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Initialize the physics grid directly from dyn_grid_init #89

merged 8 commits into from
Jan 21, 2021
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions src/control/cam_comp.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &

! use history_defaults, only: bldfld
use cam_initfiles, only: cam_initfiles_open
use dyn_grid, only: dyn_grid_init
use physics_grid, only: phys_grid_init
use dyn_grid, only: model_grid_init
use phys_comp, only: phys_init
use dyn_comp, only: dyn_init
! use cam_restart, only: cam_read_restart
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,11 +148,8 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
! Open initial or restart file, and topo file if specified.
call cam_initfiles_open()

! Initialize grids and dynamics grid decomposition
call dyn_grid_init()

! Initialize physics grid decomposition
call phys_grid_init()
! Initialize model grids and decompositions
call model_grid_init()

! Initialize ghg surface values before default initial distributions
! are set in dyn_init
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246 changes: 150 additions & 96 deletions src/dynamics/none/dyn_grid.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ module dyn_grid
use cam_logfile, only: iulog, debug_output
use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
use physics_column_type, only: physics_column_t
use string_utils, only: to_str

implicit none

public dyn_grid_init
public get_dyn_grid_info
public physgrid_copy_attributes_d
public model_grid_init

type(physics_column_t), public, protected, allocatable :: local_columns(:)
! Private module variables

type(physics_column_t), allocatable :: dyn_columns(:)

integer :: num_levels = -1
integer :: num_global_columns = -1
integer :: num_lats = -1 ! Global
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,50 +53,57 @@ module dyn_grid

subroutine dyn_grid_init()
use pio, only: file_desc_t, var_desc_t, io_desc_t
use pio, only: iMap=>PIO_OFFSET_KIND, PIO_DOUBLE
use pio, only: PIO_BCAST_ERROR, pio_seterrorhandling
use pio, only: pio_get_var, pio_freedecomp
use pio, only: pio_read_darray
use spmd_utils, only: npes, iam, masterprocid, mpicom
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_handle_error, cam_pio_find_var
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_var_info, pio_subsystem
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_newdecomp
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use cam_logfile, only: cam_log_multiwrite
use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id
subroutine model_grid_init()
use shr_kind_mod, only: SHR_KIND_CL
use pio, only: file_desc_t, var_desc_t, io_desc_t
use pio, only: iMap=>PIO_OFFSET_KIND, PIO_DOUBLE
use pio, only: PIO_BCAST_ERROR, pio_seterrorhandling
use pio, only: pio_get_var, pio_freedecomp
use pio, only: pio_read_darray
use spmd_utils, only: npes, iam
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_handle_error, cam_pio_find_var
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_var_info, pio_subsystem
use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_newdecomp
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use cam_logfile, only: cam_log_multiwrite
use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id
use physics_grid, only: phys_grid_init
use cam_grid_support, only: hclen => max_hcoordname_len

! Initialize a dynamics decomposition based on an input data file
! Initializes a dynamics decomposition based on an input data file,
! and then initializes the physics decomposition based on the dynamics
! grid.

! Local variables
type(file_desc_t), pointer :: fh_ini
type(var_desc_t) :: lat_vardesc
type(var_desc_t) :: lon_vardesc
type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc
type(io_desc_t), pointer :: iodesc
integer :: err_handling
logical :: var_found
logical :: is_degrees
logical :: is_lat
integer :: num_var_dims
integer :: time_id
integer :: lindex
integer :: dimids(MAX_DIMS)
integer :: dimlens(MAX_DIMS)
integer :: col_mod ! Temp for calculating decomp
integer :: col_start, col_end
integer :: start(1), kount(1)
integer :: iret
integer(iMap), allocatable :: ldof(:) ! For reading coordinates
real(r8), allocatable :: temp_arr(:)
character(len=128) :: var_name
character(len=256) :: dimnames(MAX_DIMS)
character(len=8) :: lat_dim_name
character(len=8) :: lon_dim_name
character(len=128) :: errormsg

character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_grid_init'
type(file_desc_t), pointer :: fh_ini
type(var_desc_t) :: lat_vardesc
type(var_desc_t) :: lon_vardesc
type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc
type(io_desc_t), pointer :: iodesc
integer :: err_handling
logical :: var_found
logical :: is_degrees
logical :: is_lat
integer :: num_var_dims
integer :: time_id
integer :: lindex
integer :: dimids(MAX_DIMS)
integer :: dimlens(MAX_DIMS)
integer :: col_mod ! Temp for calculating decomp
integer :: col_start, col_end
integer :: start(1), kount(1)
integer :: iret
integer(iMap), allocatable :: ldof(:) ! For reading coordinates
real(r8), allocatable :: temp_arr(:)
character(len=128) :: var_name
character(len=hclen), allocatable :: grid_attribute_names(:)
character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: dimnames(MAX_DIMS)
character(len=8) :: lat_dim_name
character(len=8) :: lon_dim_name
character(len=128) :: errormsg

character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'model_grid_init'


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,9 +265,21 @@ subroutine dyn_grid_init()
'(a,i4,i9,2i7)', (/ kount(1), start(1), start(1)+kount(1)-1/))
end if
if (is_degrees) then
allocate(local_lons_deg(num_lons), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_lons_deg(num_lons) failed with stat: '//&
end if
allocate(local_lats_deg(kount(1)), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_lats_deg(kount) failed with stat: '//&
end if
allocate(temp_arr(num_lats), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate temp_arr(num_lats) failed with stat: '//&
end if
iret = pio_get_var(fh_ini, lat_vardesc, (/ 1 /), (/ num_lats /), &
call cam_pio_handle_error(iret, &
Expand All @@ -280,14 +300,30 @@ subroutine dyn_grid_init()
! Do parallel read of lat and lon
if (is_degrees) then
allocate(local_lats_deg(num_local_columns), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_lats_deg(num_local_columns) '//&
'failed with stat: '//to_str(iret))
end if
allocate(local_lons_deg(num_local_columns), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_lons_deg(num_local_columns) '//&
'failed with stat: '//to_str(iret))
end if
allocate(ldof(num_local_columns), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate ldof(num_local_columns) '//&
'failed with stat: '//to_str(iret))
end if
ldof = 0_iMap
do lindex = 1, num_local_columns
ldof(lindex) = col_start + lindex - 1
end do
allocate(iodesc, stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate iodesc failed with stat: '//&
end if
call cam_pio_newdecomp(iodesc, (/ num_global_columns /), ldof, &
call pio_read_darray(fh_ini, lat_vardesc, iodesc, local_lats_deg, &
Expand All @@ -314,14 +350,22 @@ subroutine dyn_grid_init()
call endrun(errormsg)
end if
if ((num_lats > 1) .and. (dimlens(1) == num_lats)) then
allocate(local_areas(num_lats), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_areas(num_lats) failed with stat: '//&
end if
start(1) = 1
kount(1) = num_lats
iret = pio_get_var(fh_ini, vardesc, start, kount, local_areas)
call cam_pio_handle_error(iret, &
subname//': Unable to read '//trim(var_name))
else if (dimlens(1) == num_global_columns) then
allocate(local_areas(num_local_columns), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate local_areas(num_local_columns) '//&
'failed with stat: '//to_str(iret))
end if
call pio_read_darray(fh_ini, vardesc, iodesc, local_areas, iret)
call cam_pio_handle_error(iret, subname//': Unable to read areas')
Expand All @@ -341,42 +385,63 @@ subroutine dyn_grid_init()
! Back to old error handling
call pio_seterrorhandling(fh_ini, err_handling)

end subroutine dyn_grid_init
! Allocate dyn_columns structure if not already allocated:
if (.not.allocated(dyn_columns)) then
allocate(dyn_columns(num_local_columns), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate dyn_columns(num_local_columns) '//&
'failed with stat: '//to_str(iret))
end if
end if

! Set dyn_columns values:
call set_dyn_col_values()

! The null dycore has no grid attributes, so allocate to size zero.
allocate(grid_attribute_names(0), stat=iret)
if (iret /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate grid_attribute_names(0) failed with stat: '//&
end if

! Initialize physics grid decomposition:
call phys_grid_init(num_lons, num_lats, num_levels, 'NULL', &
1, num_levels, dyn_columns, gridname, &

! Deallocate grid_attirbute_names, as it is no longer needed:

! Deallocate dyn_columns, as it is now stored in the
! global phys_columns structure:

end subroutine model_grid_init


subroutine get_dyn_grid_info(hdim1_d, hdim2_d, num_lev, &
dycore_name, index_model_top_layer, index_surface_layer, dyn_columns)
subroutine set_dyn_col_values()

! Sets the values stored in the "dyn_columns" structure,
! which are the physics columns as they exist on the
! dynamics decomposition.

use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_PI
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use spmd_utils, only: iam
! Dummy arguments
integer, intent(out) :: hdim1_d ! # longitudes or grid size
integer, intent(out) :: hdim2_d ! # latitudes or 1
integer, intent(out) :: num_lev ! # levels
character(len=*), intent(out) :: dycore_name
integer, intent(out) :: index_model_top_layer
integer, intent(out) :: index_surface_layer
type(physics_column_t), pointer :: dyn_columns(:) ! Phys col in Dyn decomp
! Local variables

! Local variables:
integer :: lindex
integer :: gindex
integer :: lat_index, lat1
integer :: lon_index
integer :: ierr

real(r8), parameter :: radtodeg = 180.0_r8 / SHR_CONST_PI
real(r8), parameter :: degtorad = SHR_CONST_PI / 180.0_r8
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_dyn_grid_info'
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'set_dyn_col_values'

if (associated(dyn_columns)) then
call endrun(subname//': dyn_columns must be unassociated pointer')
end if
hdim1_d = num_lons
hdim2_d = num_lats
num_lev = num_levels
dycore_name = 'NULL'
index_model_top_layer = 1
index_surface_layer = num_levels
! Calculate dyn_columns variable values:
lat1 = global_col_offset / num_lons
do lindex = 1, num_local_columns
if (grid_is_latlon) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,28 +494,17 @@ subroutine get_dyn_grid_info(hdim1_d, hdim2_d, num_lev, &
dyn_columns(lindex)%global_dyn_block = iam + 1
! If there is more than one block lindex, they are in the same order
! as in the dynamics block structure
allocate(dyn_columns(lindex)%dyn_block_index(1), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun(subname//': allocate dyn_columns('//&
' failed with stat: '//to_str(ierr))
end if

dyn_columns(lindex)%dyn_block_index(1) = lindex
end do

end subroutine get_dyn_grid_info


subroutine physgrid_copy_attributes_d(gridname_out, grid_attribute_names)
! create list of attributes for the physics grid that should be copied
! from the corresponding grid object on the dynamics decomposition

use cam_grid_support, only: hclen => max_hcoordname_len

! Dummy arguments
character(len=hclen), intent(out) :: gridname_out
character(len=hclen), pointer, intent(out) :: grid_attribute_names(:)

gridname_out = gridname

end subroutine physgrid_copy_attributes_d
end subroutine set_dyn_col_values


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