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Floonet configuration

Jhelison Uchoa edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 5 revisions

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Epic Server - Floonet Configuration


This document aims to show you how to become a contributor in the testing area and help Epic to be an increasingly great cryptocurrency.


Before starting the settings, we first need to have installed the most current version of Epic's code on GitHub.

To do this, follow what is described in Running the server.

Once you have all Node, Wallet, and Miner services up and running, just follow this document to configure your environment to connect to the test environment.

How to Access the Testnet

After downloading the latest version of the Epic Server, Wallet, and Miner. You need to follow the steps:

Reset the Server Configuration

If the testnet is restarted or there's a new version of the epic server, you will need to remove the directory called /chain/data. This directory is where the epic cash blockchain stores its data.

Therefore, if the testnet is restarted, all this data needs to be removed in order to run and store the newest version of the blockchain. The following steps explain how to erase this data using the terminal:

  1. Open a new terminal window in the directory where you saved the epic server data. If you used the default configuration, this folder should be under ~/.epic/floo in you home directory.

  2. Then execute the following command:

    rm -rf chain_data/

After that check, if you have the following settings for your node to connect to the other floonet servers:


Download all binaries from the requirements list above and extract them in a convenient location (e.g C:\Program Files\Epic).

  1. Go to the directory to store the configuration files:

Using PowerShell:

cd $HOME\.epic\floo

Using CMD:

cd $USERPROFILE%\.epic\floo
  1. Open the epic-server.toml file and change the value of seeding_type from DNSSeed to List:
#how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed
seeding_type = "List"
  1. And add the following peers to the seeds list:
#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can
#be specified as follows:
seeds = [""]

Save the epic-server.toml file.

  1. Start the server and wait until it is fully synchronized with the other peers:
epic.exe --floonet


These are the steps to reset your floonet:

  1. Go to the directory to store the configuration files:
cd ~/.epic/floo
  1. Open the epic-server.toml file and change the value of seeding_type from DNSSeed to List:
#how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed
seeding_type = "List"
  1. And add the following peers to the seeds list:
#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can
#be specified as follows:
seeds = [""]

Save the epic-server.toml file.

  1. Start the server and wait until it is fully synchronized with the other peers:
epic --floonet

First Run of Epic Server


Download all binaries from the requirements list above and extract them in a convenient location (e.g C:\Program Files\Epic).

  1. Create the directory to store the configuration files:

Using PowerShell:

md -f $HOME\.epic\floo

cd $HOME\.epic\floo

Using CMD:

md $USERPROFILE%\.epic\floo

cd $USERPROFILE%\.epic\floo
  1. Create the server configuration files:
epic.exe --floonet server config
  1. Open the epic-server.toml file and change the value of seeding_type from DNSSeed to List:
#how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed
seeding_type = "List"
  1. And add the following peers to the seeds list:
#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can
#be specified as follows:
seeds = [""]

Save the epic-server.toml file.

  1. Create the flag file:

Using PowerShell:

New-Item 2-15-rollback-flag

Using cmd:

type nul > 2-15-rollback-flag
  1. Start the server and wait until it is fully synchronized with the other peers:
epic.exe --floonet


These are the steps to access the testnet:

  1. Create the directory to store the configuration files:
mkdir -p ~/.epic/floo && cd ~/.epic/floo
  1. Create the server configuration file:
epic --floonet server config
  1. Open the epic-server.toml file and change the value of seeding_type from DNSSeed to List:
#how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed
seeding_type = "List"
  1. And add the following peers to the seeds list:
#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can
#be specified as follows:
seeds = [""]

Save the epic-server.toml file.

  1. Create the flag file:
touch 2-15-rollback-flag
  1. Start the server and wait until it is fully synchronized with the other peers:
epic --floonet

How to Start Mining on Testnet


  1. Still on the same .epic/floo directory, initiate the wallet:
epic-wallet.exe --floonet init -h

You'll be prompted to enter the password for the wallet.

  1. Create a default account:
epic-wallet.exe --floonet account
  1. Double check the initial balance:
epic-wallet.exe --floonet info
  1. Start listening for connections on the epic-wallet:
epic-wallet.exe --floonet listen
  1. Configure your miner to work with the floonet server by changing the port of the stratum server on the epic-miner.toml file. This file is located in the folder where you extracted the epic-miner files.
# listening epic stratum server url
stratum_server_addr = ""
  1. Open a new terminal, then go to the folder where you extracted the epic-miner and execute it:




  1. Still on the same .epic/floo directory, initiate the wallet:
epic-wallet --floonet init -h

You'll be prompted to enter the password for the wallet.

  1. Create a default account:
epic-wallet --floonet account
  1. Double check the initial balance:
epic-wallet --floonet info
  1. Start listening for connections on the epic-wallet:
epic-wallet --floonet listen
  1. Configure your miner to work with the floonet server by changing the port of the stratum server on the /opt/epic-miner/epic-miner.toml file:
# listening epic stratum server url
stratum_server_addr = ""

The example above is related to the CPU-only miner.

  1. Start the miner: