or Yuan. The achievement of fungibility in large part hinges on privacy.

  1. Scalability

Epic Cash maintains a space-efficient blockchain, upon which new nodes can be easily established without resource-intensive equipment. The epic Cash blockchain is capable of at least twice the throughput of Bitcoin.

  1. Privacy

The Epic Cash blockchain safeguards the anonymity of Epic holders and users by protecting the details of transactions from third parties and is designed to be both untraceable and invisible to surveillance.

Privacy of Transaction

The Epic Cash blockchain protects the privacy of individuals and their transactions by:

  • Eliminating wallet addresses – There are no location identifiers to digital vaults within the blockchain. Transactions are constructed directly person-to-person on a wallet-to-wallet basis;

  • Confidential Transactions – divide transactions into multiple pieces and introduce blinding factors into the collection of those pieces, so that the values of the pieces and other transaction parameters cannot be known;

  • CoinJoin – combines transactions into bundles to mask the relationships between transacting parties.

  • Dandelion++ Protocol – obscures the digital pathways of a transaction from the transaction sender’s IP address.



Fungibility is the property of a set of goods or assets that ensures the individual units of that set are of equal value and are interchangeable. It is what differentiates the earliest forms of currency from their preceding systems of barter. Without confidence in the fungibility of money, that money rapidly loses its utility.

Epic is one of the few cryptocurrencies that avoids this problem entirely due to the strong privacy features. By removing the link between identity and ownership, and the relationship between transacting parties, Epic can never be affiliated to a person or an activity. As such, the value of Epic remains independent of its users and provides high degrees of privacy and security that cannot be easily manipulated by malicious actors in criminal, financial, or political arenas.


Epic Cash is a MimbleWimble blockchain implementation that yields advances in scalability as a result of space efficient design that sheds redundant transaction data. The Cut-Through functionality responsible for this assures that the blockchain grows more space efficient over time unlike most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, and that new nodes can be created with minimal investments in memory and computing power. By remaining space efficient, it capacitates a widely dispersed network and fosters decentralization. Furthermore, while each Bitcoin node must store the entire chain, Epic Cash nodes are able to contribute to network security based on a small subset of blocks.