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Manual Install

Tiffany edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 5 revisions

Setting up environment variables

Set the following additional environment variables:

export NODE_ENV=development
export WEB_PORT=8080
export API_URL=http://localhost:8081
export PORT=8081
export DEV_DB_HOST=localhost
export DEV_DB_USER=eapd
export DEV_DB_PASSWORD=cms
export MONGO_ADMIN_URL="mongodb://admin-user:admin-password@localhost:27017/admin"
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://mongo:cms@localhost:27017/eapd?authSource=admin"
export MONGO_DATABASE=eapd

Downloading the dependencies

From your command line, switch to the root directory of the code and then run these commands:

yarn install
yarn build

This will download and install the dependencies for the web application and the API server. They're not started yet, though.

Setting up PostgreSQL

Next, you need to make sure PostgreSQL is installed and running (or that you have an available connection to a PostgreSQL database somewhere else).

WSL users may find additional guidance on installing databases at the Microsoft WSL Support Site.

Installing Postgres on Unix/WSL:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Next, configure your PostgreSQL instance to support the app. You will need to create a new database called hitech_apd, create an eAPD user, and assign it full permissions to the new database. You can do that from the psql shell.

Note: It is not strictly necessary to create a new PostgreSQL user. You can use an existing user account if one is available. This is configured in the environment variables below.

Potential Gotcha:

# make sure the postgresql is running
sudo service postgresql start

# give your user permission for psql
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
# opens the PostgreSQL shell

# From inside the psql shell:

Setting up MongoDB

Next, you need to make sure MongoDB is installed and running (or that you have an available connection to a MongoDB database somewhere else). Note: If you are running MongoDB locally, you will need to open a separate command-line window.

You will need to set some environment variables that will be used by a script and then run the script to create the databases for you.

# opens the MongoDB shell

# From inside the MongoDB shell:
## Switch to admin database
use admin

## Run this script from the shell to create "admin-user" user
    user: "admin-user",
    pwd: "admin-password",
    roles: [

## Run this script from the shell to create "mongo" user
    user: "mongo",
    pwd: "cms",
    roles: [{ role: 'dbOwner', db: "eapd" }]

## Switch to eapd database
use eapd;

## Create Database Collections

Generating the databases and seeding the data

One you have PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Okta setup, and your environment variables set, you can setup the database by running:

cd api
yarn run migrate
yarn run seed

This will create database tables and put in some data the app needs to run, like the list of states and territories and a user account you can use to log into the app.

Starting the servers

Now you're ready to run the app. You will need two command line windows, because both the API server and the web application will run until you stop them, so you can't run both in the same window (unless you want to put one in the background, but that's beyond the scope of this README).

From one command line window, switch to the directory where you put the code, then run:

cd api
yarn run start-dev

That starts up the API server. It should be running at http://localhost:8081.

From another command-line window, switch to the directory where you put the code and run:

cd web
yarn run start

That starts up a special server that will build and serve the web application.

Using the application

You should now be able to open the app at http://localhost:8080. You can login with any of the accounts that you made above. The account has the role of state admin. The rest have roles that match their usernames. This is handled in the seed and does not need to be set in Okta.

You can also play with setting any of the others you want, but be aware that setting some of them incorrectly can cause the app to fail.

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